But then why was Judgement so surprised when Avdol showed up? Judgement thought he was dead.
I guess it comes down to Dio using Joseph's vine stand power. And also, being a really bad leader.
But it just never made sense to me that he could predict where they would go, especially when they go on "secret" detours.
"After all, I am strangely colored."
Eh, so they took the one moment of the season with any emotional impact and turned it into a gag? Also wasn't Polnaref freaking bleeding to death right before Avdol showed back up and then suddenly wasn't? Did the power of his man-love heal him? The one saving grace is that Judgement was a legitimately cool enemy, and them screwing with the stand user at the end was hilarious. Why the hell would they get on a submarine though? At what point in this trip has getting into an enclosed, inescapable vehicle been anything but a disastrous, life threatening situation? At least in a plane they could bring a parachute, what the hell do they thing they're gonna do in a submarine? I feel like they are actively trying to die at all times, it's like watching a group of toddlers.
Is it my imagination, or did episode 24's intro have a ton of sound effects in it that weren't in the previous episodes' intro?
Also, apparently the series is going on break until January. Which is kinda wtf for a series based on a 20 year old source material.
Anyway, hope the 2nd half is better than the first, which was rather mediocre overall.
Last edited by DarthEnderX; Sat, 09-13-2014 at 02:51 AM.
It's funny, because in that scene in the intro where the 5 shooting stars are shooting over the horizon, they added that scream for when the 6th star comes in from the side. I'd never noticed that star before, but the scream drew my attention to it. And I checked the older intro and it'd always been there.
Makes me think there's going to be a 6th member added in the 2nd half of this arc.
Jojo - Episode 25
It's back! I rather enjoyed this given how the last series left me solely disappointed. At least these guys shouldn't be "proper" stand users so defeating them easily is more believable.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
...that's a dog.
So, why would the number of possible Stand users be limited by the number of different cards in the Tarot deck? I thought naming them after Tarot cards was just a thing they did. What evidence was there that they were actually somehow connected?
There is none. It's an assumption.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
It amuses me that they go to such lengths to change the character names to avoid an Oingo Boingo copywrite, but they can't do anything about the name being printed right on the front of the book. :P
Anyway, I think I enjoyed these two episodes more than anything else in the previous season. I hope all of the other Egyptian God stands are as cool.
Just what happened to this anime? Ever since the return from the break, it´s complete shit. I had my complaints about the first half of the Stardust arc, but this latest episode was simply awful. Had to force myself not to fast forward. :/
Jonathan´s and Joseph´s arcs were so much better, so much more exciting. I hate this saturday morning cartoon-atmosphere. sigh
Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 01-24-2015 at 08:07 AM. Reason: Added episode divider
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
I feel like this was probably a nicely placed, jokey breather episode in the manga. But here, right after coming back from a 6 month break, it doesn't feel like that.
But yeah, this episode was dumb. But I really liked the other two, so...
Surprised they made a special end credits sequence just for these two characters.
Yeah, Jojo long ago typecast itself as ridiculous (mecha Stroheim!?), so EPs like these fit right in to me. They've been getting nearly killed by single stand users for a while now, so its nice to have an accidental win to remind us that they don't have to be completely screwed.
Although it does just reinforce how stupid it is that the enemy Stand users keep attacking them one at a time.
Maybe this series just predates the anime trope of "all the good guys split off and each one gets their own badguy to have a 1-on-1 battle with" but these repeated 5-on-1 fights just makes the badguys seem really dumb.
And the one time two badguys actually worked together was the one time they almost actually killed one of the good guys.
The splitting up into one vs one scenario is similarly retarded though. There is usually little to no reason to do it because the good guys can just gang up on each enemy and finish them off much faster.
The funny thing is, everyone catches up at the end anyway.
But if you do that... you won't sell enough anime!
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~