It seems I have been (incorrect). I stand corrected.Originally Posted by Wiki
It seems I have been (incorrect). I stand corrected.Originally Posted by Wiki
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
episode 42 i out
why did the subbers call him Cool Ice, when they´re clearly calling him Vanilla Ice?
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
That was highly entertaining.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Iggy's nose didn't detect it either though. That was a big one.
And even a Stand's energy was supposed to be detectable. I think it's safe to say this Void Stand is a pretty big deal when first encountered.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Anyone else find it amusing when villains begin to refer to the flurry of Platinum star punches by actually calling it "ora ora thing"? I think the sword stand did that too.
Well, if one assumes the old Calling Your Attacks trope to be in effect, since that's the only thing he says when he does it, they don't really know what else to call it.
ep 43 is out
If neither of the heroes is coming back to life by bullshit ass-pulls, these last couple episodes will have´been really great. Reminds me of the first two seaons of the anime, when it was starring Jonathan and Joseph. Finally, we´re getting real fights where heroes aren´t save just cause they´re heroes.
Damn, Polnareff![]()
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
I'm confused.
I assumed Dio brought Ice back after cutting his own head off by making him a vampire. But he's apparently not, because sunlight doesn't seem to bother him.
So can Dio's blood just bring people back from the dead?
I also don't believe for a second that Avdol and Polnareff are dead. Ice says his dimension of darkness is like being disintegrated. But I'm sure it's just a portal. Otherwise, Ice himself wouldn't be able to sit in it's mouth.
I expect when Ice is defeated they'll just fall out of his pocket dimension.
I somewhat expect that as well, but in this series, you just don't know. Just because we've grown to like these characters more (more screentime) doesn't mean that they are invincible. In Joseph's story Ceasar got crushed as well and he was on the same 'hero' level as the people here.
That said, I do think the pieces he took from them still won't be connected to them anymore. So Polnareff won't be able to walk, Avdol's arms will still be cut off.
So while I don't think they're dead, I think Ice has taken 3 of the heroes out of the rest of this arc.
This entire episode I was expecting flames from Avdol to come bursting out of the hole and kill our Cool Ice.
No one needs real body parts. Whatever you had, Speedwagon Foundation will do better.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Well...that ran counter to my prediction.
Kinda doesn't make sense that it took so long for Ice to become a vampire. If he was undead enough to come back from cutting off his head, he should have been undead enough for the rest of it right from the start.
It's too bad Polnareff won't be able to enjoy having been saved for very long...
episode 6 is out
tbh that´s a really lame power. It´s so imba that the only reason for anybody not instantly being dead in front of Dio is his own volition to play with his opponents rather than finish them off as soon as possible.
Thinking for similar, but way better powers, I´m reminded of Hidan and Pain from Naruto, both featuring extremely deadly powers, but being limited in a way that allowed an opponent to defeat them with his own ability.
And fuck, spend 40 episodes of crappy, comedic fights where nobody dies, only to finish ém all off at once. :/
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court