Laughing at Archangel.
Get over yourself. Lots of people don't like you. And everything on the board was on topic until your dumb ass showed up.
"After all, I am strangely colored."
I didn't mean you in particular, just the narutard lot in general. Go back to your own subforum and leave the rest to the people who can string to sentences together without saying jutsu somewhere in between.
Anyway, for the episode itself:
Glorious as usual, i'm also glad to see David Productions stepping up their game in terms on animation though there were a couple of CGI moments that ruined the flow between the scenes.
He already is, or was, an able fighter. There's nothing wrong with him taking a supportive job since it's not his adventure anymore.Joseph has such a shitty power if all he can do is take photos. xD
I'll miss the ripple as well since people actually do the real fighting in that one, but I'll wait to see how this plays out.
The thing that annoyed me the most was actually how much Joseph was yelling. His exclamations were fun when he was younger and doing stupid things, but now it feels like he's a bit uptight. AKA old.
Dio being muscular's interesting. He looks tanked up and so should be really strong. At the same time though, he gives off the vibes of a muscular SSJ instead of the slimmer SSJ2.
The ripple is now from a bygone era, in more ways than one. The third arc is where Araki moves away from Fit of the North Star to be making his own thing, this is why it's the favorite to many people as the time Jojo truly began ( some assholes even refuse to read the first 2 parts ).
He IS old, it's the same Joseph but not the same character from the prequel.
Of course he's ripped, Jonathan is arguably the largest Jojo
[HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Stardust Crusaders - 02 - 480p | 720p | 1080p
------------------------------------------------------------------ Jojo just wearing a visor on his head, or does his hat have hair somehow?
It looks like a hat from the front, and like hair from the back, but from the side, it all looks like one piece.
while enjoying, im still not super comfortable with both the new jojo and the stand-concept. as this episode showed, the fighting consisted almost exclusively of using their stand.
best part: the rabid fangirls. hilarious.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
Asking the tough Jojo just wearing a visor on his head, or does his hat have hair somehow?
I get what they were trying to to with the opening theme, to give it that 80's theme giving Jotaro's look and the setting but it just doesn't feel as fresh as the other two. Still great of course but not quite up to par.Oh and it was pretty decent of them not to spoil Dio's stand in it.
Sad to see we're still getting censored material but given the brutality of some of the scenes i guess that's to be expected, in fact we should be grateful for the fact they didn't just skip or replace the gore.
Edit: You know what? I take it back, if you take both visual and audio this OP really holds up.
Last edited by Archangel; Sat, 04-12-2014 at 08:17 AM.
btw it was super bullshit that jojo let the possessed teacher kill that one student. wtf. why are you standing there watching it happen? shit hero.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
First of all Jotaro isn't your traditional hero, no quite an anti-hero either but somewhere in between. Secondly Stands and the supernatural in general are still new to him, obviously there will be some delay in his reaction time to weird "ghosty" shit. And third you're both idiots.
Jotaro has a "real" hat, you can see that in the picture his mum picks up. The artstyle just blurs both so that it looks weird and kind of cool. Talking about fangirls, his mum's the weirdest of them all.
As for ugly vs no boobs, I'll take no boobs any day*.
* subject to the two being mutually exclusive.
While the OP is good for not spoiling, it's a real bummer to see Joseph in such a tame archaeologist get-up. He looks so much less awesome. It gives him a weak Speedwagon feel when he should really be a Zeppeli.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
I'm not minding the stands so much. I like that the user takes damage if his stand gets "hurt". It's better than Gaara, as far as the plot goes. If Gaara's sand arm gets cut in half, Gaara just makes a new one. If Jojo's stand's arm gets cut in off, Jojo loses an arm. I can live with that. Especially since it means users can attack two targets (and so have to defend two targets).
How did what's-his-face's art attack work, though? Was that Heironymous Green? Or some other power?
"After all, I am strangely colored."
Yeah, that's a good question.
In one instance, he paints a picture of Jojo and attacks the picture to hurt him.
In another, his stand goes inside a person and he controls them with a puppet.
In fact, that first power seems WAY better than the second one. He should have just kept using it.
Stands must have multiple powers.
Last edited by DarthEnderX; Mon, 04-14-2014 at 02:27 AM.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
dat ending song lol
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
[HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Stardust Crusaders - 03 - 480p | 720p | 1080p
Yay! Brief Ripple cameo!
So...Dio has the same Stand that Joseph does? I suppose that could make sense if Dio's stand is generated by Jonathan's body. Dio, Joseph and Holly all 3 seem to have vine-related Stands, so maybe it's a genetic thing.
Though that wouldn't explain why Jojo's stand is different. Unless he gets his from his father, who we never met.
Soon as the beat started I was like, "Huh, this song has a same beat as Walk Like an Egyptian."
Then the lyrics started, and I couldn't believe I was hearing it...
Last edited by DarthEnderX; Fri, 04-18-2014 at 03:11 PM.
Hmm, well if they're going by Tarot card names, then Dio's could be:
Most likely: The Devil, Death (Death was the first to come to my mind, but it's hard to say.. especially now that he's in Jonathan's body)
Could also be: The Moon, The Emperor
If he is only inheriting Jonathan's latent Stand, then it opens up the possibility of: The Sun, Justice, Strength.
Holly's would be Temperance, if it ever got named.
Last edited by Buffalobiian; Fri, 04-18-2014 at 09:10 PM.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Yeah, but I think it's a little worse than that. Dio's stand is apparently stronger than Joseph's or Holly's, since he can make those brain bud things (presumably, those are plants). It's almost like a combination of what the Joestars can do.
Worse still, Joseph doesn't know what his stand can do, but Dio might know how to control those (unknown to Joseph) aspects of his stand, like how he can control the plant aspect into making buds.
Last edited by poopdeville; Fri, 04-18-2014 at 11:16 PM.
"After all, I am strangely colored."