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Thread: 「K」(K-Project)

  1. #21
    And finished watching the movie K: Missing Kings...

    Sad to see Daikaku die off, I'm guessing old age and maybe being away from the Dresden Slate played into it? He was the only real character that showed some testosterone in the series, so he'll be missed. But what saddens me more is that we didn't see much of him during the series as it was, so lamenting that more than anything.

    So the new Red King is Anna, pretty much as expected. I'm still curious how the new King is chosen, as I don't think they need to be touching the Dresden Slate to make it work, so coincidental that it occurred where it did. That said, it seemed like she had been in denial for quite some time, so it was simply about acceptance at that point.

    Right now we have two Kings at least that don't seem to combat ready (Shiro and Anna) besides whatever power they've been provided. At least Gold, former Red, Blue, and Green (maybe) seem like they're all capable fighters one way or another.

    With that in mind, I'm curious what role being in possession of the Dresden Slate plays and it's proximity/touch other than providing Kings around some sort of unknown perimeter.

    We'll see what the Green King's goal is and why he needs Shiro to do it (or kill him for that matter if that's his purpose). We need more chick ninja of course, that scene with Fushimi was abruptly cut, so not sure what happened there. Did she get detained or did she get away?

    I also want to see more of what powers Silver's Clansmen have. A bit disappointed with Neko in her role in fights, she seemed a bit more useful early in the series, but as things got revealed she became more of a joke when it mattered. I know also that Shiro being away might be part of why Kuroh and company haven't really manifested Silver-like powers that I could see, but I'll be disappointed if have nothing to show for it once Shiro returns.

    Wonder who'll take the mantle of Gold and Colorless as well, probably an unknown?

    In all, it was a good movie in the vein of the series itself, with plenty of action to keep me entertained and certainly a good bridge to get into the sequel, K: Return of Kings.
    Last edited by Munsu; Thu, 09-24-2015 at 12:36 AM.

  2. #22
    K: Return of Kings

    Plot Summary: (Has spoilers of the prequel series and movie)

    In modern Japan there are seven "Kings" who share power with their fellow clansmen. The Blue King Reishi Munakata, the leader of the Blue Clan "Scepter 4," held great responsibilities on his back. The tower that Gold King Daikaku Kokujōji supervised called the "Dresden Slate" was still on his mind, and he felt a great burden by killing the previous Red King, Mikoto Suoh. On the other hand, the former Red Clan "HOMRA" clansman Anna Kushina experienced the attacks from the Green Clan "Jungle" and awakened as the next Red King. By doing this, she bound her comrades through a strong bond once again. Finally, White Clan members Neko and Kuroh believe that the White King Yashiro is still alive, and seek his whereabouts. However, it was not just them searching for the White King. With "Jungle" once again jumping back into action, the fates of the various Kings are brought together.

    Seems like this one might be related to the K: Dream of Green manga

    K: Return of Kings episode 1:

    Will be watching it after work.
    Last edited by Munsu; Sat, 10-10-2015 at 10:05 PM.

  3. #23
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    As flamboyant as ever. The HS 720p release had so bad video quality I thought I had just downloaded an avi from decades ago. The 1080p was a bit better. Considering this is quite visual heavy as an artistic style, it's strange the video quality would be so bad.

    Nevertheless, I liked this first episode. This is supposed to be a bishounen show, but it sure did give the Blue lieutenant time to showcase her wonderful assets. Of course I wouldn't be watching this in the first place if it wasn't so, naturally with sexy Neko foolishness thrown in the mix. The tiny new Red king is also doing her best in the middle of all those dudes. No doubt Munakata will find it easier to deal with her than Suou. Although it looks like he will soon follow the Red king to death.

    I'm looking forward to Shiro and Neko reuniting. It could be a warm and fluffy scene.

  4. #24
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    I can't find an english sub for the movie. Anyone know where I can find it?

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by lelouch View Post
    I can't find an english sub for the movie. Anyone know where I can find it?
    I had linked to it in my first post of this thread, here it is:

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    As flamboyant as ever. The HS 720p release had so bad video quality I thought I had just downloaded an avi from decades ago. The 1080p was a bit better. Considering this is quite visual heavy as an artistic style, it's strange the video quality would be so bad.

    Nevertheless, I liked this first episode. This is supposed to be a bishounen show, but it sure did give the Blue lieutenant time to showcase her wonderful assets. Of course I wouldn't be watching this in the first place if it wasn't so, naturally with sexy Neko foolishness thrown in the mix. The tiny new Red king is also doing her best in the middle of all those dudes. No doubt Munakata will find it easier to deal with her than Suou. Although it looks like he will soon follow the Red king to death.

    I'm looking forward to Shiro and Neko reuniting. It could be a warm and fluffy scene.
    Man, those Awashima fanservice were ridiculous and overboard, but I won't complain. Not a fan of gratuitous shots like her awesome ass and boobs, but this time I'll forgive them. I think they feel they might be losing some viewers because of the shounen-ai tendencies, limited as they are, so they're putting an effort to balance it out. Seri is hot through and through, so it was welcomed. Though I hope it's more restrained in the future.

    Other than that, didn't care all that much for this first episode, it was a bit messy and seemed like it hadn't moved forward at all from where the movie left off. I'm also getting incredibly tired of the Fushimi and Yata confrontations. They never lead anywhere, and Yata's loudmouth is annoying as heck, so less of that would be for the best. Unless they finally kill one an other, then all would be good.

    Anyways, waiting for Shiro to arrive since the series certainly misses him.

  7. #27
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    My prediction is the finale will have Anna kill Munakata in a similar fashion to how he killed Suoh.

  8. #28
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 2 - HS

    - - - - --

    Quote Originally Posted by lelouch View Post
    My prediction is the finale will have Anna kill Munakata in a similar fashion to how he killed Suoh.
    Perhaps not. Seems like the duty might belong to Awashima, as much as she would abhor it. But perhaps it's best to be done by one who wouldn't want to do it. Maybe it would also be quite romantic if she did it. I also think a little girl like Anna shouldn't need to kill anybody. They did say the Red King is destined for destruction, but I'd like to believe a cute thing like Anna would be able to avoid such a fate. Just seeing her playing with Neko was so nice and heartwarming.

    I hope the reunion already happens in the next episode or at the very least in the one after if the next ep is dramatic buildup for it. I wouldn't want to say it, but I kind of get tired of Neko's constant and single-minded lamentation. She needs to get together with Shiro to get over it and focus on something else again.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Episode 2 - HS

    - - - - --

    Perhaps not. Seems like the duty might belong to Awashima, as much as she would abhor it. But perhaps it's best to be done by one who wouldn't want to do it. Maybe it would also be quite romantic if she did it. I also think a little girl like Anna shouldn't need to kill anybody. They did say the Red King is destined for destruction, but I'd like to believe a cute thing like Anna would be able to avoid such a fate. Just seeing her playing with Neko was so nice and heartwarming.

    I hope the reunion already happens in the next episode or at the very least in the one after if the next ep is dramatic buildup for it. I wouldn't want to say it, but I kind of get tired of Neko's constant and single-minded lamentation. She needs to get together with Shiro to get over it and focus on something else again.
    Yeah, Neko the character went a bit downhill after the first couple of episodes in the first series. She promised to be a very interesting character, but she's been severely dumbed down when she initially looked to be quite a clever mastermind.

    Anyways, second episode was boring but didn't mind much of it. I kinda like the new Anna expression, and Awashima contemplating the steps needed to take in order to stop her captain if needed be. Guess that's all worth pointing out for now.

    And agree, Shiro needs to me an appearance and get that part done already. We know he's alive, so it's a bit pointless to keep dragging the audience through the "mystery" of the return.

  10. #30
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 3 - HS

    - - - -- -- -

    Hopefully things will now start to move forward with Shiro back in action. At the very least Neko might again become a more worthwhile character. Perhaps Kurou will also get more powerful, that is, grant a more even fight with Yukari. They haven't been so good now with the constant underlying feeling Kurou won't stand a chance and thus Yukari won't even go all-out. I'm also looking forward to how Shiro is going to deal with the other kings. The same as for Munakata, It's safe to assume it's easier for Shiro to deal with Anna than Mikoto... Mikoto seemed like a man who didn't listen to anybody.

    Sukuna is a tough brat to fight against both Misaki and Saru at the same time. Green isn't helpless fighting power wise even if the huge horde of low ranking members is entirely useless when shit really hits the fan.

  11. #31
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 8 - HS

    - -- - - - - - -

    No doubt of the worst episodes of the whole title. Perhaps the author, and the series director, are capable of very nice and graphical action sequences, but quite incapable of forming a sensible bigger picture as far as action goes. That actually goes for this whole season so far as little of the action seen has served any purpose. But this was the peak of the unfortunate events. It's exceptionally difficult to imagine what purpose the individual component here served and why everything ended like it did.

    The two Green lieutenants attacking first was somewhat sensible as their role was to reduce physical defences (doors, that is). Then the Green king breaking through seemed to serve the same purpose, nothing else. However, it still didn't change the fact that there were three kings vs the Gray king who finally made it there. However, for some mysterious reason Shiro and Anna just stood there with their hands in their pockets, doing practically nothing. Once Munakata was defeated, Shiro and Anna apparently didn't do anything at all to stop the Gray king from taking the tablets, even though it would still have been 2 vs 1.

    To make the whole thing even more stupid is the fact Green + Gray could have arrived on the helicopter to begin with, removing the need to go through who knows how many floors of the building. That way Green would also still have had batteries left and he could have probably beaten Blue, Silver, and Red all alone (had they all been there), leaving Gray to prepare for the tablet theft.

    I hate it when the plot makes no sense whatsoever just for the sake of making later things possible. Such gross incompetence.

  12. #32
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    fushimi obvs infiltrating jungle

  13. #33
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This was all just big theater to allow Fushimi to infiltrate the Green? Considering how easily they let the tablets go, it would certainly make sense, but I feel like we saw too much for that to be true. The risk would also seem far too big. What would the reward be anyway? They already know the Green want to make the whole mankind kings and clansmen with powers, and they already know who the Green core people are. What else is there to learn by infiltration? Obviously now some locations, but if they hadn't lost the tablets, that would have been trivial.

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