"High school freshman Yuuta Togashi was once a "chuunibyou patient" i.e. an overly self-conscious middle schooler. He wants to bury this embarrassing past and begins a new life in high school -- unsuccessfully. His classmate Rikka Takanashi, a "current" chuunibyou patient, has found traces of residual symptoms on him and used the fact to force Togashi "making a contract" with her." -ANN
Genres: comedy, drama, romance, school
Episode 1 - gg
Episode 1 - URW (UTW+rori)
AniDB | ANN | Official
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This is the KyoAni moe show of the season. Visually closer to K-ON than Hyouka, for example, but maybe even still rounder. This might also be the show with the most embarrassing scenes that KyoAni has made. Aside from that, production values were as expected from KyoAni, even though I got the feeling this was closer to their average than their best. The main roles are voiced by none else than Jun Fukuyama (Lelouch) and Maaya Uchida (Rea Sanka), and I think they pulled the roles off splendidly.
This looks like a pretty wacky show, but also highly moe and it isn't afraid to rely on that a lot. I hope the plot itself stays as strong as in this first episode. I'm not really looking forward to another K-ON, only with some guys and parents mixed in.
I have a pretty good record of finishing KyoAni shows, so I don't expect to drop this, even though embarrassing shows are far from being my forte.