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Thread: Naruto Chapter 604

  1. #1
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Naruto Chapter 604

    [MangaStream] Naruto c.604: SendSpace | Online Viewing

    Last edited by Marik; Tue, 10-02-2012 at 01:59 PM.

  2. #2
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    well, that demands further explanation.
    which we won't get until after the fight, probably, since Obito didn't learn how it really went on, but once he knows the truth, things will be alright!

    maybe Kakashi just didn't want to be a papaninja

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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  3. #3
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Abortion no jutsu!

    Kishimoto just keeps digging himself deeper into bulshit, there's no way he can successfully explain all of this without forcing it.

  4. #4
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    She's a spy and Kakashi has been sent to kill her. She'd lower her guard since they go way back. Something like that.

  5. #5
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    Abortion no jutsu!

    Kishimoto just keeps digging himself deeper into bulshit, there's no way he can successfully explain all of this without forcing it.
    It's funny to see a post like this after a chapter that explains basically everything.

  6. #6
    So the moment were Obito sees the image in his eye of Rin being killed etc... Is that the awaking of the mangekyo sharingan? Or the unlocking of it? To it can be awakened later? Or is it something else? Still very confusing.

    Rain village using manipulated bodies... Sounds like white Zetsu BS! Maybe they transformed into Rin etc. Either way Madara was dead sure that Obito would return. Meaning he has a way of seeing into the future or he set this whole thing up somehow...

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin View Post
    She's a spy and Kakashi has been sent to kill her. She'd lower her guard since they go way back. Something like that.
    Either this or when Madara open his eyes place Obito in his Genjitsu.

  8. #8
    Well Zetsu did say they all see the same thing. The one that Obito was wearing said he would show him everything. All Madara has to do is put another random zetsu into a genjutsu and tada!

  9. #9
    But if Obito thinks that Kakashi killed rin! Then it would have been silly for him to say his reason was because Kakashi let rin die! He would be like you F***ing killed RIN! When asked by Kakashi of why he did everything he has done up until this point in the series.

    I don't know this whole thing does not make sense unless Obito realizes that Kakashi did not do it on purpose then it might make sense.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by viperwasp View Post
    So the moment were Obito sees the image in his eye of Rin being killed etc... Is that the awaking of the mangekyo sharingan? Or the unlocking of it? To it can be awakened later? Or is it something else? Still very confusing.
    That is obito looking through kakashi's (obito's) eye

    Quote Originally Posted by kaigan View Post
    Either this or when Madara open his eyes place Obito in his Genjitsu.
    I don't really understand this thinking because even if it were true, Rin obviously died at some point anyways, and how would Madara know what Rin&Kakashi look like

    2 things that are kind of interesting but might be just a drawing error, Kakashi isn't wearing his forehead protector and in the very last panel both of their pupils are super dilated

  11. #11
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by viperwasp View Post
    Rain village using manipulated bodies... Sounds like white Zetsu BS! Maybe they transformed into Rin etc. Either way Madara was dead sure that Obito would return. Meaning he has a way of seeing into the future or he set this whole thing up somehow...
    Whatever the circumstances of Rin's death, I think Obito already knows about them. Earlier he accused Kakashi of "Letting Rin Die", not killing her. I don't think he is being 'tricked'.

    Edit: Nevermind, you already said it...

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Tofu #2 View Post
    That is obito looking through kakashi's (obito's) eye
    That part is obvious but why did it happen? I know killing your best friend is considered the best way to release the ability to use mangekyo and if the eyes are linked could it have then released mangekyo for both of them at the same time? And the sharing of the vision is a strange side effect involved since the eyes linked but in different people? I don't see an ability ONLY being unlocked by killing your very best friend no matter what. I am willing to bet mangekyo is unlocked though emotion and killing your best friend is the best bet... but killing a very close comrade could also do it. Plus by that point in time rin could be kakashi's best friend. And I know she is not dead yet but she technically is moments away from being dead.

    I am just trying to understand why we have NEVER seen the sharingan share vision like this ever before? It has to be because of the fact that Kakashi just killed or mortally wounded someone so close to him.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by viperwasp View Post
    I am just trying to understand why we have NEVER seen the sharingan share vision like this ever before? It has to be because of the fact that Kakashi just killed or mortally wounded someone so close to him.
    Probably because
    A) Between the 5 main characters up to this point, nobody else shares a sharingan
    B) Hashirama cells, vicinity, and the scale of the event

    All talk of this releasing the MS I dunno, could be possible but Kakashi doesnt show his for another 15 years, and Madara already hinted that Obito might already have it. Of course killing your best friend isn't the only way, eyes can't determine who your best friend is. Just like how EMS was originally obtained from taking your brothers eyes and was later retconned to brothers being the most compatible

  14. #14
    Really like how they did this. Even if he was tricked with genjutsu, whatever happens, it still makes it that much more intense. Him letting her die in a way where it was just them fighting and he almost got killed but couldn't save her too... that would be well and fine, but this is a much more interesting way of doing.

  15. #15
    Shit just got real.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Tofu #2 View Post
    Probably because
    A) Between the 5 main characters up to this point, nobody else shares a sharingan
    B) Hashirama cells, vicinity, and the scale of the event
    I think those are legit reasons. But I do wonder why it has not happened since... Kakashi has fought against Obito a couple times including the current fight. I would have LOVED to see Kakashi get a vision of Naruto speeding at him with a rasangan! You know when he removed Obitos mask with force.... that was an intense moment for Obito to bad it did not resonate back to Kakashi.

    Just out of nowhere Guy hears Kakashi screaming "O GOD NO!!!" then looks over to see Kakashi almost soiling himself.

  17. #17
    So is Sharingan WiFi or Bluetooth? I go with the silly and easy Genjutsu explanation otherwise it would take too much effort to make any sense of all this twists and incoherence. Ppl has to rack their brains continuously to fill the gaps.

    Anyway things are getting more interesting and wild. Always loved Magic based manga.
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  18. #18
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Y View Post
    It's funny to see a post like this after a chapter that explains basically everything.
    I´m listening.

  19. #19
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Tobi isn't an idiot. He knows Kakashi didn't order her death. But he did not protect her from it, like, for example, Itachi protected Sasuke under similar circumstances.
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  20. #20
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Genjutsu? Really? Genjutsu shouldn't have much effect on Obito's sharingan, anyway. Besides, if it was a genjutsu, why would it show Kakashi's eye tearing up? Obviously Kakashi has been torn about his comrades' deaths for a long time now, and we never heard anything about why Rin's been missing up till this point, so this is the most logical tie to the loose end there.

    Kakashi was always fervent about following the rules and placing the mission above all else. Rin must have been compromising the mission somehow. I think I'm going with the "Rin is a spy" suggestion.
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