October 04, 2012 (canon) (new opening)
Naruto Shippuden Episode 282
October 11, 2012 (canon)
Naruto Shippuden Episode 283
October 18, 2012 (This wasn't bad, as far as fillers go)
Naruto Shippuden Episode 284:Kabutowari! Jinin Akebin
October 25, 2012 (This wasn't bad, as far as fillers go)
Naruto Shippuden Episode 285: Scorch Style! Pakura of the Hidden Sand
we predict these filler episodes to cover two of the Edo Tensei reincarnations – Jinin Akebino (one of the 7 Swordsman) and Pakura (former Hidden Sand Village ninja).
So in summary, there will be 4 episodes of Naruto Shippuden episodes in October, two of which will be canon and two of which will be filler. Saiyan Island’s prediction is the two canon episodes will cover four chapters of the Naruto manga. If true, the Naruto manga will be over 60 chapters ahead of the anime at the end of October.