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Thread: Game: Smite

  1. #1
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    A Cave

    Game: Smite

    Smite is a new MOBA similar to League of Legends and DOTA.

    The unique thing about the game is that you control your Gods (Hero) in a 3rd person combat style view rather than the standard RTS style.

    I recently got into the closed Beta and the game is pretty fun so far. I find that it's easy to pick up and play, but there's also a degree of depth with the item upgrade system.

    Here's the main website with some videos of game play.

    Anyone who's interested in trying the game please post in this thread or PM me your email so i can send you a key. There doesn't seem to be a limit on the amount i can give out so far, but that might change.

    edit: Sent one to Twist, i still need your E-mail Xelbair before i can send you one.
    Last edited by Dark Dragon; Sun, 08-26-2012 at 11:25 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Shoppingcart in sweden
    Yea it's been awesome. Play Heroes of Newerth regularly so I'm no stranger to the basics. Love the idea with third person in a MOBA. I guess people just don't know the game very well yet because unless people leave i can't lose when playing Kali. get boots as first item then frost hammer. Once that is maxed out no one can get away. Then i get the life steal gauntlet that have a stacking buff that makes it more powerful. Now i can farm without ever needing to go back unless i want to myself or done a big gank. After that just stack damage and crit like crazy.

  3. #3
    Played 3 or so games. Found it too similar to LoL. I found it fun for a bit, then just went back to Dota 2.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Shoppingcart in sweden
    Yea the skill and item system is very similar to LoL. Probably the weakest aspect of the game. That is one of the reasons why i find LoL to be far inferior to HoN and DotA.

    I played against someone playing Zeus earlier today. Damn he was powerful. Whopped my ass several times.

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