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Thread: Naruto Chapter 598

  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by UChessmaster View Post
    Tobi never had a second sharingan.
    ??? How did he use izanagi against konan?

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow View Post
    First off there is a clear problem with obito being alive at all.
    Yes perhaps he activated MS as he was dying, but he was still clearly crushed beforehand.
    Now there is obviously something strange with tobi's body, so if they are one and the same we need a good explanation on how obito survived his injuries long enough to transition it into tobi's body; right now that shit is literally magic, unless you want to accept that some crippled near death teenager somehow crawled into oro's lair and injected himself with a syringe of that sweet senju juice.
    We've seen plenty of characters survive worse in this manga. Neji lived with a 3 foot diameter hole in his chest.

    Fourthly, controlling the kyuubi is more than just having sharingan, hashirama used some crazy sealing stuff to just unbind kyuubi from madara. If it was that easy, kakashi (or anyone with sharingan) should be able to do it too.
    I don't think it's just having the sharingan, I think you have to be an Uchiha. That may have been stated or implied somewhere, I can't remember though.

    Fifthly, the oh so discussed power difference.
    The argument I heard here over and over is: "oh tobi is just phasing out it's no biggie".
    Problem with this stems all the way back to sasuke vs lee; even though sasuke could perfectly see lee, his body could not keep up at all.
    Tobi kept up with minato, a genius hokage level ninja, whilst obito was nothing compared to kakashi; kakashi in turn could not keep up with minato.
    Then there is all the prep to get the kyuubi etc..; all of this points to someone who had a lot of time.
    At no point was Tobi ever able to keep up with Minato. Minato was way too fast for him and it took less than a chapter for Minato to kick his ass. Minato also sealed him from being able to control the Kyuubi.

    Obviously we are going to get a flashback to explain how Obito survived, why he is seeking revenge, and what happened to him in between then and now. Kakashi will no doubt ask him these questions, and they will all be answered in the next few chapters, unless Kishi jumps back to the kage fight or Sasuke and Oro's Incredible Journey just to keep us waiting.

  3. #43
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tofu #2 View Post
    ??? How did he use izanagi against konan?
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by UChessmaster View Post
    He did have a 2nd sharingan. But, that's not really surprising considering he has a room full of sharingans, which is why he wanted to help Itachi kill the Uchiha. He obviously collected all of those eyes that night.

  5. #45
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne View Post
    He did have a 2nd sharingan. But, that's not really surprising considering he has a room full of sharingans, which is why he wanted to help Itachi kill the Uchiha. He obviously collected all of those eyes that night.
    Fair enough, he does has a second one, that said, He also used the 1st DNA.

    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow
    First off there is a clear problem with obito being alive at all.
    Is not a problem, in a world FULL of ninjas that can do all kind of random techniques, is not a stretch that one of these ninjas found a half dead Uchiha and saw the benefits of having a sharingan on his side.

    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow
    Second, there is a huge, heck, gigantic problem with obito's death itself.
    I love this argument, very well thought out, that said, weren`t they at war at that point? it would be waaaaaay to risky to go into enemy territory to get one dead body under a pile of rocks, and if you think the 4th should get his body, what about the potential thousands of bodies left behind, should he pick those up too?

    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow
    Thirdly, obito and kakashi parted on strong bonds and unless something happened that turned him incredibly insane
    This is exactly what i think happened.

    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow
    Fourthly, controlling the kyuubi is more than just having sharingan, hashirama used some crazy sealing stuff to just unbind kyuubi from madara. If it was that easy, kakashi (or anyone with sharingan) should be able to do it too.
    As i said, Sasuke handled the Kyuubi with ease, i`m presuming that the whole Kyuubi incident happened about 2 or 3 years after Obito`s "death", is not too hard to believe he learned some tailed beast manipulation in that time period right?

    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow
    Fifthly, the oh so discussed power difference.
    Naruto did more growth than Obito/Tobi in like... a year? Obito also knew about the 4th fighting style, being his pupil and all.
    Last edited by UChessmaster; Wed, 08-22-2012 at 08:34 PM.
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by UChessmaster View Post
    Fair enough, he does has a second one, that said, He also used the 1st DNA.

    Danzou also had the 1st's DNA, and had one of those wood-man faces in his shoulder. So it doesn't seem like it was that difficult to get, since they were also using it to clone Yamato's and Zetsu's.

    Perhaps, the battle where Obito lost his eye happened to occur directly above one of Oro's hideouts, and when the Rock ninjas dropped all the rocks, the ground collapsed and he landed in Oro's lair. Anything could have happened from there.

  7. #47
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Yeah, there`s probably a ninja mall somewhere that sells the 1st cells.
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  8. #48
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne View Post
    We've seen plenty of characters survive worse in this manga. Neji lived with a 3 foot diameter hole in his chest.
    3 foot? I think you mean 3 inch; and no we haven't seen anyone survive anything worse, obito literally had more than half of his body utterly pulverised. Lee hardly recovered from a broken leg.

    I don't think it's just having the sharingan, I think you have to be an Uchiha. That may have been stated or implied somewhere, I can't remember though.
    This hasn't been stated anywhere.

    At no point was Tobi ever able to keep up with Minato. Minato was way too fast for him and it took less than a chapter for Minato to kick his ass. Minato also sealed him from being able to control the Kyuubi.
    I say he kept up, otherwise minato's first stab would've murdered him

    Quote Originally Posted by UChessmaster View Post
    Is not a problem, in a world FULL of ninjas that can do all kind of random techniques, is not a stretch that one of these ninjas found a half dead Uchiha and saw the benefits of having a sharingan on his side.
    And this is exactly why the body had to be recovered, even if there were no personal sentiments, the uchiha body should've been recovered or disposed of properly to protect secrets.

    I love this argument, very well thought out, that said, weren`t they at war at that point? it would be waaaaaay to risky to go into enemy territory to get one dead body under a pile of rocks, and if you think the 4th should get his body, what about the potential thousands of bodies left behind, should he pick those up too?
    That's why I said at any timeframe, he could've gone back after the war was over, as the should've.
    And yes he should've personally done it, since obito was his pupil.
    And thirdly, it wouldn't be risky at all, minato already disposed of the enemies in that area, him teleporting the rocks away/destroying them or getting a toad to move them would literally take less then 1 minute; remember how he teleported that gigantic tailed beast bomb away? Yeah that took 2 seconds.

    As i said, Sasuke handled the Kyuubi with ease, i`m presuming that the whole Kyuubi incident happened about 2 or 3 years after Obito`s "death", is not too hard to believe he learned some tailed beast manipulation in that time period right?
    Sasuke supressed some leaking sealed chakra, that can impossibly be compared to fully mindcontrolling a fully powered kyuubi. Remember that the kyuubi had all of its power back then, not half.

    Naruto did more growth than Obito/Tobi in like... a year? Obito also knew about the 4th fighting style, being his pupil and all.
    What is this referring to? Because naruto was training with jiraiya for 2.5 years and he still had to team up with sakura to take the bell from Kakashi.

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow View Post
    3 foot? I think you mean 3 inch; and no we haven't seen anyone survive anything worse, obito literally had more than half of his body utterly pulverised. Lee hardly recovered from a broken leg.
    Sorry, I didn't personally measure the hole. And Lee is irrelevant, because he's a drunk.

    I say he kept up, otherwise minato's first stab would've murdered him
    So... not murdered by Minato's first stab = super powered beyond belief. Got it.

    How do you know that Tobi didn't already have his head in the other dimension before Minato even turned around? As we saw in the previous chapter, he is capable of having only portions of his body phased out. He could have had everything except for the hand he grabbed Minato with phased into the other dimension already.

    Other than not being killed by the first stab, Tobi was completely and utterly dominated in that fight.

    And this is exactly why the body had to be recovered, even if there were no personal sentiments, the uchiha body should've been recovered or disposed of properly to protect secrets.

    That's why I said at any timeframe, he could've gone back after the war was over, as the should've.
    And yes he should've personally done it, since obito was his pupil.
    And thirdly, it wouldn't be risky at all, minato already disposed of the enemies in that area, him teleporting the rocks away/destroying them or getting a toad to move them would literally take less then 1 minute; remember how he teleported that gigantic tailed beast bomb away? Yeah that took 2 seconds.
    Well, maybe that's why Obito is mad then. He is butthurt because nobody came back for him.

  10. #50
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    I don't get the fixation on Minato coming back for the body. There hasn't been a single scene of anyone recovering corpses in this comic, everyone would have assumed Obito's body was crushed into a red smear by the rock slide, etc. There are like 40,000 dead ninjas in this current war, do you think a major part of the war effort was recovering all their corpses? Plus, if we assume it is Obito and he teleported away, when someone came back to recover the body they would have found a lot of his blood and crushed up skin/bones and assumed that grotesque scene was all that remained of him.

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne View Post
    I don't think it's just having the sharingan, I think you have to be an Uchiha. That may have been stated or implied somewhere, I can't remember though.
    No because when danzou revealed his sharingans and hashirama head, tobi suggested Danzou was trying to gain control of the 9tails

    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne View Post
    Sorry, I didn't personally measure the hole. And Lee is irrelevant, because he's a drunk.
    Are you a fucking troll? You didn't personally measure the hole but you originally state it's a 3 foot hole?

    Shit you guys are getting pretty worked up about this. Next week is just gonna be a 5 page thread of I TOLD YOU SO

  12. #52
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tofu #2 View Post
    Are you a fucking troll? You didn't personally measure the hole but you originally state it's a 3 foot hole?
    Is THIS a troll? The point is, people in comic books survive "fatal" wounds all the fucking time. Remember Chouji chowing down on the "you will die if you eat this" pill? Remember how many times Orochimaru was chopped in half? Remember how people in this comic have died and been returned to life multiple times through several different means? The point is that Obito's body disappearing under a rock slide is way less final than you'd assume, especially since "wounded person is separated from Our Heroes and presumed dead" is like the classical "not dead" fakeout.

  13. #53
    We really are not going to solve this conclusively one way or another until we find out for sure, which I would say kudos to Kishimoto for writing it in a way that has given rise to two strong arguments.

    In addition to the points made above, I would once again say that the continuing presence of Madara with the departure of the other Edo Tensei fighters would make no sense if he does not have a continuing influence on the story apart from hax powers. We know the Kage's can't defeat him now, the only way he could go is if he finds emotional peace. That sort of thing could happen if his brother were still about and he could get some connection from him. Unless of course Kakashi/Tobi Kamui him to another dimension or Madara dissapears after achieving peace in a meeting with Sasuke, his Uchiha heir.

  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by DB_Hunter View Post
    We really are not going to solve this conclusively one way or another until we find out for sure, which I would say kudos to Kishimoto for writing it in a way that has given rise to two strong arguments.
    Yeah I was certain it was Obito till I read the last chapter where he foreshadowed it hard as a motha. Then that tripped me up cause it read too much like a set up for the ol' bait n switch.

    Anyway I like how Kakashi used one of his three? four? remaining kamui and Naruto repaid his golden opportunity by trying to take out the mask... a target further away than his body was so if there's a case to be made for how far away he was that's why it didn't do critical damage to his entire fucking head.

    Kindof bothers me how we only really get to see Kakashi's true potential as a shinobi in the Gaiden arc. Almost everywhere else except the first few arcs he is just simply "Sharingan Kakashi". Its like fine use it to make your Raikiri more accurate but using it in every fight to the point where you're killing yourself with it gets a bit old after the first.... idk... death?

  15. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Tofu #2 View Post
    Are you a fucking troll? You didn't personally measure the hole but you originally state it's a 3 foot hole?
    No, genius. The point is that Neji had a large, fatal hole in his body that he survived. It should be obvious to anyone with a brain that I was not being exact when I said "3 foot" and just using hyperbole to emphasize that the hole was large. I said "I didn't personally measure the hole" as a way of mocking darkshadow for being literal about the size of a hole in the body of a comic book character, which certainly is impossible for one to measure.

    I can't believe I even have to explain this.
    Last edited by Sidnne; Thu, 08-23-2012 at 02:07 PM.

  16. #56
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Look guys, this is a fun discussion and all, but are people seriously doubting the possibility of a dying character surviving in a manga about ninjas where everything is possible!?
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  17. #57
    I guess people may feel if characters had to survive they would have ones like Itachi and Jiraiya, not emo gits like Obito potentially.

  18. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by UChessmaster View Post

    Tobi never had a second sharingan.
    really? howd he use Izanagi then? he has a wall full of sharingans, u can see that when hes looking over Danzo's dead body.

  19. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by b1gdawg View Post
    really? howd he use Izanagi then? he has a wall full of sharingans, u can see that when hes looking over Danzo's dead body.
    We covered this already. You would have known that had you read the entire thread and not jumped at the first opportunity to argue with someone. But, thanks anyway.

  20. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne View Post
    But, thanks anyway.
    ur welcome

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