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Thread: Naruto Chapter 594

  1. #1
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Naruto Chapter 594

    [MangaStream] Naruto c.594: Minus | SendSpace | Online Viewing

  2. #2
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    it's good that the two brothers got tied into the plot.
    however, I can't feel excited about the 10tails like this

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  3. #3
    It's obito

  4. #4
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    I can't help but feel Naruto and Bleach were especially shitty this week...

  5. #5
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Tobi confirmed for Obito?

  6. #6
    At this point, if it's not Obito, then who else could it be? Has to be someone who knew/knows Kakashi.

  7. #7
    ANBU Captain Prof. Chaos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Confused_Yamato View Post
    At this point, if it's not Obito, then who else could it be? Has to be someone who knew/knows Kakashi.
    Pretty much how I feel. Though I dont recall him getting the vessels with Gin+Kin and putting them in there. Was the art that sloppy that I missed it?

  8. #8
    remember when I said it had to be obito back when he first had 'the talk' with sasuke...?? And you all laughed at me?


    well I guess no one, but.... because, fuck you.

    anyone else sick of these big giant end of days battles? Seems like thats all we've had for a long time now. At least Madara isn't going to bust back out Susanoo just on a whim, but whatever his reason I prefer it to the battles of the collosus aka panels of confusion.
    Last edited by Kagemane_no_Jutsu; Wed, 07-18-2012 at 04:08 PM.

  9. #9
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Clearly obito was old and strong enough to have fought the 4th when he did....

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Kagemane_no_Jutsu View Post
    remember when I said it had to be obito back when he first had 'the talk' with sasuke...?? And you all laughed at me?


    well I guess no one, but.... because, fuck you.

    anyone else sick of these big giant end of days battles? Seems like thats all we've had for a long time now. At least Madara isn't going to bust back out Susanoo just on a whim, but whatever his reason I prefer it to the battles of the collosus aka panels of confusion.
    It had to be Obito, it couldn't have been anyone else. Here's why: From what we've seen from Itachi and Sasuke's mangekyous, the left eye is an offensive ability (amaterasu) and the right eye is a defensive ability (susanoo). Based on that, we can look at the mangekyous of Kakashi and Tobi, both "warping abilities." Kakashi has the left eye, an offensive warping ability, and Tobi has the right eye, a defensive warping ability.

    Plus, there is the fact that Kishi has made it painfully obvious ever since showing Tobi with a sharingan, and only people in denial refused to acknowledge it.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow View Post
    Clearly obito was old and strong enough to have fought the 4th when he did....
    He only had to be a teenager. When they showed Kakashi during that fight, I believe he was a teenager and he and Obito were the same age.

  12. #12
    whys every1 going crazy over that 1 line that Tobi said. Tobi and Kakshi had encountered each other several times and have talked before, so Tobi obviously knows about Kakashi. The last time Obito talked to Kakashi was when Kakashi was focused on getting the mission done, and Obito had changed him, so i doubt Obito had known him that well. And if Tobi had known Kakashi before this, i still doubt its Obito because Kakashi personality is totally different than when he was in Minato's squad. And also, if they had known each other, the answer is probably in the previous chapter, im predicting that Orochimaru's scroll is some type of time travelling jutsu, and Tobi is Sasuke.

  13. #13
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    plus, Obito might be some years older than Kakashi, considering Kakashi was promoted very early on. maybe two or three years difference. and he matured mentally while being crushed under a rock that turned on his self-target MengkyouTsukami (whatever illusion) and he lived through all the pain of being crushed for what seemed like years.

    however, due to how crazy b1gdawg's suggestion is, I'm going to support it. Obito is Sasuke from the future\past.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by b1gdawg View Post
    im predicting that Orochimaru's scroll is some type of time travelling jutsu, and Tobi is Sasuke.
    That might be pretty cool. But then it would require a whole other saga showing Sasuke and Oro's adventure's through time.

  15. #15
    Did Guy and Tobi ever meet before now? I can't recall if they ever did, but Tobi seems to know him when he says Guy doesn't "remember faces."

    I don't want to believe it's Obito...sigh.

  16. #16
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    how established is the "doesn't remember faces" thing? We only saw it one time, when it really wasn't the same person, right (gai and fake Kisame). did it happen another time?

    anyway, If we say that Gai and Kakashi are the same age group, Obito might have met Gai when they were younger. maybe he's furious at him for forgetting about Tobi (himself), like the rest of the village has.

    I'm not going to argue the rest of the case for Obito=tobi. Partly because I've done it enough since Kakashi showed he 'learned' M.Sharingan. and partly because I care enough to post on Naruto forum, but not enough to go through the whole story again.

  17. #17
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Just because Tobi played off like he knows Kakashi and Gai, doesn't mean that he's from Konoha. I'm sure all of Akatsuki were quite familiar with the two of them.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  18. #18
    My 1st post was kind of just trolling, even with all these subtle hints it could be obito, it would be REALLY hard to believe

    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne View Post
    It had to be Obito, it couldn't have been anyone else. Here's why: From what we've seen from Itachi and Sasuke's mangekyous, the left eye is an offensive ability (amaterasu) and the right eye is a defensive ability (susanoo)
    ummmmm tsukiyomi?

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by b1gdawg View Post
    im predicting that Orochimaru's scroll is some type of time travelling jutsu, and Tobi is Sasuke.
    IMO, I feel that would be bad writing.

    There's tons of stories these days where a character is either revealed to be insane, nulling some of the scenes we see from their perspectives, or when one of them hides his identity and travels back in time and is revealed to be the prevalent driving force for the entire story.

  20. #20
    yeah it probably isnt him......

    but how awesome would it be if it is??

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