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Thread: Binbougami ga!

  1. #61
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow View Post
    That's the fucking joke, it's a parody/gag show, ranmaru being so strong is basically another parody...
    Read my posting. I know itīs a gag show. But when youīre setting up "humans vs gods", itīs kinda hurting the whole point of the show. Anyway, not like itīs a big criticism, just something I wanted to mention.

  2. #62
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Ranmaru is a parody, that's the whole point of the show, not gods vs humans; if anything it's just momiji vs ichiko, which essentially boils down to "god of misfortune" vs "god of fortune"; polar opposites.
    If you thought this was "god vs humans", then you've missed the fucking point.

  3. #63
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Good anime, but not as great as some of the postings above make it out to be.
    For a story about human beings and gods, the difference between both becomes to foggy, due to all the super-human moves of all human characters.
    Ranmaru randomly jumping up several floors, catching the two girls, then landing while shattering the ground. lol
    Did you seriously not catch any of the lines by either Ichiko or one of the dieties, questioning whether Ranmaru was really human? It only happened about a dozen times.

    Not to mention the times that Momiji gets insulted for using disgustingly mundane ways to try and extract Ichiko's fortune, down to even the level of stuff like, "Hey, look a UFO!" ...[attempts to stab with syringe]. Or the gags where the gods (much like Nyaruko) have equally vain and average interests and get distracted by all sorts of stuff (Yamabuki having a thing for goth visual kei bands, playing off her disheveled bride outfit, a fairly common costume for fans of those bands).

    Like DS said, it has never been about Gods vs Humans (particularly when a number of them betrayed Momiji for Ichiko). It's only ever been about Momiji versus Ichiko.

    ...and Momiji doesn't even really care about performing her task, they showed quite blatantly she is willing to undermine herself so she can continue to torment Ichiko in regular ways.

  4. #64
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    ...and Momiji doesn't even really care about performing her task, they showed quite blatantly she is willing to undermine herself so she can continue to torment Ichiko in regular ways.
    I think she cares about it a great deal, but just not the way her superiors would prefer. Throughout the show she has been teaching Ichiko the value of others and the few times she got a chance to extract fortune out of her, she made sure Ichiko understood how that fortune in turn helped people around her. Like her clean self said, she wanted to do the job, but not by ruining Ichiko. Even though her dirty self's methods are... dirty, in the end they have only benefitted Ichiko in the bigger picture.

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