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Thread: Sword Art Online

  1. #1201
    Sinon could only retrieve it because of the skill/magic she used.

    They really needed somebody to be a healer. I don't think she specializes in healing, but she's probably just the best on their team at it. Also, just because swordfighting was the only way to play SAO doesn't mean someone wouldn't try out other types of classes in a new game.
    And she's proven she'll run up and fight when she needs to.

  2. #1202
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Shinon wouldnt have HAD to retrieve Excaliber, if Kirito hadnt tossed it away like a retard 5 seconds before! lol It just doesnt make sense. Even if you say that Shinon or Liz or whoever had higher strength stats than Kirito (which is nonsense regarding Shinon, who is a SAO noob, and no, her GGO stats did not convert over, that was never mentioned), why would Kirito toss the sword instead of ASKING his dear friends to carry it for him?! Is he too proud for that or wtf?!? But the nonsense doesnt stop there. So Kirito was too weak to use the sword, alright. But when Shinon gives it to him, heīs all happy suddenly, no problems whatsoever.

    Itīs a clusterfuck of not making sense.

    And yes, itīd be awesome for Klein to hook up with an A.I. goddess. Hot virtual sex, while becoming the de-facto ruler over a whole virtual world.

    Reminds me of my least favorite scene: Kirito kicking Klein in the face when he was about to mention Kiritoīs popularity with girls. What was the, please? Like, does Kirito intentionally try to keep the girls from realizing about their own ridiculous fangirl behavior, cause he likes it? Was super weird.

    Im in cam "Klein is justified to become the final villain".

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  3. #1203
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Kirito is dual wielding those bigass swords. He must have plenty of points in strength or he would tire exceedingly fast and not deliver any damage at all using only a single hand per blade. So, I won't buy the claim saying he was lacking there compared to the others. There's also the thing called inertia which would have allowed him to jump easily carrying the sword if he had run some steps before jumping.

  4. #1204
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    and no, her GGO stats did not convert over, that was never mentioned
    They don't have to mention it. Kirito's stats converted to GGO. All the games created from The Seed are compatible. Stated explicitly in the beginning of the GGO arc. A character loses all their money (not sure about items or equipment, Kirito must have put them in a bank or whatever) when they switch games. They retain all their stats cross-platform.

    Seriously, like I said in my last post, this show doesn't have to spell out every thing every single time. It's not hard to follow.

    It does have some level of continuity, even if the plot and characters are ridiculous.

    SAO and ALO are the only exception and can be safely merged because ALO was a reskinned copy of SAO with the activated weapon skills temporarily disabled and with a spell system added. They are compatible to the point of interoperability.

    That's why the AI system Yui mentioned is still active. They copied it from an early build of SAO and it has been learning the same way Yui has been. Now it makes its own quests up and apparently modifies the world for new content.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sat, 11-01-2014 at 05:40 PM.

  5. #1205
    The sword was so heavy he basically couldn't jump at all. He threw it away because he knew of no way for anyone to take it with them as he didn't know about the bow magic skills. Maybe he was hoping if it cleared the rubble they could go pick it up later. Obviously he is happy to have it now, since by leveling up some more he can actually use it later.
    He is most certainly the strongest one there, nobody else could carry it and make the jump.

    I don't think this was very well represented/explained by the show, though.

    Klein being a serious villain is dumb. He doesn't even want any of these underage teenagers. He just likes to make fun of Kirito and hang out as friends.

  6. #1206
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    He could hold the sword fine in his hands, when Shinon gave it to him. And even if he totally couldnt jump with it, he could have simply gotten on top of the flying tentacle elephant first, before it had flown away some bit. The thing could have just flown directly underneath him, too. So many options, all of which would have made actual sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfMoogles View Post
    Klein being a serious villain is dumb. He doesn't even want any of these underage teenagers. He just likes to make fun of Kirito and hang out as friends.
    Lol, Klein would love to bang Leafa or Shinon. I doubt heīs interested in Silica. But to ridicule him even more, this episode made a slight hint at Liz falling for him ... so the only girl Klein can get is the ugly one. :/

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  7. #1207
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    He could hold the sword fine in his hands, when Shinon gave it to him. And even if he totally couldnt jump with it, he could have simply gotten on top of the flying tentacle elephant first, before it had flown away some bit. The thing could have just flown directly underneath him, too. So many options, all of which would have made actual sense.
    It's a video game. If you can't run or jump holding the sword with your stats, you can't make the jump. That's just how it is, even if the game lets you hold it.
    Tonkii is AI controlled. It is basically part of a scripted event. They can't maneuver and they don't have time.
    It actually all makes perfect sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Lol, Klein would love to bang Leafa or Shinon./
    Lol, what? What in the world gives you this impression? You're just making stuff up now.

  8. #1208
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I have to agree with Mfauli (I know, I cannot believe it myself).

    I have not read this in the LNs, and so much of it felt illogical. The delivery was horrible. I understand what it was supposed to actually be like after reading MoM's comments, but it looked nothing like that.

    1) Kirito's throw of the sword was misleading. He could have just left it on the dropping piece of rock if he could not jump with it. A spinning throw felt like he wanted to throw it somewhere.

    2) Sinon held the sword as if it was the lightest thing in the virtual world.

    3) Klein getting kicked was utter nonsense. It was like that scene was just there to establish the harem, which isn't really a harem because one of the girls is his actual girlfriend. I understand that Klein is being used as a foil for Kirito, but this really isn't necessary for a character who is being accused as a Gary Stu for years now.

    I understand that everything could have made logical sense, but the way it was presented was utterly illogical. The director for this could learn a thing or a million from whoever is doing UBW.
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  9. #1209
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfMoogles View Post
    It's a video game. If you can't run or jump holding the sword with your stats, you can't make the jump. That's just how it is, even if the game lets you hold it.
    Tonkii is AI controlled. It is basically part of a scripted event. They can't maneuver and they don't have time.
    It actually all makes perfect sense.
    except this show LOVES to dismiss stats when itīs handy. When Shinon jumped up to the ice kingīs face and kicked him in the face, that wasnīt a special move, she just did it. No stat based action. So when are players limited by stats and when arent they? And youīre ignoring the rest of my posting. There were many ways to handle obtaining the sword.

    Lol, what? What in the world gives you this impression? You're just making stuff up now.
    Heīs a guy, heīs single, and heīs constantly eyeing other girls (mostly outside of Kiritoīs harem, because nobody gets to take one of them away!!1). He went as far as to openly express his interest in an AI girl in front of the whole group. Yeah, Klein would love it to grab Shinonīs ass or get some calcium from Leafa. lol

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  10. #1210
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    What I don't get is why asking an AI out that you've never talked to earns respect. That was just weird, even more so than the sword thing. At least that explains itself after some thought.

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  11. #1211
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    What I don't get is why asking an AI out that you've never talked to earns respect. That was just weird, even more so than the sword thing. At least that explains itself after some thought.
    He didn't ask her out. He only asked for her contact info. While you could see it as desperate instead of brave, why not? Not many would have necessarily thought to do such a thing in the middle of the finishing part of the mission. He was polite about it and honest to his feelings, not letting the gallery embarrass him out of it. I think it was quite respectful. Kind of like having the guts to confess to someone whilst for example school mates are watching.

  12. #1212
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think they were insulting him when they said he had earned their respect. He set the new standard for desperate and they recognized that.
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  13. #1213
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I think they were insulting him when they said he had earned their respect. He set the new standard for desperate and they recognized that.
    Don't be so pessimistic. I don't think Kirito's group is supposed to be made of wicked bullies.

  14. #1214
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Kirito's kick makes me think so.
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  15. #1215
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Liz sounded way too earnest there for that to be sarcasm.

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  16. #1216
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    It wasn't sarcasm. I think they were honestly awed at how low Klein can stoop. It is impressive in a way, as if he has mastered an art of some sort.
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  17. #1217
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    As if Liz herself had ever achieved anything at all in her virtual life. She's like the number 5 or 6 girl queuing for Kirito's favour. She has absolutely no business thinking somebody else has sunk low. With Yui there, anybody thinking asking for an AI girl's contact info is crazy would be insulting Kirito and Asuna (and Yui herself, of course).

  18. #1218
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Why exactly did Kirito so dramatically throw the sword away and then moments later accept it all gleefully from Sinon?
    I didn't get it either.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Too bad for Klein her lady turned into a bearded Norse god.
    And a legendary weapon that he can't use.

    I mean, why wouldn't they just give the hammer to the chick that already uses a mace that shoots lightning? Wouldn't she be fairly proficient with it?

    I though there was going to be a swerve once Frejya turned out to be Thor in disguise. I'm like, "That doesn't sound like something Thor would do, that sounds like Loki", and it was going to turn out they were helping the badguy all along, especially when Thurm was all "Don't trust the Asguardians".

    But, none of that happened I guess.

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfMoogles View Post
    For whatever reason, they didn't mention that it was so heavy Kirito couldn't make the jump to get off the crumbling fortress.
    Seems like a weird thing to leave out of the adaptation.
    Ah, thanks for the explanation. That makes sense, even if it's dumb.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Klein getting kicked was utter nonsense.
    I don't see how it's any different from when any other character whacks someone on the head when they're giving them the business. It's just slapstick.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    What I don't get is why asking an AI out that you've never talked to earns respect. That was just weird, even more so than the sword thing. At least that explains itself after some thought.
    Haha, I thought the same thing. "He just asked a computer on a date, and that makes you respect him? Pretty sure that's the opposite of what a real girls reaction would be."

  19. #1219
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    @Darth - It's not the action but the motivation behind the kick that was nonsense. So, Kirito WANTS to preserve his harem because he likes the current state? If so, then it isn't nonsense. Kirito is merely a player and an ass since he already has a proper girlfriend.
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  20. #1220
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I don't see that much of a problem behind the kick's motivation. Kirito has a harem but is embarrassed when Klein calls him out on it. If a friend said instead "It must be sooo nice to be popular smart" in a teasing manner, I can see some sort of nudge/punch coming. In real life it wouldn't be a jumping boot to the face, but this is a video game so I make slightly more allowances.

    It's still violence, but I can't see it playing out any other way. It's synonymous with those kicks or pinches under the table.

    Kirito doesn't actually cheat on Asuna in any way. He maintains his friendliness with the others, and I do believe that Asuna would accept the current status quo. They're all her friends and she can't help that her boyfriend is popular. Shit would be going down if this was White Album or something, but alas this is SAO.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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