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But then thereīs also the part that simply makes it silly for someone to have a "harem". Yes, itīs an anime trope, but when an anime attempts to tell an engaging story, I would expect more than such silliness. Seriously, where is this leading? If you turn on your brain for a moment, whats next? Kirito and Asuna are a couple ad infinitum, theyre not gonna break up. So what is Silicaīs, Lizīs, Shinonīs and Leifaīs plan for the future? Stay bitter singles forever? At some point marry a different guy, telling him "honey, Im sorry, but if thereīs ever a chance, Ill let myself get fucked by this other guy. Hope you understand."? Thatīs why itīs just too silly, thereīs no endgame.
To summarize, the legitimacy of a harem depends on the type of anime. Is it one of those cheap romance shows? Sure, whatever. But is it an anime that goes on about this epic Aincrad, players being trapped inside and dying? Then I expect more.