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Thread: Sword Art Online

  1. #1281
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Kirito not going all out on Zekken had nothing to do with her sex. He knew she was female from the start, but only held back around the middle of the fight as he himself stated. It had something to do with whatever they chatted about.

    There are decent males outside of Kirito in the story. One of which is Agil.

    And about Asuna being forced into anything. Didn't she just rebel against her mom completely this episode?

    Seriously Mfauli. Relax a bit before ranting. It'll help your arguments.
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  2. #1282
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoM
    Also, her dad has actually met Kirito in the hospital, hasn't he? He was also the one who chose the crazy guy. He most likely doesn't feel the same way.
    I wouldn't be so sure. He finds Kirito to be a nice person and approves of him as Asuna's friend, but if he guns for a suitor position things may change. I'm not sure if anyone here's been introduced as a friend initially, then been looked at differently once you declared you're a boyfriend.

    Kirito picked out that the girl was an NPC that was allowed to exceed the game's limits. It wasn't elaborated on whether or not he stopped trying half-way because she was a girl.

    Regarding the mum issues, I've always been conflicted about the whole "I've invested a whole lot in you" mentality. On one hand, there's something about returning another's good-will. We see this all the time in anime where someone doesn't want xyz's contributions to go to waste. But then, it's a unilateral decision and Asuna had no input into the direction things were going.

    At what point does a child waste a person's good parenting, and at what point is the parent being a dictator? Age comes into that. What's Asuna? 18?

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta
    And about Asuna being forced into anything. Didn't she just rebel against her mom completely this episode?
    Not completely. She said she'll think about it.

    To rebel completely she'll have to decline. To do that she'll need to be financially independent. It's largely why teenagers have fights at home. They're mentally independent but are financially dependant. Any self-supported adult would just part ways.

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  3. #1283
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Age has nothing to do with it.

    A child has no choice about being born and who his/her parents are.

    No obligation should exist. Good parenting has nothing to do with age. It has everything to do with logic. Asuna loves someone else and would be miserable otherwise. The answer is clear.

    And Kirito never said that the girl was an NPC. He said that she lived in the world. An NPC does not deserve such a distinction in the first place.
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  4. #1284
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Age has a part to play where a child is considered incapable of making "correct" decisions and ultimately giving consent. There isn't some magical age where we mature overnight and become an adult, but for the purposes of legislation we say it's 18 (sometimes 16). When someone is capable of understanding and appreciating the implications of their decisions, they should be allowed to make them.

    My age comment applies more to the "dictator" part than the "wasting good parenting" part, the latter is way too subjective.

    Your use of misery is interesting. Children are miserable when they're told to do homework. This goes all the way until.... highschool? Some insight/foresight is required to see the true benefit of homework/learning, so I don't think immediate misery is a good indicator of what is good or bad parenting.

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  5. #1285
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    If you meant that there is a certain age when a parent can still one-sidedly dictate whatever a child should do, then my answer is never.

    Discussion and compromise will likely result in a better solution. If discussion is impossible (because the child is too young and immature) then it is slightly more complex, but it is obviously different in Asuna's case.

    EDIT: Why the hell am I even defending Asuna. She can just die from ebola for all I care.
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  6. #1286
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    If you meant that there is a certain age when a parent can still one-sidedly dictate whatever a child should do, then my answer is never.

    Discussion and compromise will likely result in a better solution. If discussion is impossible (because the child is too young and immature) then it is slightly more complex, but it is obviously different in Asuna's case.
    I agree that Asuna shows she is capable of making her decisions and at her age/mental maturity discussions are necessary. Legally, there are some double standards. At very young age where discussion is not possible, parents can made medical decisions for children as you've pointed out. Then there's a grey area when a child is considered to have the capacity to consent to treatment, but does not have the capacity to refuse.

    It's like the mother's choice here: You can choose your partner as long as it matches our standards. I personally don't like it, but I can see where they're coming from.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta
    EDIT: Why the hell am I even defending Asuna. She can just die from ebola for all I care.
    You're horrible. Asuna = wife for life.

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  7. #1287
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    oh god, Buff is an Asuna supporter :/

    Anyway. It doesnt really matter if Asuna rebelled or not. Her mother still tries to force something upon her. The part about sending her to a specific school, well, thatīs rather a general story-telling clichee. We see that a lot (and itīs always boring and frustrating to watch, since itīs so overused). Whatīs bullshit is her mother trying to force her to marry a certain kain of guy. And sheīs not even circling around the issue, sheīs straight forwardly telling that it needs to be a wealthy guy.

    Thatīs why I dont agree that her mother learned ANYTHING from the disaster with Sugou. Sheīd be just as blinded by the outer shell of any guy that fits her utmost priority: money, wealth, status. And until we see Asunaīs father, I will also disagree about him having learned anything from the Sugou-incident. SAO has been so crappy with these topics that itīs simply so much more likely for all these people to keep going with their crappy attitudes. And going with the flow, I fully expect any marriage candidate of Asunaīs to be another wanna be-rapist. After all, God Kirito is the only decent guy in the world!

    Sure, Egil and Klein are okay guys. But they absoutely pale in comparison to God Kirito. Egil is married already and is given a bartender job, so heīs already written out of the active plot. And Klein is continuously made fun of and forbidden to have a girl. And I wouldnīt rule it out that heīll become a villain later in the story, even though we all talked about it in a joking manner lol. I can just see it come true.

    Regarding Zekken, I seriously hope sheīs not an NPC. That would be so boring. Itīd be much more interesting to find out why some player was able to exceed the "worldīs limits". With an NPC you can always say "well, they can access the very structure of the gameīs properties", so it makes it unspecial. Itīs why Yui fortunately is a side character only. But a human player that could hack the game like Yui? That would be awesome.
    So I hope that Zekken turns out to be a total nerd who spent so much time in this world as to explain her mad skills. Although itīs bullshit how many beautiful girls are mmorpg nerds in the realm of anime (looking at Log Horizon here, too lol).

    And to made an intelligent conclusion to this posting:

    Best wife currently: Leafa (best body + pseudo-incest bonus). Followed by Shinon (love conquering confident girls :P)

    And writing about waifus reminds me: Shinta, Im still hoping for you to make me another signature pic :>
    Would love one featuring one of the following girls (in that order of importance):
    1. Hoshino (Gundam Build Fighters Try)
    2. Akatsuki (Log Horizon)
    3. Leafa (SAO)
    Make it as sexy as legally possible on this forum. Choose from the above three girls depending on who you can find the hottest, riskiest pic. An emphasis on ass is welcome. :P

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  8. #1288
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Do you mean Leafa or Sugu? Sugu rocks. Leafa, not so much.

    Regarding the "learning" thing, there isn't actually much to learn. It's like saying:

    "I picked a partner for my daughter and he turned out to be an asshole. If I choose another wealthy person for her then he must also be bad. That means either:

    1) All wealthy persons are assholes, or
    2) All people I choose are assholes."

    It's much more reasonable for her to think that it was a one-off chance that resulted in a bad person. The one incident where the fiance was bad doesn't actually support the logic that she should change her ways. That's generalising too much. The reason she shouldn't choose for Asuna lies elsewhere.

    I don't like Zekken too much. She sounds too much like a trap. Whenever I hear her talk I hear a little brother.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  9. #1289
    Yuuki (Zekken) is voiced by Yuuki Aoi (lol), probably most well known for her role as Madoka. In this, she sounds closest to her role in Symphogear as the main character, which is definitely somewhat boyish.

  10. #1290
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Do you mean Leafa or Sugu? Sugu rocks. Leafa, not so much.
    Totally agree. That avatar is just stupid.
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  11. #1291
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I can understand Asuna's mom's actions. It's obviously not a warm family. The maid (they even have one!) looked quite nervous as well. The mom likely has adapted to such an environment and hasn't watched enough dorama to know any better. Furthermore, since she herself wasn't born into a rich family, according to Asuna, marrying into one must have been like a dream come true, until the reality struck. But she could hardly admit that reality, lest she has nothing left. So, that's her concept of a successful marriage: Two people from the same social class marrying each other to keep up their wealth and status and naturally to propagate, having the offspring play the same game. Everything else is inconsequential, happiness included. Naturally she would wish success as great to her own daughter. All in all, I doubt dinner is the only time when she's drinking wine...

    Asuna obviously never shared the same values, as she escaped the coldness (15C room temperature, damn) to the virtual world.

    Do they have some steam punk swords or where on Earth did all that steam appear from during the fight? It looked ridiculous.

  12. #1292
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Do they have some steam punk swords or where on Earth did all that steam appear from during the fight? It looked ridiculous.
    Magic or dust mites.
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  13. #1293
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Man,these episodes made me remember that I really don't give a rats ass about what happens to Asuna.

  14. #1294
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I see the Asuna support is low. I have to make an avatar set to rectify this.

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  15. #1295
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    That'll probably achieve the opposite effect.
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  16. #1296
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    That'll probably achieve the opposite effect.
    I mean, fuck, even if Asuna were killed, Id be happy. Itīd mean one of the other girls had finally a shot at him. And every girl is more interesting than Asuna.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  17. #1297
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    There's just too much drama with her. In SAO the first arc it was a whole lot better. Then she was just another damsel in distress with issues. Now it's family issues and more cliche stuff. Hell, even Sinon overcame her trauma. Asuna is still mopping around saying she is weak in the real world and just runs back the world where she isn't.

  18. #1298
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    episode 20 is out

    I almost forgot that Kirito was the uber god. lol

    Do we have the soundtrack for this already? I need that song that was playing during the beginning clash with the enemy guild.

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  19. #1299
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It started to look like this arc is dedicated to Asuna's personal development, but then when Kirito made his sudden appearance to save the day (which could hardly be called a surprise), this episode suddenly felt like it was slowly built only to give Kirito yet another moment to show his superior quality. I'd call it a pity if this show deserved any expectations in the first place. Since it doesn't, it's all the same. I guess, at the very least, this might help Asuna to solve the issues within her family by giving her some minor insight. Though I still don't see why she doesn't rely on Kirito at all.

  20. #1300
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    nah, the spontaneous boss battle will cause her to forget about the 6 pm cutoff time, which will lead to her mother taking away the device from her. This will lead her to some dramatic depression (because no internet is a real reason for that!!1) and finally call Kirito on the plan to pay her mother a visit. Kirito will then kill the mother with a katana and the arriving police will congratulate him for being such a nice boyfriend.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

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