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Thread: Sword Art Online

  1. #441
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    The ultimate cop-out episode. What the ****?!

    For starters, what happened to the super tough boss from last episode? We only see how they "somehow" defeated it, with only 14 of them having died. YOU HAVE TO SHOW THAT, dammit.

    And then, surely, the worst part: A 100% deus-ex-machina ending. So much bs going on, dunno where to begin. Kirito not dying, when he should. Asuna throwing herself in Kabaya´s attack and being one-shotted - her defense shouldn´t be that much worse than Kirito´s, and he survived being f*****ing pierced through his body. Then Kirito and Asuna sitting in the sky and expecting to die for real - WHY? Why would they assume that? They just saw a perfectly reasonable Kabaya who spoke to them. Did they really think "oh, and just to screw us, this guy will still fry our brains, even though we beat the game and are still alive right now. Oh well, sucks, but what can you do." Seriously?!

    Also, ... you cannot get up and walk after 2 or so years of lying in bed. Not possible. Maybe wouldn´t have granted as pretty a scene, but at most Kirito should have been crawling on the floor.

  2. #442
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Also, ... you cannot get up and walk after 2 or so years of lying in bed. Not possible. Maybe wouldn´t have granted as pretty a scene, but at most Kirito should have been crawling on the floor.
    Walking the way Kirito did after two weeks bedridden in the hospital is about right (after a major surgery anyway). I'd be amazed if he could sit up after two years.

  3. #443
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    It's amazing how you guys can predict what medical science will and won't be able to accomplish in 2022.

  4. #444
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    (If it was in the anime, someone give me a timestamp.)
    Episode 6, around 14:50

    Was hoping that the end would reedem the show or at least go out with a bang or something. No real continuation on the boss fight was disappointing. And I still don't get why he locked them all up in this life or death game, did anyone get anything useful out of his speech other than he's been dreaming of that world forever? That doesn't explain anything really.
    You are here alone again
    In your sweet insanity
    All too calm, you hide yourself from reality
    Do you call it solitude? Do you call it liberty?
    When all the world turns away to leave you lonely

  5. #445
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Seriously disappointing wrap-up. I just couldn't suspend my disbelief from the start of the episode enough to enjoy it. Why do producers insist on asking the audience to just shallow their flat-bread sandwich? Is it too much to ask to remove the filler and spend a little time animating a non-cop out ending?

    Why the f*ck are we asked to believe Asuna was magically able to undo the GM's absolute paralysis and get one-shotted throwing her body in front of Kiritos.....and so much more.

    And Akihito (or whatever the designers name is); what the hell was is purpose in executing all this.

    Then Kirito's return; tell me, why are you even able to lift your goddamn arm with your muscles atrophied over a period of two years, much less pull off getting up and walking down that damn corridor.


    Rant end.
    Last edited by Lucifus; Sat, 10-06-2012 at 11:26 PM.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  6. #446
    15 "Return" "Kikan" (帰還) October 13, 2012
    16 "The Country of Fairies" "Yōsei-tachi no Kuni" (妖精たちの国) October 20, 2012
    17 "The Captive Queen" "Toraware no Joō" (囚われの女王) October 27, 2012

    There'll be 25 episodes total. for what just happen... wtf? This easely the worst put to getter anime I've ever seen.

  7. #447
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I'm amazed the game company is still around after financing the medical bills that they would have been sued for.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #448
    Student koppayana's Avatar
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    Guessing the first 14 episodes are to show the player's addiction to the world. next episode is where they want to go back.

    What was up with the yellow light before and in Kirito's eyes during the end of the fight? Is he the One now? We gonna have him bend swordplay?

  9. #449
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I'm such a horrible person. I was snickering during the oh so moving scene of Kirito and Asuna saying their good byes.

    Too bad the show isn't ending here. This wreck of an episode would have made a perfect ending for a wreck of a show.

    At the very least the dude got a fine barbarian hairdo to reflect his berserk fighting style.

  10. #450
    I'm enjoy this - not only I'm enjoying the show as it is because of what it is - but also because you guys are freaking over little things even though that the show is pure science fiction.
    At least, they are not out because of the power of love, Asuna didn't sing Kirito into a flying Mecha, Kiritos eyes' didn't have the reflection of a nutshell splitting open ...
    In the anime world, you are being faced with a load of crap every single frame - The OP spoils the ending with the first episode, you get flashback, troll arcs, unbearable voice acting, ... let's all be friend and have a beer because in the end we got ourselves a decent half season. Of course, plotholes everywhere - but isn't pointing them out another way of saying you loved it and you just want an OVA remake ?

  11. #451
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Being, "pure science fiction," doesn't excuse it from terrible characters, bad storytelling, and the frequency of contradicting its own arbitrary rules.

    There are a lot of great "pure science fiction" stories out there. This ain't one of 'em.

  12. #452
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Also there's almost no exploration of the scifi conceit of the series, as has already been extensively discussed.


    Wow the rest of that post is ludicrously stupid.

  13. #453
    For everyone that doesn't like the series, this is probably the best stopping point. I doubt you'll find anything you like in the rest.
    Unless, of course, you're actually just tsundere for SAO.

  14. #454
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    I haven't watched the series since episode 10, where I just gave up even watching it to make snappy posts and read the first volume instead.

  15. #455
    I thought it's been rocking, this was a good episode too.

  16. #456
    I dunno, I think this would have been a better series if this part was stretched out a bit more for more depth instead of cramming everything in a short time frame.

  17. #457
    I liked the fast pace. Most animes with a lot of depth also tend to be too drawn out and coupled with filler scenes.

  18. #458
    Quote Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
    not only I'm enjoying the show as it is because of what it is - but also because you guys are freaking over little things
    Been using Gotwoot for anime recommendations for years and never seen so much nerdrage over a show as this (well perhaps The second season of Darker then black). For a show that "sucks balls", according to the general consensus, it's pretty impressive to get twenty-three forum pages halfway through the show.

    On another note i'm totally
    Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfMoogles View Post
    tsundere for SAO
    PS. And no, it's not a troll account

  19. #459
    Ha! You've been around for years but you don't seem to have learned a fundamental lesson of the forums. Controversy is probably the second best way to get long passionate threads like this. People can only go around agreeing with each other for so long before it gets boring and they stop posting. No one bothers discussing the merits of Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai because we can all agree that it was nothing special and not worth talking about and move on. SAO on the other hand is a hotbed of controversy with several people thinking the show (or just the source material) is firmly on the the positive side of the scale with opinions ranging from decent to fantastic and several others that think the show (or also the source material) is firmly on the negative side of the scale from lame to garbage. The strength of belief at both poles is what continues to drive this thread's post count up.

  20. #460
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Horrible Subs - Episode 15

    Incredibly ... how an author can choose such an interesting setting and then take a gigantic dump on it all.
    I don´t know where to start with calling him out on his bullshit plot.
    Maybe I´ll choose just one (though not the worst one): Yes, girl, the boy you grew up with for your whole life turns out to be your cousin instead brother. It´s totally okay to fall in love with him now.... WAIT, WHAT?! (And that reaction is leaving aside the confusion over WHY SAO needed an incest subplot. sigh).

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