The ultimate cop-out episode. What the ****?!
For starters, what happened to the super tough boss from last episode? We only see how they "somehow" defeated it, with only 14 of them having died. YOU HAVE TO SHOW THAT, dammit.
And then, surely, the worst part: A 100% deus-ex-machina ending. So much bs going on, dunno where to begin. Kirito not dying, when he should. Asuna throwing herself in Kabaya´s attack and being one-shotted - her defense shouldn´t be that much worse than Kirito´s, and he survived being f*****ing pierced through his body. Then Kirito and Asuna sitting in the sky and expecting to die for real - WHY? Why would they assume that? They just saw a perfectly reasonable Kabaya who spoke to them. Did they really think "oh, and just to screw us, this guy will still fry our brains, even though we beat the game and are still alive right now. Oh well, sucks, but what can you do." Seriously?!
Also, ... you cannot get up and walk after 2 or so years of lying in bed. Not possible. Maybe wouldn´t have granted as pretty a scene, but at most Kirito should have been crawling on the floor.