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Thread: Sword Art Online

  1. #1421
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Archangel hasn't logged in for 9 months on any accounts we're aware of.

    A few of us have actually suspected that he died some time ago .
    Now we know: he's fighting together with Asuna.

    (i hope he hasn't died ... )

  2. #1422
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Episode 12:



    Villains mustn't have the *slightest* victory in this trash story :/

    Seriously, I want someone to remake SAO, except this time with heroes facing realistic consequences and villains not being cannon fodder. And have Asuna raped once or twice ...

    Seriously though, I can't understand how anybody could like this story or find it exciting. It literally is like watching a Musou-game. Heroes having all the power, killing enemies in the thousands with no effort displayed.

    Also, the depiction of gamers is sooo unrealistic, too. It's as if only those are skilled that have a higher moral compass, meanwhile those gamers who just want sole fun *must* be weak cannonfodder. 🙄 Also, ofc those hundreds of gamers all act the same and let themselves get offed instantly. And next episode, all Japanese gamers will help, because Japanese gamers are such good people, ya know! And then in the finale ALL gamers turn good to help defeat Vectra!!1


  3. #1423
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I've finally caught up and managed to suffer through this mess.
    I even had to catch up on the last 2 seasons and rewatched the movie by accident again because I thought I didn't watch it yet.

    The movie was the best thing about it all because it featured lots of Asuna hairstyles and casual clothing in the shortest amount of time.
    And... that's basically what this franchise amounts too now. You get to see the most beautiful waifu of them all in different styles.
    SAO-Saber(Alice) and Asuna are the only reason why I managed.

    I didn't read the source material and I have no idea if it's actually done well in the LNs... but if it isn't, then I have no idea why this franchise gets so much attention.

    In Alicization, we don't even get to see a single fight that was somewhat well animated, (even though this show always gets a high budget? At least that's what I thought) funnily enough, the "true" fights are featured in the openings and in the show itself it's almost comically poorly animated and boring.

    I'm starting to wonder if I remember the original SAO (first half) wrong. It's not that I remember it to be as colourful as the latest Fate stuff, but I remembered it to be better.

    I can't even begin and won't mention all the plotholes and follies I caught up on in detail but these last 2 episodes really took it to another level. I'm not sure if I should be sad or angry about this whole thing - I skipped most of it.
    It feels like the setting itself is so much fun, but the whole thing smells so much like fanfiction and it oozes with 8th grade syndrome out of every corner of the story. It's impossible to like Kirito in this whole story... you just can't. The way the anime portrays him doesn't allow you too. I kept thinking "oh god, this is so bad..." - "yeah, of course dude" and was bitter throughout most of the time to the point were I felt ashamed that I kept watching and watching because "MAYBE the next episode will be different, after all *that* fight is coming up" or "MAYBE I get to see another Asuna-hairstyle next episode", just to suffer through another minute of another 2-3 frames per second fight.

    So... did anyone read the novels? Maybe they explain and describes things better there? I won't doubt that it will still be all about Gary-Stu Kirito and his harem, but the last 3 cours introduced so many girls that I kept thinking "What's the point of her existence??". The novels must surely do a better job?

    Alice is a character I can get behind from a storytelling point of view, the story is more about here than it is about anyone else since last season. I even thought that the conflict between Kirito's and Eugeo's version was interesting and managed to bring romance-drama to a harem show in which the lead already has his chosen one. Yet, the author decided it wasn't worth the trouble and created that ridicilous "lets exchange information about my Kirito" scenes.

    But what about the long haired instructor in purple clothing? What the heck was that?
    It just felt like the original source must have had like 2-3 volumes dedicated to that and the anime got through with it in 2 episodes by dragging out the unimportant parts in a poor attempt to create some worldbuilding (i.e. mentioning Eugeo's instructor etc.) before it got to the interesting part again where they became elite-students (4th + 5th seat or something)..that whole thing did mess up the power-level curve quite a bit too.

    Gosh, I can already see that I accumilated so much bitterness and salt simply by looking at the wall of text I'm writing.. but still... I'm curious and keep thinking "THIS HAS TO GET BETTER, AT SOME POINT, PLEASE?"
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 01-15-2020 at 06:12 PM.

  4. #1424
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Underworld episode 13:

    Just lol.
    Honestly, I'm not sure if the author either likes rape (nothing wrong with it in the fictional realm) or is a sjw.

    On one hand, he puts these almost-rape scenes in every single season of SAO, and in a qzite sexy way, too.
    On the other hand, the scenes are never allowed to play out, are interrupted early, and only end with the hero looking good.

    It's so weird. It also kinda makes light of actual rape with how casually these scenes keep happening in SAO. This scene with Leafa might have been the worst though. I laufghed out loud when she thought "I mustn't fight back because I need to get information first". that was bonafide hentai doujin reasoning for why a strong female character allows herself to be raped lol. There was no more difference to that. Hilarious. And Leafa was in obvious discomfort - it wasn't shown, but ... that one tentacle actually penetrated her?! This was way too unbelievable, as Leafa/Suguha is 100% the type of girl that goes "I must protect my chastitiy at all costs or I'm damaged goods". From that I follow that either there was no penetration (which makes it a dumb scene cut) or the whole thing is out of character for her.

    Oh well. Can't wait for the doujins - not much of an effort these h-authors have to go through this time ....

    As for the rest episode: heroes awesome and powerful, villains keep losing. Yay, so exciting!!1 The only hero who's seemingly beaten is a throw-away character that we wouldn't have seen again after this whole arc anyway.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  5. #1425
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Can someone who reads the novels actually confirm whether these scenes are written to such graphic detail, or whether it's a studio choice to include suggesti..

    Never mind, I just remembered "glug glug glug". It's totally the author.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  6. #1426
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    It's just so hilariously unfitting. Almost as if you'd put a rape scene in Pokemon. Just ... why, lol.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  7. #1427
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    episode 15:

    I swear, villains will never accomplish ANYTHING in this arc The main bad guy couldn't even defeat that "old" swordman. sigh

    - Kritito wakes up
    - holds speech
    - all online-players turn against villains
    - happy end


    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  8. #1428
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    What I am most surprised about is that this show still has viewers.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  9. #1429
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    episode 16:

    At this point Im convinced the author only wanted to see hentai doujins of his story. He knew he couldn't get those juicy rape scenes play out in the anime, so he keeps teasing it, basically telling doujin artists: "Pls do THIS".

    Sexual Assault Online aside, what a shit episode once again. Now the big bad guy probably can't even defeat Shinon, and the LaughingCoffin guy will definitely be killed by Kirito when he awakens.

    These villains really have accomplished NOTHING. Worst villains in any anime ever.

    And I fucking hate how desperate the heroes sound when their avatars are about to be killed - ITS JUST AVATARS. Meanwhile, the Underwold citizens die for real. Ugh, such entitled brats. And why is Asuna so weak now, anyway? Why not spam her uber attacks and kill all opponents at once? bad writing.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  10. #1430
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Why are you punishing yourself by continuing to watch this?

    The series peaked at episode 9 of the original.

  11. #1431
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post

    The series peaked at episode 9 of the original.
    This. Is. True.

    And it was amazing up to that point.

  12. #1432
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Why are you punishing yourself by continuing to watch this?

    The series peaked at episode 9 of the original.
    Help me, what happened in that episode?

    And for the question: I'm too invested at this point. It's like Dragon Ball Super, except DBS was fun. With SAO, I more enjoy the trashtalking afterwars :/

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  13. #1433
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Eps 9: Kirito reveals his dual sword technique and solos the boss on the 74th floor, nearly dying in the process.

  14. #1434
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Episode 17:

    WTF I hate this SAO shit so much. How is this anime still popular. The last episode was insulting:

    - these villains achieve NOTHING!
    - random character appears and almost defeats PoH
    - man villain cant defeat Shinon
    - you just know: Any time a "good" character is in a dire situation, IT WILL NEVER ACTUALLY AMOUNT TO ANYTHING. ALWAYS HAPPY END!!1
    - so PoH can mind-control REAL players? Fucking LOL
    - what was Shinon's big turnaround anyway? She just SUDDENLY REMEMBERED that her rifle recharges, wow, fantastic! /s
    - so that random chick that appeared with the random guy from Aincard has the ability to ... sing JPop to buff. lolok
    - Leafah keeps whining about being hurt, but pulls out a spear out of her fucking skull like it's nothing and kills 100s of enemies with her cheat-super attacks.
    - and now Kirito is gonna wake up. What for?! These two enemies pose no danger at all. If Asuna, Klein, Egil and the others just stop cowering on the ground, they'd kill these two without much effort

    This really is one of the worst anime I've ever seen and I've seen a lot. The balance in achievements between heroes and villains is SO one-sided and unfair, that I always root for the villains, to no prevail of fucking course.

    Bad anime. :/

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  15. #1435
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    episode 18:

    yay, he's awake -_-

    this core issue, besides villains not accomplishing anything, is that these heroes do NOTHING to justfiy their victory. This was most obvious this episode with Asuna. She started the fight against PoH, he was stronger, she started sobbing ... and then some ghost appears and grants her power.

    This is so bad. It is SO bad and it makes me angry so much. I dont want to ignore it. I want the author to be shat on and I want the whole world to agreee "yes, this sucks" :/

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  16. #1436
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    episode 19:

    SAO ... episode starts with a deus ex machina right off the bat, yay ..

    What the author of SAO fails to understand: People like to root for the underdog. When Shikamaru was fighting Hidan/Kakazu, it was exciting because the Akatsuki were thought of as much, much stronger than Shikamaru. In SAO, however, the HEROES are much, much stronger than the villains and NEVER lose. That's why I keep rooting for the villains in SAO ... to no prevail, ofc.

    Really, I have less respect for people who call themselves SAO-fans. It's a bad story, objectively.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  17. #1437
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    It's that everyone in the main cast is their own flavor of a Mary Sue. And all the girls have no meaningful autonomy once they meet Kirito.

    Kirito: The ultimate perfect game player, who never gives up and can instantly master the mechanics of anything, solve mysteries, and only comes close to defeat when someone else is cheating.

    Asuna: The perfect girlfriend-wife. Such a brilliant and smart tactician (that we never see, only get told about), Kirito's (again almost never shown) near-peer in gaming ability. Described by others for her peerless beauty, grace, and delicacy in the real world. Despite the discussed and noticeable PTSD she has from SAO and the Fairy Queen shit, Kirito is easily able to get her back into gaming because he asked. Oh, and they also already have a perfect in-game AI daughter, who is a legitimate afterthought later on.

    Shino: The perfect mistress girlfriend (remember this is Japan, where sleeping around is at least partially accepted). Again, a skilled, but nowhere near Kirito's level girl, who...doesn't really have much more in the way of personality than that. After her childhood trauma is overcome...there's NOTHING THERE besides devoted mistress vibes. And of course she's a catgirl in the other game. Does she have her own interests?

    Sugu: The perfect devoted little-sister for the audience inserts to lust after, and oh, she's actually his cousin so it isn't incest by Japanese laws. Doesn't seem to have any interest in other men aside from pining after Kirito, knowing that it's hopeless because Asuna is SO PERFECT, so she will remain an eternally pure virgin with unrequited love for her onii-chan. Does she have a personality? She did. She used to do kendo. Then, "she begins playing Alfheim Online as a Sylph in an attempt to try to understand Kirito better." WTF. She doesn't lust after him anymore, but she endlessly tags along after him.

    Alice: AI perfect childhood friend get the deal by now.

  18. #1438
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    It's that everyone in the main cast is their own flavor of a Mary Sue. And all the girls have no meaningful autonomy once they meet Kirito.

    Kirito: The ultimate perfect game player, who never gives up and can instantly master the mechanics of anything, solve mysteries, and only comes close to defeat when someone else is cheating.

    Asuna: The perfect girlfriend-wife. Such a brilliant and smart tactician (that we never see, only get told about), Kirito's (again almost never shown) near-peer in gaming ability. Described by others for her peerless beauty, grace, and delicacy in the real world. Despite the discussed and noticeable PTSD she has from SAO and the Fairy Queen shit, Kirito is easily able to get her back into gaming because he asked. Oh, and they also already have a perfect in-game AI daughter, who is a legitimate afterthought later on.

    Shino: The perfect mistress girlfriend (remember this is Japan, where sleeping around is at least partially accepted). Again, a skilled, but nowhere near Kirito's level girl, who...doesn't really have much more in the way of personality than that. After her childhood trauma is overcome...there's NOTHING THERE besides devoted mistress vibes. And of course she's a catgirl in the other game. Does she have her own interests?

    Sugu: The perfect devoted little-sister for the audience inserts to lust after, and oh, she's actually his cousin so it isn't incest by Japanese laws. Doesn't seem to have any interest in other men aside from pining after Kirito, knowing that it's hopeless because Asuna is SO PERFECT, so she will remain an eternally pure virgin with unrequited love for her onii-chan. Does she have a personality? She did. She used to do kendo. Then, "she begins playing Alfheim Online as a Sylph in an attempt to try to understand Kirito better." WTF. She doesn't lust after him anymore, but she endlessly tags along after him.

    Alice: AI perfect childhood friend get the deal by now.
    You make me hate SAO even more when putting it all together like that ... STAHP XD

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  19. #1439
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    Shino: The perfect mistress girlfriend (remember this is Japan, where sleeping around is at least partially accepted).
    For the birth rate. For the greater good.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  20. #1440
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    For the birth rate. For the greater good.
    Considering the quality of SAO's writing, I wouldn't be surprised ii its author has read one too many #humancattle doujins.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

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