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Thread: Sword Art Online

  1. #1261
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    It was all meaningless. They can't force Asuna to marry some douche when she already has Kirito. Even if they don't respect her wishes and the fact Kirito saved her life twice (and ten thousand other people. After all, it only matters who's Kirito's father is and isn't), it's still meaningless. Kirito is already apparently raking in money, and that will only accelerate later. Maybe he can't provide Asuna with a fancy mansion in RL right away, but looking at those two, it doesn't matter. If her family would try to force her into something, she would just leave the family. She gained full mental indepence already during the SAO when she had nobody but herself to rely on. She will only humour her family to a certain point.
    While I would certainly like to THINK that all of that is true, they seem to be foreshadowing otherwise.

  2. #1262
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Yeah, lol. Kraco, just you wait when next arc is gonna be about how Asuna is forced to marry one of those three guys irl. She will feel she cannot decline because otherwise they threaten to ruin her parentsī business. Then it is revealed that those three guys are former SAO-players and only planned to "secure" Asuna to get their revenge on Kirito for "reasons". Shortly before the finale, the evil leader will then try to rape Asuna. He manages to grope her breasts (to show just how disgusting this non-Kirito-male is), then Kirito kill him in a gruesome, but awesome way, giving a manly speech, the end.
    Meanwhile, Klein commits suicide but nobody cared.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  3. #1263
    Pretty sure Asuna could just be like "Dad, remember what happened with the last guy you tried to set me up with?"
    They probably just have to play nice with the suitors for political reasons and keeping up appearances since they run some big company that relies on business deals or something.

  4. #1264
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfMoogles View Post
    They probably just have to play nice with the suitors for political reasons and keeping up appearances since they run some big company that relies on business deals or something.
    That's what I'm thinking as well. It doesn't really matter if she has those meetings. They can just politely turn down all the applicants afterwards. It will generate less ill feelings than turning them away even before they have a chance to see Asuna, as if they (their families) weren't good enough. Even Asuna's old man, whom we haven't even seen, can't be so stupid he wouldn't realise that allowing Asuna to marry the hero would be less bad than having tabloids write how the heiress was forced to leave the family to avoid an arranged marriage. That would be bad for business.

  5. #1265
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    lol, i started playing Hollow Fragment for PSVita again. Klein somehow brought about the topic of breats and Yui innocently and curiously then asked whoīs chest he likes best in front of all the girls. Instead of anwsering "Asunaīs, of course!" like any normal boyfriend would do, he just couldnīt choose anybody. Just wow. And so in line with the anime lol.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  6. #1266
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    @Mfauli - Finally caught up with the thread. I wanted to give some short answers to your questions.

    2) Sleeping in game - I'm pretty sure they fell asleep while hanging out. It happened to almost all of them in that scene. None of them logged in just to sleep...

    4) Kirito losing - He didn't dual wield. He also was not owned. The enemy's HP bar was shown as close to empty, though not critical red yet. Fights like that can go either way.

    I think people will take your opinions more seriously if you don't exaggerate too much. Some of the things you said have merit, but they are overshadowed by the nitpicking.
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  7. #1267
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I'd take his opinions more seriously if every other thing he said wasn't so rapey.

  8. #1268
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    @Mfauli - Finally caught up with the thread. I wanted to give some short answers to your questions.

    2) Sleeping in game - I'm pretty sure they fell asleep while hanging out. It happened to almost all of them in that scene. None of them logged in just to sleep...
    I'm with MFauli on this one. I get that it is their little digital clubhouse, but seriously, if you're in the game and falling asleep or taking naps, sleep in the real world. What a waste of time. You spend time in MMOs to grind, "sightsee," enjoy the "story," or hang out with friends while grinding, not idling in game while sleeping at your desk.

    If you start to pass out, log off. This isn't a game where you're forced to sleep inside it anymore.

    The only part of this episode I truly enjoyed was Asuna struggling to find wifi in Kyoto. That's something everyone with a cell phone can relate to.

    edit: Not to mention after all the shit that happened with the NervGear, the amusphere should probably automatically log off players once it detects they've fallen asleep. Part of its safety protocols, like not having brain-frying microwave emitters in it.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Tue, 11-11-2014 at 08:14 AM.

  9. #1269
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Yeah, it's a waste of time. I was just clarifying it for Mfauli because he seemed to think that Kirito logged in in order to sleep. If that wasn't what he meant, then okay.
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  10. #1270
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    I get that it is their little digital clubhouse, but seriously, if you're in the game and falling asleep or taking naps, sleep in the real world. What a waste of time.
    Let's be real here. What exactly does it matter whether they sleep in the game or not? How is it any MORE of a waste of time than sleeping in the real world?

    It's basically no different than falling asleep with the television on.

    You guys are basically saying "Sleeping on the couch? What a waste of time! Go to your bed to sleep!"

    It's the most ridiculous complaint ever.

  11. #1271
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think sleep in general is a waste of time. It is necessary though and I wish I had more of it.

    I completely agree with your comment though.
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  12. #1272
    Also, let's not forget that if this is full dive, from a sensory perspective, it might be more pleasing for the user to dream in a comfy place surrounded by friends and a fireplace rather than a dreary japanese appartment.

  13. #1273
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Man...the future suuuuucks.

    When you go to the park in the real world, there are cameras everywhere watching you, and this is all before the full blown behavior monitoring system of Accel World comes online.

    One has to dive into a VR game just to take a nap in an open field or in a forest cabin.

  14. #1274
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    The only solution is to tear down the establishment!

  15. #1275
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I don't mind that future. When the world becomes overpopulated and I can only afford a small capsule to sleep in, I'll full dive into a world of luxury and enjoyment.

    Yeah, I'm going to take the blue pill.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  16. #1276
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Full agreement.
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  17. #1277
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I won't be able to afford such luxurious VR accommodations and will end up living the sewer with Denis Leary!

  18. #1278
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    episode 19 is out

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfMoogles View Post
    Pretty sure Asuna could just be like "Dad, remember what happened with the last guy you tried to set me up with?"
    They probably just have to play nice with the suitors for political reasons and keeping up appearances since they run some big company that relies on business deals or something.
    well, lol @you and Kraco is my first and foremost reaction after the latest episode
    So much for Asuna couldnt be forced to marry somebody, and so much for her parents acknowledging that they wanted her to become some pervert rapists playtoything.

    Whatīs most astounding, though, is that not just all male characters, but ALL other people are shit beings compared to God Kirito. Hilarious. Itīs impossible for Asuna to have nice parents. I mean, that would mean that thereīd be decent people other than God Kirito. lol

    And I hated that Kirito didnīt go all out on Zekken. Whatīs worse is that it is somehow okay for our Hero God Kirito to be such a sexist chauvinist that half his reason for not using all of his power, was Zekken being a girl. I mean, fucking l o l. Is the author of SAO some 50 y.o. retard? If such a story was being released by a western author for a popular medium, the entertainment press would be allllll over it, not holding back with criticism. But somehow itīs okay here. And I hate feminists, just for the record. Itīs that ridiculous.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  19. #1279
    Your point would be valid if her mom didn't just say she wasn't going to force her to marry someone (though she did say it had to be someone that met her standards).
    Also, her dad has actually met Kirito in the hospital, hasn't he? He was also the one who chose the crazy guy. He most likely doesn't feel the same way.
    This definitely felt like her mom was taking all of this into her own hands. Probably because her dad had given up on trying to force her to do stuff after the previous incident.

    Her mom actually has a lot of good points in their discussion, but is a total jerk about it and goes about the discussion of Asuna's future in completely the wrong way.
    Asuna hit the nail on the head at the end of the conversation, calling her mom out on her own inadequacies.

    I really don't understand your "God Kirito" rant. He is a fairly normal person, and there are plenty of other normal-ish characters in the show.
    If anything, you should be complaining about how SAO is basically an exploration of "Introverted nice guy is super popular" which isn't really the case in the real world. But this is anime, so this shouldn't be very surprising.

    Kirito probably could have beaten her with dual wield and skill connect, but showing off in front of large crowds for not much of a good reason isn't really his personality. I would also imagine the thing he asked her about in battle was more of a reason that he went easier on her than her just being a girl. Even if he was going easy on her because she was a girl, you're still exaggerating way too much.

  20. #1280
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Bitch all you guys want, but I still really enjoy the action sequences in this show.

    You know, for the 2 minutes that they last...fuck the rest of this episode.

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfMoogles View Post
    If anything, you should be complaining about how SAO is basically an exploration of "Introverted nice guy is super popular" which isn't really the case in the real world. But this is anime, so this shouldn't be very surprising.
    They also don't live in the real world. They live in a video game. So it's more an exploration of "Introverted nice guy, who is also the strongest fighter in a world that revolves around fighters, is super popular."

    He's like a rock star in the place that they spend most of their time.

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