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Thread: Sword Art Online

  1. #1241
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Sinon didn't confess. It was more of a challenge+breakdown.
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  2. #1242
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Yeah, Shinon didnīt confess. She proposed. :|

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  3. #1243
    No, she didn't.

  4. #1244
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Even if she did, it wouldn't matter since Kirito the playboy hadn't bothered to tell Sinon he has a wife waiting back home. Married people usually don't get as many proposals as free ones, for a reason.

  5. #1245
    Yea, I can't believe he doesn't go around every video game he plays letting everyone he meets know he has a girlfriend.

  6. #1246
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    He should have done that when Sinon was obviously coming onto him, though.
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  7. #1247
    "Hey, I know you're having an emotional breakdown right now and trying to show me a point about how you need to overcome your issues yourself, but I just wanted to let you know I have a girlfriend, so don't do it in such a suggestive way. But I will still be your friend no matter what. Just don't want you to get the wrong idea."

  8. #1248
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    I mean, youīre making fun of the situation, but matter of fact is that Kirito started a whole bunch of shit when pretended to be a girl in the very beginning. But deceiving Shinon was okay, because heīs the hero ... right?

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  9. #1249
    He only really used his girl persona to easily gain information (and accidentally at first).
    He even revealed himself when it crossed the line.
    I'm not sure what your point is about this.

  10. #1250
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I thought the fact he owned up to it right when she started stripping was pretty morally upright.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  11. #1251
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I don't think it would have hurt Sinon if he casually mentioned Asuna when she was rolling around with her head on his lap.

    I'm not saying he should have declared he was not single. There are many subtle ways to do it to prevent Sinon from raising her hopes up. The way Kirito was touching her all over (he never did as much with anyone, even Asuna in normal scenes) was really odd.

    I'm pretty sure the adaptation is at fault. I never had problems with Phantom Bullet when I was reading it.
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  12. #1252
    I like to think Kirito thinks of Sinon as a "bro" more than a girl. They've been through similar circumstances. She tries to act more manly than the other girls. I could easily see him being as touchy with Klein, but we don't really get to see them hang out as much.

  13. #1253
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfMoogles View Post
    I could easily see him being as touchy with Klein, but we don't really get to see them hang out as much.
    Yeah, he kicks him in the face and shit.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  14. #1254
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    LOL, that is technically touching, I guess.

    Kirito appeared to be a lot more donkan in the light novels. He was simply just being himself, and girls flock to him, understandably due to his feats.

    The Phantom Bullet arc in the anime looked like he wanted to score with Sinon. A lot of people (especially non-novel readers) seem to think so, so I guess the interpretation has merit.

    This could have been done much better. I was expecting a lot from my favorite arc in SAO, but this didn't deliver. UBW and Madan are shaming this in terms of adaptation quality.
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  15. #1255
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    episode 18 is out

    i pre-emptively apologize for the following posting, "why are you still watching it then?", balbla. Sorry.

    Anyway. What a SHIT episode. Seriously, this anime is sooo full of itself. No other anime than one that knows itīs popular could allow such a shit-boring episode. I cant even decide what to complain about first ... falling asleep inside the game ... WHY? And why are they still meeting alltogether?! They gather in-game, half of them falls asleeps, and then they drink virtual tea. wtf.

    But my personal "highlight" of the episode: Not only was Klein delegated to random side-character status, we also got our first glimpse at a new group of males ... FEATURING A CRAZY RAPIST SMILE. Seriously, this animeīs goal is to prove that all men but Kirito are worthless, ainīt it so? This is so freaking dumb, haha.

    To make the clusterfuck perfect, however, we now have to swallow the news about a new group of players that easily overpower the almighty Kirito (even though heīs not using 2 swords, but whatever) AND that theyīd have earned the dual blade-skill, had they played SAO.

    And donīt even get me started about their "original skill". The game either allows crafting or it doesnt. If it does, EVERY player could create original skills with 11, 12 or 100 hit-combos.


    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  16. #1256
    Haha. I was wondering who would come in first and say "This episode was shit, so boring,lol"

    While not super exciting, I enjoy watching the characters just get a chance to hang out and not fight to the death. If they were just fighting all the time, it would be dumb.

    Just so I'm clear, these are your complaints about the episode:
    1) You hate the characters so much that you're only watching for action, and there wasn't any action in this episode, so it is "shit"
    2) You don't understand why friends would want to hang out with each other
    3) You don't like the cliche creepy rich male suitor characters that show up in several anime
    4) You don't like the fact that someone can be stronger than Kirito
    5) Original Sword Skills weren't explained well enough to answer your questions about it

    I can understand #1 (though like you said, I have to question why you're watching a show where you don't like any of the characters at all).
    #2, I really don't understand your complaint. I mean, if you had a super cool house to go hang out with your friends when you couldn't meet up IRL, wouldn't you do it? Isn't doing your homework in virtual reality way more interesting than doing it at your desk alone?
    #3, stupid cliches are stupid. Luckily, these characters didn't even really do anything.
    #4, being best out of 10,000 isn't really that impressive. The advantage he got from playing VRMMO for 2 years helped him through the rest of the arcs. It isn't that surprising that someone could be better. Though Kirito doesn't fight like life was on the line and we know he likes to play down his strength.
    #5, hopefully they'll explain later why OSS are so hard that what Zekken does is super impressive.

  17. #1257
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I liked this episode. I also like Asuna, so that helps. The hunch is of course, that the Zekken fellow is after Asuna.

    What I don't understand is why there's a Trap Kirito in the ED. We just confirmed the fact that these guys can have alternative accounts so it can be as simple as that. Maybe Asuna rejects Zekken by saying she's a lesbian, and then Kirito is forced to date her while being a girl? I'm sure even MFauli would like that.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  18. #1258
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfMoogles View Post
    I can understand #1 (though like you said, I have to question why you're watching a show where you don't like any of the characters at all).
    #2, I really don't understand your complaint. I mean, if you had a super cool house to go hang out with your friends when you couldn't meet up IRL, wouldn't you do it? Isn't doing your homework in virtual reality way more interesting than doing it at your desk alone?
    #3, stupid cliches are stupid. Luckily, these characters didn't even really do anything.
    #4, being best out of 10,000 isn't really that impressive. The advantage he got from playing VRMMO for 2 years helped him through the rest of the arcs. It isn't that surprising that someone could be better. Though Kirito doesn't fight like life was on the line and we know he likes to play down his strength.
    #5, hopefully they'll explain later why OSS are so hard that what Zekken does is super impressive.
    1.) Currently, Im watching SAO for action scenes more than anything, yes. However, Im not at all opposed to slower, quieter scenes. BUT I hate scenes that add nothing to the ongoing plot. The 2-3 episodes at the wooden house in season 1 were the low point of the series back then. Now we had to suffer through an episode with the sole purpose of reminiscing that time. Pardon me, but that was ridiculous.

    2.) No, no. Friends hanging out with each other is fine. But thereīs two problems. One being that itīs silly to lay down on your bed, logging into the amusphere, only to then sleep ingame. And second, that weīre still in a state of aaaaall the girls trying to score with Kirito. That makes it so weird. And the anime even pushes these "options", instead of deescalating them, when it draws a parallel between Kirito and Silica sleeping. And then Liz suddenly talks about Kiritoīs fighting behavior as if theyīre super close. Again, just sooo weird.

    3.) I dont like how every male in this anime that isnt Kirito is either a fool or a creepy to-be rapist. How DARE other guys finding Asuna attractive!

    4.) First of all, stop trying to downplay Kiritoīs skills. He has been portrayed as a VRMMO-prodigy ever since episode 1 of season 1. Secondly, and maaaaybe thats just me, but Kirito has always been presented as somebody who hates losing. Who always gives it his all. So now suddenly he handicaps himself and then loses. Thatīs out of character imo.

    5.) I sure hope they do some proper explaining.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  19. #1259
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    It IS odd that Klein is the only one not hanging out at their house. Maybe he's on a date with Skuld.

    Anyway. I kinda liked the first half of this episode. Kinda gave me the feels.

    Second half was obviously just setup for what's coming up.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    falling asleep inside the game ... WHY? And why are they still meeting alltogether?! They gather in-game, half of them falls asleeps, and then they drink virtual tea. wtf.
    Because they pretty much live in the game. They don't just play to level and kill monsters. It's their second lives.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Not only was Klein delegated to random side-character status, we also got our first glimpse at a new group of males ... FEATURING A CRAZY RAPIST SMILE. Seriously, this animeīs goal is to prove that all men but Kirito are worthless, ainīt it so? This is so freaking dumb, haha.
    Yeah, I really don't care about anything going on in their real lives. And Asuna's seems like it could go in some kind of depressing/frustrating direction, so I'm really not looking forward to any of that.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    To make the clusterfuck perfect, however, we now have to swallow the news about a new group of players that easily overpower the almighty Kirito (even though heīs not using 2 swords, but whatever)
    Group? Seemed like it was just one guy. And obviously something is going on there, since they had some kind of mid-fight exchange.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    AND that theyīd have earned the dual blade-skill, had they played SAO.
    I mean, that's pretty straightfoward. Kirito said he got the Dual Wield skill because he had the fastest reaction time in the game. He's basically just saying that this guy has a faster reaction time than him.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    And donīt even get me started about their "original skill". The game either allows crafting or it doesnt. If it does, EVERY player could create original skills with 11, 12 or 100 hit-combos.
    Pretty sure the "original skill" is like Kirito's Dual Wield. Those moves aren't crafted, they're rewarded.

    Also, it's a skill, not a weapon or suit of armor. You don't craft a skill.

  20. #1260
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    It IS odd that Klein is the only one not hanging out at their house. Maybe he's on a date with Skuld.
    There's nothing odd about it. Because if he was there, he would be the odd one out. Four girls who all love Kirito. I reckon Klein knew from experience the girls would start to chat about Kirito with lovey dovey eyes, so he would feel himself if not plain unwelcome, at least an extra in that company. It's a different matter when they are actually playing the game by going through quests. But now there was nothing of that sort.

    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Yeah, I really don't care about anything going on in their real lives. And Asuna's seems like it could go in some kind of depressing/frustrating direction, so I'm really not looking forward to any of that.

    It was all meaningless. They can't force Asuna to marry some douche when she already has Kirito. Even if they don't respect her wishes and the fact Kirito saved her life twice (and ten thousand other people. After all, it only matters who's Kirito's father is and isn't), it's still meaningless. Kirito is already apparently raking in money, and that will only accelerate later. Maybe he can't provide Asuna with a fancy mansion in RL right away, but looking at those two, it doesn't matter. If her family would try to force her into something, she would just leave the family. She gained full mental indepence already during the SAO when she had nobody but herself to rely on. She will only humour her family to a certain point.

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