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Thread: Sword Art Online

  1. #1141
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Doesn't SAO only have 4 real arcs anyway?

  2. #1142
    They've animated Aincrad, Fairy Dance, and Phantom Bullet, volumes 1, 3/4, and 5/6 respectively.
    They also animated most of the side stories from volumes 2 and 8, in line with when they actually occurred in the timeline chronologically. Episode 2 of the anime (1st floor boss battle) was a side story not included in the numbered volumes.
    Up next is a side story from volume 8.
    After that, they're animating volume 7, Mother's Rosario. It is arguable if you want to call this an arc or just a side story in the grand scheme of things.

    Volume 9 starts the huge ongoing arc, Alicization, that is the rest of the novels (on like 14 or 15 now).

  3. #1143
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Oh, I thought the books were done already.

  4. #1144
    So, when will recap shows finally become obsolete in Japan? They're annoying as fuck. The worst are the ones that try to feed you a new scene here, some new information there and forces you to watch the damn whole thing. Thankfully this one didn't seem like it added anything new and could get away with an easy 30 second fast forward. But it delays a new episode by a week, completely pointless.

  5. #1145
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    episode 15 is out

    this was worse than bad. it was simply boring. wow, so boring. weīre really supposed to be excited about watching kirito and co. go on a mere mmorpg quest now? there is zero sense of danger. itīd be equally interesting to watch Light go to school, learn some english, some math, then return home. and the episode would end before heīd start writing in his death note. no wait, that would be more interesting than this sao episode. :/

    also, why the fuck would Sinon choose a cat girl avatar?! Girl who was portrayed as cold, independent and wary of all men suddenly dresses up like every guyīs wet dream. I guess ... the power of Kirito? :/

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  6. #1146
    It would be kind of stupid if they were always fighting with their lives on the line.

    Shino tries to use these MMOs to change herself.
    She tried to be a cold, cool person in GGO to overcome her fears, so I guess now she's trying something different now that she isn't so traumatized anymore.
    But really, what is wrong with you? Only mfauli would complain about more catgirls in anime

    Also, lol at Scilica looking at her tail like "Why doesn't Kirito ever pull mine?"
    Last edited by MasterOfMoogles; Sat, 10-18-2014 at 04:21 PM.

  7. #1147
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I already like this arc more than the last one.

    Although, I think there are way too many characters in this group.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    suddenly dresses up like every guyīs wet dream.
    I guess I missed the memo.

  8. #1148
    This is actually a pretty small group considering they're going to fight some endgame type boss content.
    7 is also a really weird number.
    Most MMOs have parties of 4-6 and raid groups of 8, 16, 20, or larger.

    I am excited for some actual group combat, though. Fighting the floor bosses in Aincrad was always pretty awesome, but we only really got to see 3 bosses (1, 74, and 75) and Kirito solo'd one of them.

  9. #1149
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfMoogles View Post
    Also, lol at Scilica looking at her tail like "Why doesn't Kirito ever pull mine?"
    Yeah, that was a pretty funny detail.

  10. #1150
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Ahh well, I'm just gonna watch this for fun. If I want a good MMORPG anime, I'd just watch Log Horizon instead.

  11. #1151
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Too many girls.

    I just want Sinon. That tail pull was probably the best part of this episode.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  12. #1152
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfMoogles View Post
    This is actually a pretty small group considering they're going to fight some endgame type boss content.
    7 is also a really weird number.
    Most MMOs have parties of 4-6 and raid groups of 8, 16, 20, or larger.
    No, I'm saying it's too many people for me to give a shit about in this show at once.

  13. #1153
    I just want to see Kirito and Asuna's SAO avatars return. And I do agree the Harem is growing a little too large to pay attention to the individual characters enough to hold interest. Even the entire GGO arc I kept hoping for the others to have at least a bit more role than wayside discussion on LC and Asuna sitting bedside.

    On the note of Asuna, I don't understand her change to healer either, same with what mfauli said about the catgirl avatar. They just don't seem suited to the characters we knew before. Kirito has been fairly consistent, same with Lizbeth, Klein, and Sugu. But both secondary main characters undergo that kind of change after their respective arcs? Meh.

  14. #1154
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Kirito just totally loves touching Sinon. She's also the most bro-material out of the lot.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  15. #1155
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    episode 16 is out

    let me guess: Freya is gonna die, marry some random npc, turns out to be lesbian or falls for kirito. heavens forbid that Klein would get some pussy. :/

    on a related note, I wonder how the sexual harrasment protocol works in this post-Aincrad world. I mean, Freyaīs boobs rubbing against Klein, that sorta stuff shouldnt be possible with npcs, right? If it was possible to fuck npcs, weīd have heard of rape stories before, thatīd be bound to happen with all these crazies locked up in the game. Still, itīd be nice if Freya became Kleinīs gf, similar to how Yui and loli girlīs blue dragonbird are sentient mainstays.

    As for the action ... I found that fight against the yellow bull-monster totally boring. First of all, dying isnt a problem anymore. Secondly, it was ridiculous how everybody kept slashing away at it, with cool poses and all, but it kept standing. This truly felt like a real mmorpg fight: boring, devoid of active skills and drawn out. Thatīs why I have no interest in mmorpgs. Itīs all about hp points and stats, not about skill. Oh, and of course Kirito got to show off again :/

    Now Im kinda left wondering what Thrym intends to do after marrying Freya. Stomp her to death with the tip of his dick when attempting to bang her?

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  16. #1156
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    on a related note, I wonder how the sexual harrasment protocol works in this post-Aincrad world. I mean, Freyaīs boobs rubbing against Klein, that sorta stuff shouldnt be possible with npcs, right? If it was possible to fuck npcs, weīd have heard of rape stories before, thatīd be bound to happen with all these crazies locked up in the game. Still, itīd be nice if Freya became Kleinīs gf, similar to how Yui and loli girlīs blue dragonbird are sentient mainstays.
    If she's semi-sentient, then she could consent. Thus, no harassment. Dunno, maybe 18+ years old can have some action of that sort as well. It sure as hell would help sell the game! Business is business.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    As for the action ... I found that fight against the yellow bull-monster totally boring. First of all, dying isnt a problem anymore.
    Dying would have been a problem this time since they had ridiculously little time to clear the dungeon. Respawning who knows where would have wasted too much time. I guess they don't have town portals you can use to instantly teleport to another party member's location.

  17. #1157
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Dying would have been a problem this time since they had ridiculously little time to clear the dungeon. Respawning who knows where would have wasted too much time. I guess they don't have town portals you can use to instantly teleport to another party member's location.
    sigh, Kraco, I knew this would be brought up, hence why I included more than one complaint! :P

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  18. #1158
    'cause you gotta make sure there are enough complaints in a post about SAO!

    You kind of answered your other complaint, though. It is a fairly standard MMORPG, so MMORPG combat isn't surprising.
    Kirito did kind of cheese the boss with Skill Connect, too (which was super awesome), since there is some delay on monsters when they're hit by sword skills. This gives his allies enough time to recover all of their abilities and launch them again.

    I feel sad that you can't even enjoy an episode where all of the characters use their cool moves.

    Sinon trying to pull some Legolas-type stuff, haha.

  19. #1159
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfMoogles View Post
    I feel sad that you can't even enjoy an episode where all of the characters use their cool moves.
    A move is cool when it does something cool. I thought Kleinīs move where he ended up standing behind the enemy was really badass ... but it didnīt do anything but contribute a little to damage to the enemy. Without any reaction, the scene proceeded with the next party member unleashing a special attack .. that, again, didnīt do anything besides inflicting more damage.

    Itīd be cool if, for example, Klein had cut off one of the bullīs arms. Or blinded him by destroying its eyes. Or anything like that.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  20. #1160
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    A move is cool when it does something cool. I thought Kleinīs move where he ended up standing behind the enemy was really badass ... but it didnīt do anything but contribute a little to damage to the enemy. Without any reaction, the scene proceeded with the next party member unleashing a special attack .. that, again, didnīt do anything besides inflicting more damage.

    Itīd be cool if, for example, Klein had cut off one of the bullīs arms. Or blinded him by destroying its eyes. Or anything like that.
    I thought it was way cooler that the bull was momentarily "cut".

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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