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Thread: Sword Art Online

  1. #1061
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I was wondering if they were showing DG's warping movements to take us back to the last boss fight in SAO...
    My guess is that DG is an admin or whatever haxor profile. Since the company running GGO is in the US and nobody knows shit about it, it might be DG is in fact one of the founders/developers or whatever position that granted him access to the source code or whatever hack needed for his deeds.
    That gives him access to any player's identity etc...

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  2. #1062
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    I was wondering if they were showing DG's warping movements to take us back to the last boss fight in SAO...
    My guess is that DG is an admin or whatever haxor profile. Since the company running GGO is in the US and nobody knows shit about it, it might be DG is in fact one of the founders/developers or whatever position that granted him access to the source code or whatever hack needed for his deeds.
    That gives him access to any player's identity etc...
    That would make all three arcs so far exactly the same: A fight against the admin, or somebody with admin rights and possibilities, which isn't any different.

  3. #1063
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    That would make all three arcs so far exactly the same
    Welcome to almost every shounen anime out there.

    Yui being able to control hospital TV's in real life ruined everything.

  4. #1064
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lelouch View Post
    Yui being able to control hospital TV's in real life ruined everything.

    Yui is probably the most advanced AI ever written in this setting, and even if Kayaba abandoned her, she's been continuing to develop since Kirito and Asuna "adopted" her. Kirito has even been toying with man-machine interfaces, and Asuna is of course incredibly wealthy and probably owns all of Kayaba's old technology and programming assets.

    That was one of the most plausible things that happened this episode.

    Put Yui in a cellphone, link the cellphone up to the connected networks, and there you go. It's the Internet of Things, controlled by an AI solely developed to interpret natural human speech and emotions.

    Compare that to, "I can use metal swords if they are precisely no greater than my preferred weapon type (LOL, it wouldn't work for what you like to use Kirito!), can slide them into my unique drop sniper rifle, and it is conveniently made of the strongest metal in the game that can't be burned through with you laser sword, and even though my partner is creeping on Sinon in her apartment that she can just tell you the address of, I can't be stopped because you don't know the handle I used in another game!"

    I think it is pretty clear which developments break suspension of disbelief.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sat, 09-20-2014 at 09:28 PM.

  5. #1065
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    I was wondering if they were showing DG's warping movements to take us back to the last boss fight in SAO...
    I thought those were just sword Special Moves. We know those still exist in GGO because Kirito did that four-slash thing when he first picked up the light saber.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    This anime is such shit, lol.
    We know. You say it every time you point out a plot-hole(or something you just didn't understand). One wonders why you think it's still poignant commentary at this stage.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Maybe Iīm being optimistic here, but imo this wording implies that Death Gun finds Kiritoīs reasoning funny, further implying that itīs 100% wrong.
    Or he's just denying the accusation because it completely undermines what he's trying to do here to admit it. It does him no favors to confess in the event that Kirito has accurately guessed his plan.

    But yes, it would be nice if Kirito's prediction was completely wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    I think it is pretty clear which developments break suspension of disbelief.

    The only reason the stuff you mentioned wouldn't seem plausible is because we didn't know weapon crafting existed in the game. But then, the reason we didn't know is because Kirito didn't know, which, like Death Gun said, is because Kirito didn't do any fucking research.

    But, given that this is an MMO, and pretty much every MMO ever has had crafting, we probably should have assumed it was available.

  6. #1066
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post

    The only reason the stuff you mentioned wouldn't seem plausible is because we didn't know weapon crafting existed in the game. But then, the reason we didn't know is because Kirito didn't know, which, like Death Gun said, is because Kirito didn't do any fucking research.

    But, given that this is an MMO, and pretty much every MMO ever has had crafting, we probably should have assumed it was available.
    I'll break it down for you, because as usual you don't understand fairly basic concepts.

    The fact that there is crafting isn't really a problem. You're missing the forest for the trees. It's when that system was introduced, and how the blade functions.

    Improbable is always worse than impossible in story telling.

    There is crafting, and like you point out, Kirito didn't do his research, he learned everything from Sinon in order because he rushed into this investigation. What makes it improbable is that there is an arbitrary limit to what size can be crafted...and it perfectly matches DeathGun's preferred blade type, the estoc.

    Then they compound that by going out of their way to have Kirito say that you can't craft the type of swords he likes.

    That DeathGun can craft a blade is no big deal, the system was probably made for making knives and stuff. The issue is that the system conveniently tops out on the exact type of weapon DeathGun used in SAO. That's awfully convenient, very bad writing, and completely improbable. If the crafting system stopped on machetes instead it would make sense, but it stops on long stabbing sword profiles? Please.

    But they're not even done! They next state that he crafted it from the ultra-rare space battleship metal that is the strongest in the game. This space battleship metal's amazing property is that it not only can block the exceptionally strong laser sword (which cuts through type of body armor we've seen, evaporates bullets, and cuts through weapons - all in eps 6), it too can easily pierce body armor. So we've given the enemy an equally powerful weapon for no other reason but to make it a sword fight.

    The basis of its existence was entirely within the scene it was introduced.

    And the other half is just as ridiculous. DeathGun can't get caught solely because Kirito never knew his name?! They know his partner is in Sinon's apartment! Find one, find the other.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sun, 09-21-2014 at 06:35 AM. Reason: proofreading

  7. #1067
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Still, considering Kirito has been playing a sword fighting game all the time, whereas Death Gun has been playing a modern shooting game, one has to wonder why exactly Kiroto would be rusty with swords, not Death Gun. Could it be that Kirito has been doing no PvP sword fights, not even to train? Fighting AI controlled monsters and NPCs wouldn't really do the trick.
    Of all the possible developments, this one makes the least sense. Seriously, Kirito has been blocking bullets for 10 episodes, and now this? As Kraco says, thereīs no reason to believe heīd be rusty in terms of sword skills.
    First hit: Suprise attack, Kirito didn't expect him to have a sword - his head on attack was stupid though, why did he even leap in the first place, its not like he had to close the gap between extremely fast now that his weapon is broken... What happened to his Five-Seven btw?

    Second hit: You can see the laser sword being useless against that blade... it can't melt it -> thus he can't defend against it.

    That was one of the most plausible things that happened this episode.

    Put Yui in a cellphone, link the cellphone up to the connected networks, and there you go. It's the Internet of Things, controlled by an AI solely developed to interpret natural human speech and emotions.
    don't know about that - shit works with codes and stuff, I can't remember what happened to Yui anyway, wasn't she supposed to be saved in the headgear or something?
    I don't expect a virus made for Windows to work on Linux either.
    If she can do it, why doesn't she use her superpowers to find out where DG is playing from. It's BS... doesn't matter though because its so common in movies and TV-shows. I didn't even care.

    Such scenes remind me of LotR, when Gandalf summoned the hawks to fly to Mt. Doom, why didn't they do that from the get go
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 09-21-2014 at 07:57 AM.

  8. #1068
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    don't know about that - shit works with codes and stuff, I can't remember what happened to Yui anyway, wasn't she supposed to be saved in the headgear or something?
    I don't expect a virus made for Windows to work on Linux either.
    If she can do it, why doesn't she use her superpowers to find out where DG is playing from. It's BS... doesn't matter though because its so common in movies and TV-shows. I didn't even care.

    Such scenes remind me of LotR, when Gandalf summoned the hawks to fly to Mt. Doom, why didn't they do that from the get go
    What? She could have used Asuna's phone's IR transmitter to make the TV show the match. For all we know, there could be a TV channel for it, and the TV must have been a smart TV with a net connection anyway since this is in the future. What's so special about that little thing?

    Also, Gandalf couldn't take the eagles and fly to Mordor because Sauron was watchful and all the ringwraiths, including the witch king Gandalf was no match for, would have been there waiting.

  9. #1069
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    The fact that you can "run her" on the phone is bullshit itself. It's a typical omnipotent movie A.I don't bother arguing about this. As I said, I don't even care, I just accept it.... like we are meant to do. The only way to explain it/we will get is "It's the future".

  10. #1070
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    The fact that you can "run her" on the phone is bullshit itself. It's a typical omnipotent movie A.I don't bother arguing about this. As I said, I don't even care, I just accept it.... like we are meant to do. The only way to explain it/we will get is "It's the future".
    You mean her future phone even can't have a net connection and she would merely be using the phone as an interface to communicate with Asuna? Just like a phone is used also by people when you make a phone call to somebody. You don't actually upload your consciousness to the recipient's phone, you merely send your voice over there and receive the other person's voice in return. Yui's involvement with Asuna phone would be a bit deeper but nothing fancy, really. I'm sure even today you can download some shady app from the Internet onto your phone that lets some foreign bastard do whatever he wants with your phone, as long as the net connection is on. Monitor the surroundings with the cameras and microphone, use the IR to change your TV channels if he recognizes your TV brand, whatever.

  11. #1071
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    But they're not even done! They next state that he crafted it from the ultra-rare space battleship metal that is the strongest in the game. This space battleship metal's amazing property is that it not only can block the exceptionally strong laser sword (which cuts through type of body armor we've seen, evaporates bullets, and cuts through weapons - all in eps 6), it too can easily pierce body armor.
    Those other complaints are valid and all, but this part is completely reasonable.

    Obviously if the game has crafting, there's going to be different tiers of materials to craft with. And OF COURSE the main villain is going to have a weapon made from the best materials. And a weapon hand crafted from the best material in the game should damn well be a match for Kirito's store-bought sword, even if it is a light saber(P.S. even Star Wars has materials you can make a sword out of so that a light saber can't cut through it, it's called Cortosis).

    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    The fact that you can "run her" on the phone is bullshit itself. It's a typical omnipotent movie A.I
    Exactly. It's an accepted trope.

    Self-aware A.I. can transfer themselves to anything. That's just, like, the rule, man.

  12. #1072
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    You guys are really arguing about the AI-part? Of all the things, itīs the least ridiculous. And even on its own, itīs rather easy to accept. An AI lives in a world of 0s and 1s. It doesnīt matter if one software is completely different from another, itīs the same on a basic level.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  13. #1073
    I'll chime in as a software developer.
    While I wouldn't go so far as to say "All software is just 0s and 1s, so easy-peasy", this scene is actually very reasonable and I would expect to be able to do stuff like this in 2025. The only somewhat ridiculous part from a software standpoint is the fact that Yui exists at all.
    You can already do a lot of what we've seen here with DLNA. The TV would be a Digital Media Renderer (DMR) and the phone would be a Digital Media Controller (DMC). If your DMC has access to a Digital Media Server (DMS), it can push that media to the DMR, control playback, volume, etc. A DMS can push live TV, web streams, or whatever you want, as long as it provides the details about it to the DMC and DMR according to the standards.

    If I were to speculate about Yui, I would guess Asuna installed some app on her phone that lets Yui do cool stuff with it. A remote desktop type app would probably be the easiest, giving the remote connection full control of the device.

  14. #1074
    Actually you can run grid supercomputing from a Galaxy S5.

    The only thing that felt impossible in that scene was just Yui, the AI, because it's shit we can code yet. I'm talking self learning, self aware, able to communicate verbally and visually without a single fucking glitch.

  15. #1075
    Branching off from the crossfire in here... it sounds like Asuna will probably become the key to figuring out who this guy is and the tension will likely be if they can get to him and the others on time... I also wonder if the camera managed to catch what Kirito was saying, it seemed like he was saying it for the benefit of those watching so they could act on his discoveries from the outside.

    Personally, I say they should just hack Kirito's SAO avatar into GGO and let him dual-wield rampage on estoc boy.

  16. #1076
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
    The only thing that felt impossible in that scene was just Yui, the AI, because it's shit we can code yet.
    So is VR that interfaces directly with your brain.

    The series has more advanced computer tech than we do. It's the foundation of the series. No point in arguing against it.

    Quote Originally Posted by kmkze04 View Post
    I also wonder if the camera managed to catch what Kirito was saying, it seemed like he was saying it for the benefit of those watching so they could act on his discoveries from the outside.
    He said earlier the cameras only play sound if you're shouting. Which is another plot contrivance basically.

  17. #1077
    Well, Sinon said that in the cave, but the distance between him and DG was much greater, so I suppose it could be considered a "shout"

  18. #1078
    After all, we did see DG play up his speech in front of a camera when doing in Pale Rider. There's no reason Kirito couldn't have noticed the camera and be doing the same. The way he explained the process to DG makes me think he wasn't trying to unsettle DG but instead was really doing it so the world would know, especially considering the start of the episode was that he thought he may have missed something. Taking all that into account, he probably has good reason to think he might lose and others need to know what he does.

  19. #1079
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Episode 13 is out

    How fucking absurdly comically psychotic can you even portray someone? This was so unbelievable incompetently presented. I guess the guy wouldnīt have been able to be painted evil, if he was reacting in a realistic manner, because then itīd be clear that Sinonīs permanent rejection to his very real romantic advances simply hurt and damaged him, ultimately breaking him. Meanwhile, he gets to watch how sheīs all lovey-dovey with a strange guy she just recently met in GGO. Classy. But no worries, by presenting him as a complete wacko, repeatingly and non-sensically shouting "Asada! Asada!", all blame goes to him, none to her. siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh

    My other major complaint for this episode: Last week I thought that Kiritoīs laser sword is entirely ineffective against Death Gunīs metal "sword", simply because the laser sword isnīt hot enough to melt the metal, therefore letting it slip through as if thereīs nothing but air, thus resulting in all the hits Kirito received. Wrong. This episode showed that Death Gun was simply a better sword fighter. W T F?! So at this point in the series, weīre led to believe that there was and is a better sword fighter than Kirito? Super bullshit.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  20. #1080
    I don't think Kirito is supposed to be the best sword fighter in the world. Suguha can beat him in kendo.
    He was the best in a small pool in SAO.
    In ALO and GGO, he has the advantage of having played VR games more than basically anyone in the world and completely being used to VR combat.

    Also, Kirito is a dual wielder. He never beats anyone good with one sword through pure skill.

    Regarding the villain... Dude, he was executing a plan to sneak into people's rooms and murder them in their "sleep". Of course is freaking psychotic.

    I wish they had made the scene with Sinon waking up a little more tense. Instead they're playing soothing music. That situation would be utterly terrifying.

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