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Thread: Sword Art Online

  1. #841
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Haha, yeah. Since this is a shooter game, I bet her scope goes from a wide-angle to an amazing zoom with absolutely no aberrations or distortions of any kind, yet naturally provides a huge aperture to use in dim lighting. Everything in a convenient packet just for Sinon!
    And sheīs sooo skilled. No, no, itīs not because of her uber-weapon, no, no ...

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  2. #842
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Penner View Post
    Who the fuck even uses the scope when you are so close to the target that he can SEE YOUR EYE MOVEMENTS from behind the scope. >_>
    If this game, like most other modern shooters, gives sniper rifles abysmal hip fire accuracies then it makes plenty of sense to use the scope.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #843
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I remember Counter Strike being like that.
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  4. #844
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    If this game, like most other modern shooters, gives sniper rifles abysmal hip fire accuracies then it makes plenty of sense to use the scope.

    That has always annoyed me... shooting a sniper rifle at close range without using the scope and instead just aiming it like you would a normal rifle cannot possibly be that hard. I mean, in some games that shit causes you to miss your target at almost point-blank range, which is just ridiculous.

    Only reason i can think of why games insist on doing that is to prevent sniper rifles from being "overpowered", as people could/would use it as an actual long-range weapon, and then run around using it for close-range combat as well, instead of switching to their secondary pistol/smg/knife or whatever.
    Last edited by Penner; Tue, 08-12-2014 at 01:51 PM.

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

  5. #845
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Canted Ironsights, GGO needs it!
    I suppose it wouldn't help much on a rifle that weighs 15kg though

    I couldn't help but notice that Sinon's VA is doing a really great job so far, her voice is so sexy, dayum!
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Tue, 08-12-2014 at 12:09 PM.

  6. #846
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    I suppose it wouldn't help much on a rifle that weighs 15kg though
    GGO is an RPG, though. Spend some points in strength, and 15 kg is probably nothing serious.

    In reality, and in simulation games like Arma, a rifle can have a secondary sight, such as a red dot, to use when aiming close. Here's a link to a random article featuring one such solution. However, since GGO is a shooter-RPG, I suppose it's beyond its meager ambition to feature such. Considering the numerous disadvantages a sniper rifle offers in close range, I don't really understand why, but then again, I don't really play shooter games.

  7. #847
    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    I couldn't help but notice that Sinon's VA is doing a really great job so far, her voice is so sexy, dayum!
    Sawashiro Miyuki is probably one of my favorite female VAs currently. She is extremely noticeable too, almost on par with how easy it is to pick out Hanazawa Kana. I think she's doing great with Sinon. My other favorite roles of hers are Inaban (Kokoro Connect), Kanbaru (Bakemonogatari), and Kurapika (Hunter x Hunter). She's in a ton of other stuff, though.

    And about the Hollow Fragment Vita game - NA version is getting the patch, woot!

  8. #848
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    In reality, and in simulation games like Arma, a rifle can have a secondary sight, such as a red dot, to use when aiming close
    Yes, I just wonder whether its usefull on a sniper rilfe such as the PGM UR Hecate II, which is huge and heavy . Would you even be able to lift and swing it around to clear rooms or stairs properly (to make use of such an attachment?)
    To be honest, I wouldn't know how to properly engage a target as close as Kirito was during the duel.. I wouldn't have agreed on that term in the first place, it was unfair.

    And about the Hollow Fragment Vita game - NA version is getting the patch, woot!
    not just the NA version, but all western versions!
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 08-13-2014 at 12:10 AM.

  9. #849
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Considering the numerous disadvantages a sniper rifle offers in close range, I don't really understand why, but then again, I don't really play shooter games.
    I'm sure it's an issue of game balance.

    If you don't make the best long range weapon suck at short ranges, there's no reason to every use any other kind of weapon.

    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    To be honest, I wouldn't know how to properly engage a target as close as Kirito was during the duel.. I wouldn't have agreed on that term in the first place, it was unfair.
    Realistically, any duel where a swordsman has to take on a gunman is unfair for the swordsman.

  10. #850
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    Yes, I just wonder whether its usefull on a sniper rilfe such as the PGM UR Hecate II, which is huge and heavy . Would you even be able to lift and swing it around to clear rooms or stairs properly (to make use of such an attachment?)
    Who knows. I haven't been shooting with anything fancier than an assault rifle in RL (not counting mounted guns), so I wouldn't know the reality about 0.50 or whatever Sinon's rifle is. Although in Youtube you have videos of Americans shooting bigger rifles however they want. However, in Arma, where I tend to like sniper rifles on suitable missions, they aren't good for clearing houses, despite the game not placing any weird, unrealistic restrictions on them. In the end a big gun that only has for example five bullets in the mag, and only a semi-auto, is a poor choice for such conditions, regardless of the sight. I don't know how many fricking times I've died in the game because I missed the first shot and the enemy returned a healthy burst from an assault rifle. So, it doesn't need any weird hip fire penalties to be the wrong gun for such tasks (the long barrel should in fact make it easier to see where it's pointing). Obviously the main scope is totally useless in close quarters.

    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    I'm sure it's an issue of game balance.

    If you don't make the best long range weapon suck at short ranges, there's no reason to every use any other kind of weapon
    But the fact is you don't have to make them suck. Because they suck naturally at short ranges. The shooter games just are so haphazard generally that it might be hard to notice. It makes it all the stranger that this GGO in fact makes them suck less, what with the tiny girl handling the big rifle so easily and the scope being so magical (you don't need an extra sight for short distances if the main scope covers everything, unlike in RL). The only remaining effect is the strange aiming inaccuracy that probably affects every gun from a slingshot to a homing missile... I'd assume it doesn't conveniently affect Kirito's sword at all, though.

  11. #851
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    eppisode 7 is out

    wow, the scene with the nurse was some of the worst, most contrived, most forced scenes in anime ever. Wow was it bad. And it kept going on forever. wow. just wow.

    you know, thereīs a fine line between a show being aware of its popularity, and being pretentious and too full of itself. This episode made a huge shift into the latter territory. Pacing, where are thou. :/

    edit: oh, and sinon needs to stop being such a bitch. Yeah, keep refusing the guy that has always been there for you, BUT fall for Kritio, a random guy you just met. God, this is so infuriating. Just ONCE i wish a good guy would get the girl.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  12. #852
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Absolutely nothing happened in this episode. One might have skipped the whole thing and notice nothing amiss when watching the next episode.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    edit: oh, and sinon needs to stop being such a bitch. Yeah, keep refusing the guy that has always been there for you, BUT fall for Kritio, a random guy you just met. God, this is so infuriating. Just ONCE i wish a good guy would get the girl.
    That guy is just a sycophant. I guess he's in love with the girl, but it has a sort of strained feeling. Maybe he loves trying to help her pitiful self in RL. Sinon obviously doesn't love him back at all, considering she can't stand his touch, unlike Kirito's. He chose a wrong strategy and got too close but not in the correct way. Too bad she didn't have the guts to tell him the truth, and now he's left hanging. He doesn't deserve that.

  13. #853
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    edit: oh, and sinon needs to stop being such a bitch. Yeah, keep refusing the guy that has always been there for you, BUT fall for Kritio, a random guy you just met. God, this is so infuriating. Just ONCE i wish a good guy would get the girl.
    He did not strike me as a "good guy" but more of a beta male. The fact that he jumped on the "I love you" train as soon as Sinon started talking about another guy just screamed insecurity...which is not attractive. That and I am not sure what else you expected, the fact that he has always been there for her probably means she considers him a friend. Friend zoning is real (and natural), and as a guy if you don't know what kind of conduct gets you friend zoned, then more than likely your not the type that "gets the girl". As Kraco mentioned, he gave her the wrong kind of attention over too long a period and now she doesn't think of him in a romantic way.

    I agree that scene with the nurse was overly pathetic. Kirito has been killing people and seeing people die with 0 fucks given until this episode.

  14. #854
    Quote Originally Posted by exglitch67 View Post
    I agree that scene with the nurse was overly pathetic. Kirito has been killing people and seeing people die with 0 fucks given until this episode.
    Really? In the original anime, he basically quits playing the game for several weeks after he kills Kuradeel (crazy guy that tries to kill him and Asuna).
    Also, earlier he goes into severe depression when he gets the Black Cats of the Full Moon guild killed. To the point where he solos the Santa Claus boss to get the resurrection item and almost dies. He probably would have still been suicidal if not for Sachi's message to him.

    While it is a bit of a retcon to have the red player confrontation event go down, I imagine that would very much be a "Let's never talk about this again" kind of thing for everyone involved. And so Kirito has basically tried (and done very well) at forgetting the event until Death Gun brings it all back for him.
    Immediately after SAO, he was single-mindedly trying to save Asuna, so there wasn't a lot of time to blame himself for what happened in SAO.

    The nurse is the first adult Kirito has ever confided in about what really happened in SAO. It makes sense that he would let some stuff loose. I don't think this scene is as forced/farfetched as you guys are making it out to be.

    The other times Kirito has been close to killing other people:
    Heathcliff - if Heathcliff were to actually kill himself if Kirito won the duel, which he kind of did and kind of didn't
    Sugou - Kirito had a knife to this guy's throat in the parking lot, but ended up not killing him

    In-game, when it is actually a game like ALO or GGO duels, sure, Kirito has no problem fighting and killing people because it is just that - a game.

  15. #855
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I agree with you in my head, but the execution did feel forced. I cannot place my finger on why exactly.

    Maybe it is the lack of foreshadowing because this is obviously a retcon development.
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  16. #856
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I thought nothing of the nurse scene. SAO as usual in my books. One could ask the question why neither Asuna nor Klein suffer from the guild-hunt trauma. Surely they would have taken some players down.

    Real-life Sugu getting some screen-time was the only real energising thing that happened in this episode. If we're talking about avatars however, Scilica takes the cake with her fluffy ears.

    I'm not aware of what kind of behaviours cause you to become friend-zoned besides being "nice" in general without being forceful. That is, you're not overtly friendly, but you're not silent/mysterious/hard-to-get either.

    He's obviously insecure now that Sinon is moving on and changing without him. It's not exactly "Misery loves company", but something like that. His only friend may have found a better/another one. The biggest thing that made it unsightly was how he approached her a second time in GGO when he knows she's got a tournament right there. Of all the things that show he's more concerned about not letting her go than Sinon's actual well-being, that would be it. He mentioned this episode that he had some form of trauma as well. Trauma as in... SAO trauma? He doesn't fit the kind of character that'd be in Laughing Coffin. Could Death Gun even be some form of subconscious manifestation whenever someone logs in?

    I explore this, but Death Gun having Sinon on his hit-list all but rules out this beta-guy.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #857
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Friend zoned = Acting like a friend.

    If you like a girl, just express it properly without pretending to be a friend to get close. It is basically being nice without expressing your intentions.
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  18. #858
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    New worst episode ever.

  19. #859
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    People should start putting more value in their superlatives. Using it wantonly just makes it appear cheap.
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  20. #860
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Well, surprisingly, DarthEnderX is right, though.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Friend zoned = Acting like a friend.

    If you like a girl, just express it properly without pretending to be a friend to get close. It is basically being nice without expressing your intentions.
    Ah, so thatīs why I donīhave a gf (and because Iīm fat ...). But seriously, I think there should be a difference between friendzoning and what happened here. A typical friendzone, to me, starts with only one goal in the guyīs mind: "I want to get her, but Iīm not sure how." Now, from what we saw so far, Sinonīs friend isnīt like that. He cared about her for an extended time, always being there for her, knowing about her dilemma and all. ALSO, judging from her reaction, she knows about her friendīs desires. She wasnīt acting as if this was the first time he approached her romantically, saying "Iīm not ready yet" with a little blush on her cheeks.

    Mostly, though, I hate another girl falling for Kirito. Shitīs annoying. Being friendīs with Kirito means that, as a guy, youīre out of pussy forever, lol. Wonder if Klein has any chances at one of the girls that is not Asuna. I guess not :/

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

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