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Thread: Sword Art Online

  1. #781
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    To use a sword in GGO you need to dodge. No one is as good as Kirito, and it's safe to say that no one had been

    effective at it enough,
    sucked at a gun enough and
    didn't have the drive to learn how to shoot

    to warrant using a sword as a primary.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #782
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I just want to see Sinon's face when he starts batting away bullets fired at him.

    She would get just like all the other girls he's ever played with. Gooey and stupid. Except that she thinks he is a girl, so it will be something different! Normal admiration? Surprise?

    The suspense is killing me!
    (Not really.)

  3. #783
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Though I still maintain my opinion that it wouldn't make the old players who levelled up in GGO using guns any happier if somebody suddenly transferred in from a different kind of game and started owning everybody with a sword.
    I suppose. Though character transfers have supposedly been possible through any game that uses the Seed. So it's not like they can complain they didn't know about it.

    And at the end of the day, the GGO devs still decided to put swords in the game, which nobody was forcing them to. So it's not Kirito's fault that he's deciding to use them.

    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    I'm aware of that... and thats the very problem.
    you'd think that the police/goverment has its ways, you know.... and a gaming company that distributes and runs games in different countries with an unknown adress/e-mail/phone number? nah..
    I'm assuming that if someone is a good enough hacker to kill someone in real life through a video game, he's probably good enough to avoid having his IP traced or whatever.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    I just want to see Sinon's face when he starts batting away bullets fired at him.

    She would get just like all the other girls he's ever played with. Gooey and stupid.
    Oh, you mean...the best part of the first season!
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Sun, 07-27-2014 at 07:08 PM.

  4. #784
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    I'm aware of that... and thats the very problem.
    you'd think that the police/goverment has its ways, you know.... and a gaming company that distributes and runs games in different countries with an unknown adress/e-mail/phone number? nah..
    Do you even Tor brah?

  5. #785
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    I don't know why I need to repeat this but according to Sinon, who's apparently an elite player, nobody uses the light sabers and they play little role in the game.
    I'm not sure why this matters so much, in the first episode they already showed a shift in the meta from AGI builds to STR builds so all the old top elite players got outdated and ended up more or less useless. It just means most find the light saber to be a toy and therefore find it useless, to be fair most probably don't have the reaction needed to do something like Kirito do with predicting the prediction line. It's really first when people break the mold and try things out that you actually find out it's worth and it just seems that most people haven't yet so I wouldn't believe everything she says.

    So I guess that leaves us with the question, why hasn't anyone else done it yet? Besides the reaction needed to be as proficient as Kirito I'd say the most plausible explanation is time. It's been less than a year since Kirito came back from SAO (Nurse ep3), he'd probably have needed a month (complete and utter guesswork) or something of rehab before they let him out of the hospital + some moping around waiting for Asuna to wake up and the whole ALO thing. So the seed has probably only been on the net for around 10 months, GGO has been around long enough to have pro players that earn money playing and on their second or third major tournament. For the sake of it let's say they have one each month so it's a game that's been around for around 3-4 months? Been in development for around 6-7 months? Yup those pro player must absolutely know everything there is to know about every weapon and how useful they are. Bad writing from the author? I'm inclined to think so. But yes this is the biggest reason why I think nobody really knows how useful light sabers are because the game has most likely not been out for long enough.
    Last edited by fireheart; Sun, 07-27-2014 at 09:53 PM.
    You are here alone again
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    When all the world turns away to leave you lonely

  6. #786
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fireheart View Post
    I'm not sure why this matters so much, in the first episode they already showed a shift in the meta from AGI builds to STR builds so all the old top elite players got outdated and ended up more or less useless. It just means most find the light saber to be a toy and therefore find it useless, to be fair most probably don't have the reaction needed to do something like Kirito do with predicting the prediction line. It's really first when people break the mold and try things out that you actually find out it's worth and it just seems that most people haven't yet so I wouldn't believe everything she says.

    So I guess that leaves us with the question, why hasn't anyone else done it yet? Besides the reaction needed to be as proficient as Kirito I'd say the most plausible explanation is time. It's been less than a year since Kirito came back from SAO (Nurse ep3), he'd probably have needed a month (complete and utter guesswork) or something of rehab before they let him out of the hospital + some moping around waiting for Asuna to wake up and the whole ALO thing. So the seed has probably only been on the net for around 10 months, GGO has been around long enough to have pro players that earn money playing and on their second or third major tournament. For the sake of it let's say they have one each month so it's a game that's been around for around 3-4 months? Been in development for around 6-7 months? Yup those pro player must absolutely know everything there is to know about every weapon and how useful they are. Bad writing from the author? I'm inclined to think so. But yes this is the biggest reason why I think nobody really knows how useful light sabers are because the game has most likely not been out for long enough.
    Anybody who disagrees with this should never pick up a $20 bill they see on the ground, because their eyes must be playing tricks on them because someone should have already picked it up before them.

  7. #787
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    A game would have balancing issues if it was filled with (serious) weapons and/or skills nobody tested in PvN and PvP, developers, hired alpha/beta testers, and open beta testers naturally included. But then again, considering how so many games even today seem to be more or less beta versions upon release, only patched to something resembling a full game months later with patches (if the players are lucky), I guess anything's possible. However, somebody would still know at least if they are useless or not. I find it a bit hard to believe that would remain a secret until many months later when a random dude transfers from another game and tries to use a light saber.

    If player ranking is based on PvP, then the shift from AGI to STR could be explained easily enough. The old AGI builds would be only used to fighting other AGI characters, mainly, but the new STR players would be used to beating AGIs (if that's the old majority). Although personally I think that whole thing was mostly bullshit. The pro player tried to appear wise in the interview, that's it. Guns are heavy things to lug around. Everybody would have always invested in STR a lot.

  8. #788
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    AGuns are heavy things to lug around. Everybody would have always invested in STR a lot.
    Unless they're some kind of gunslinger type that uses pistols.

  9. #789
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lelouch View Post
    Do you even Tor brah?
    Gaming with Tor..... okay brah! That aside, would you pay your monthly connection fee through Tor too (as if that'd help)? Just follow the money..
    and I wasn't talking about Death Gun, they don't even know where this company is located or how to contact them. What kind of shady business is this? Didn't they learn anything from what happened in the past year(?), like the SAO or RECTO incident?
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 07-28-2014 at 02:08 PM.

  10. #790
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    How the fuck are people still watching this show.

  11. #791
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    A game would have balancing issues if it was filled with (serious) weapons and/or skills nobody tested in PvN and PvP, developers, hired alpha/beta testers, and open beta testers naturally included.
    That was kinda the point, GGO has approximately been developed, alpha/beta tested and marketed all in 6-7 months there's bound to have been major updates etc. I find it ridiculous to expect a huge shooter VRMMO with tons of weapons would be balanced at this point or be perfectly balanced roughly 3-4 months later with the development time in consideration. Honestly I'm more surprised people haven't complained about how famous and bug free the game seems to be considering the short development time, that's what I find most unrealistic about this game.

    But yes you're right somebody probably tested light sabers, but tested is pretty different from investing the time needed to get good and develop a play style centered around light sabers. I just don't think someone invest that time and develop a style centered around light sabers in the short time it's been out considering how much a light saber costs. It also depends on the business model if it's p2p which I'm guessing it is and only one character per account then you're usually more careful with it. If the game had been out for a year then I'd say it's ridiculous that people hadn't seriously tried to make a melee build yet. Also the majority if not all the people in this game seems to be sheep that follows the trend and nothing else.

    I'm curious about the convertion system, what do they do about names? If you convert from ALO to GGO what happens if your name is already taken and what happens to the name in ALO is it free to take? Can you play an easy f2p game and max your stats and then convert to a game like GGO with those stats? What about games that have rebirth systems so you can push your stats even higher, do you keep those stats when converting and end up with a character with max stats in everything? In fact what's keeping people from making some kind of mod like VR world where you get 999999999 in every stat by stomping a flower and then convert to a VRMMO? It's a really nice idea and all but I do not in any way buy that someone hasn't abused it yet.
    Last edited by fireheart; Mon, 07-28-2014 at 06:55 PM.
    You are here alone again
    In your sweet insanity
    All too calm, you hide yourself from reality
    Do you call it solitude? Do you call it liberty?
    When all the world turns away to leave you lonely

  12. #792
    Quote Originally Posted by Y View Post
    How the fuck are people still watching this show.
    They either like it and enjoy it because it is an interesting concept and entertaining, or they are just tsundere for it, obviously.

  13. #793
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Episode 5 is out

    Fuck, if it wasnt for animation, music and setting, Iīd drop this shit so quickly.

    Kiritoīs attack run was super awesomely animated.

    So Death Gun is an SAO veteran, huh? That doesnīt answer anything, but itīs interesting at least.

    Kinda getting sick of the typical "old guys = random idiots, young avatars = heroes" concept, though. And GGO is supposed to be a popular game, so why is there only a single female player? At a tournament no less.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  14. #794
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    So Death Gun is an SAO veteran, huh? That doesnīt answer anything, but itīs interesting at least.
    I wouldn't have expected anything else but a SAO survivor or a nutcase who wished he had been in SAO, able to kill for real. To carry that PK guild symbol, he likely is a SAO veteran, as it seems likely nobody would know of the symbol outside (surely the surviving PKers didn't go around advertising they killed players in SAO, and thus also for real). Maybe he's now disgusted by people who think they are the real things by playing a game with real RL prizes, and thus pro players as well.

    I found two things strange in this episode: How Kirito was almost all the time such a nervous wreck, except for the short scene when he left Sinon's company, and how he fought so stupidly. You'd think that a melee fighter would stick to the cover, not walk in the open. I really hope he will change that in the rest of the fights, as otherwise dodging and blocking hundreds of bullets will get a bit too nonplausible. No, make it three things: How on Earth did the blade vaporise bullets instantly but took ages to drain the dude's HP?

  15. #795
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    I also still cant get over how overpowered the death gun itself is. You dont even have to aim at someone, no, itīs good enough to just aim at someoneīs footage running on a tv. He could have killed Kirito easily during his match. It being this powerful makes the plot somewhat boring, because the only reason for anybody staying alive is because Death Gun chooses so.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  16. #796
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    LOL at any weapon that needs to be plunged in the opponent's chest for upwards to 45 seconds to kill.

    Doubly so when it is a lightsaber. There is no way a weapon that takes that long to kill could be practical in any way.

    Kirito being tortured by the other dude back in SAO itself was one thing, the guy was trying to draw it out before Asuna saved him.

  17. #797
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I wonder why the assault riffle just didn't throw a hand grenade at Kirito. I guess they have those right?
    Because that's a logical move we didn't have.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  18. #798
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    I wonder why the assault riffle just didn't throw a hand grenade at Kirito. I guess they have those right?
    Because that's a logical move we didn't have.
    Back when Kirito was hiding behind the pillar? Yeah. Perhaps he was saving them for a later fight, and didn't want to start the first fight by wasting one. I mean, if I had been properly ambushing someone with an assault rifle, and the target was a dude sporting a pistol and walking in the open, I wouldn't be hugely impressed. He also scored some lesser hits before Kirito got himself behind the cover.

    During the dash it would have been too late. He would have risked killing himself as well.

  19. #799
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Lol, the light saber straight up uses light saber sound effects. Awesome.

    So...Kirito goes undercover, uses his world famous character name. Brilliant.

    So none of those guys that saw Death Gun kill that guy from the bar bothered to give a description of him to the cops? And if they did, nobody bothered to give that description to Kirito before he went into the game?

    I'm also pretty annoyed that he goes right into this best of the best tournament before ever fighting a single real battle in this game before. We couldn't have had SOME period of him out practicing on some monsters first?

    I did think it was funny that even though Kirito is here for a specific life-and-death purpose, he still balked at the proposition of forfeiting his awesome prizes. It's hard for a power gamer not to power game.

    I don't understand Sinon's attitude of expecting to meet Kirito in the finals. Why would she think a brand new player, using a weapon nobody uses would even get close to the finals?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    LOL at any weapon that needs to be plunged in the opponent's chest for upwards to 45 seconds to kill.

    Doubly so when it is a lightsaber. There is no way a weapon that takes that long to kill could be practical in any way.
    Well, A. That whole scene was running on bullet-time, so there's no way that was 45 seconds, and B. The guy didn't seem to have any ability to act while being stabbed, so provided it's a 1-on-1 encounter, it seems plenty practical.
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Sat, 08-02-2014 at 04:12 PM.

  20. #800
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    No, it wasn't running in bullet time unfortunately.

    That was the problem and why I was complaining. It cuts back to real-time when Kirito makes the stab, the guy yells out in real-time, and his health bar slowly goes down in real-time, like it does in all SAO-based games. You can tell from the audio for certain, but the visuals alone will tell you that wasn't slowed down anymore. Kirito's luscious locks would be flowing at dangerously oscillating speeds if it was still slowed down.

    It's 20 seconds when you time it out, but I feel the point stands.

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