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Though I've said it about 100 times already, but this is supposed to be a game about gun fights, not about Jedi or... Crouching Tigers, uh. If this wasn't sao-shit writing that only serves to make Kirito look more perfect, the other players would never suffer a dude running around faster than sound, deflecting bullets with a sword, and owning everybody while he's at it. They would report him to the admins as a cheater of some sort, and if nothing happened, they would terminate their subscriptions and move to better games. Plus all the bad rep spread in (social) media damaging the game's reputation. You wouldn't tolerate such a thing in cod, bf, arma, or whatever gun fighting game you'd play. If these fellows tolerate it in GGO, it's only because they would all like to suck up to a god called Kirito.
Which is why I hope it won't be that easy for him and he'll need Sinon's help, for example.