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Thread: Sword Art Online

  1. #741
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Holy shit that was boring.

  2. #742
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    yeah that was a terrible episode.

  3. #743
    Hopefully next episode, we'll see him in GGO...

  4. #744
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Yea, can't believe they would actually focus on the backstory of the new character.

    ep was decent, "trigger finger"-scene was over the top though and the scene where she was holding the gun in her room was not so well done in terms of voice acting

    Kirito did log in, finally

  5. #745
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    Kirito did log in, finally
    You mean Kirita

  6. #746
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    Kirito did log in, finally
    Ooh, how exciting. First we get a long scene of a sekuhara nurse hitting on Kirito, then he logged in, and the focus shifted back to Sinon, as expected. Since Kirito appearing in GGO will be such a momentous moment that they can't carelessly show it to the audience. Haha, actually I wouldn't be surprised if in the next episode we saw Kirito in RL again, reporting back to the official, then spending time with Asuna and whatnot. That would be a good way to push farther his visible GGO entrance a couple of eps more.

  7. #747
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    then he logged in, and the focus shifted back to Sinon
    Well...its pretty obvious that Sinon will serve as a deuteragonist, so calm your tits, the show might focus on her more than on Kirito this time around and tbh I'd like that very much because I'm certainly not watching this because of him.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Tue, 07-22-2014 at 05:44 PM.

  8. #748
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    the show might focus on her more than on Kirito this time around and tbh I'd like that very much because I'm certainly not watching this because of him.
    Well I'm sure as shit not watching it for hyperemo sniper girl.

  9. #749
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Do you "like" Kirito's character? I don't mind him being around but his character development is pretty much done and he is, and was, not the very likeable type in my opinion

    Reading your description of Sinon reminds me of how much Kirito would've liked to be "Batman"
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 07-23-2014 at 10:50 AM.

  10. #750
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    Do you "like" Kirito's character?
    I did in the beginning. And the hope is, with a new game, and without his girlfriend hanging around, he'll go back to being that kind of character.

  11. #751
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    I did in the beginning. And the hope is, with a new game, and without his girlfriend hanging around, he'll go back to being that kind of character.
    This. I also hope he goes fucking ballistic again if his party members are in danger and slaughters everyone.

  12. #752
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lelouch View Post
    This. I also hope he goes fucking ballistic again if his party members are in danger and slaughters everyone.
    It's hard to say, unless it's Death Gun. He's only 99% certain that people really die in real life due to this particular individual.

    On the other hand, the the "friend" of Shino smells the most like Death Gun right now. Being led to take the agility route and then being shafted could easily put him into revenge mode. I suppose saving Shino from the bullies IRL doesn't fit into the whole "jealousy" idea though.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  13. #753
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    On the other hand, the the "friend" of Shino smells the most like Death Gun right now. Being led to take the agility route and then being shafted could easily put him into revenge mode. I suppose saving Shino from the bullies IRL doesn't fit into the whole "jealousy" idea though.
    I don't think Shino's friend is Death Gun. If someone went on a murderous rampage just because they got screwed over by a shift in game meta, that would make for a very shallow and silly series. Not that SAO plot points to date have been any more advanced than this would just be a real shame.

  14. #754
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I very much doubt it's her friend. The personality or charisma hardly seemed to match, nor the motivation. Sinon's friend wants to make a girlfriend out of Sinon, I'd say, Death Gun might be another remnant of SAO or maybe someone who wasn't in SAO but dreams of killing for real in a fictional setting (regretting he wasn't PKing in SAO). Sinon would be one of his targets since he obviously wants worthy targets, in some ways, either people who think they are tough or really are, as far as a game goes. Although I do admit that the friend being secretly Death Gun would be perfectly SAO level writing...

    I don't think Death Gun really needs to be anything overly dramatic or deep character wise. Perhaps more interesting is how the way to make people die also in RL was developed and whether it was given to DG by someone else. If it was given to him, he can be even more simple, and the real deal would be the source. If that was the case, I hope the source wasn't as prosaic as the what's-his-name villain of the second half of the first season.

  15. #755
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Regarding Death Gun, I hope it leads to touching on the topic of viruses/viri. We havenīt had those in the world of SAO, yet, despite the natural assumption of such. Have the Death Gun be the result of the open nature after the open source-ing of the first world in season one. Consequence being that virtual environments have to return to their closed nature to be safe from viruses/viri or hackers.

    Anyway, I find it hard to believe that authorities couldnīt figure out how the Death Gun killed its victims, yet. This is all science. You have a device that measures EVERYTHING. Just look up what impulses/signals went to the victim at the time of death and there you have it. Even if you cannot look up someoneīs history, it is known how the device works. If it can affect the hearts somehow, you should be able to figure this out.

    Really bothering me.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  16. #756
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    The pacing for Girl Girl Oral is just horrible. When you think that right after this you get Aldnoah Zero...

    So we really did get Kirita... not that it was a surprise thanks to the OP and ED spoilers. Even the laser saber and all. Pretty expensive weapon it seems, I guess that supports the fact that it is fit for a Godly player...

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  17. #757
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    So we really did get Kirita... not that it was a surprise thanks to the OP and ED spoilers. Even the laser saber and all. Pretty expensive weapon it seems, I guess that supports the fact that it is fit for a Godly player...
    I don't think we got Kirita. More like the kind of feminine male avatar 90% of the Japanese men would choose if they played a male character.

    The light saber must be a curiosity item for players who have accumulated a bunch of extra money. Not that it wouldn't be useful in a tight spot. However, it would be useless in the majority of real fights for a player who developed normally in GGO. You pretty much would need to be a transfer character from some fantasy game and thus with high specs but no gun experience to ace anything with it. That Kirito would go for the sword route is natural in the sense that he probably has no interest in remaining in GGO any longer than he absolutely needs to. Learning gun fights would make his stay that much longer. I still consider it nonplausible that a game about modern guns could be beaten with a sword, but perhaps he doesn't even need to rise quite that high. He just needs to find Death Gun.

  18. #758
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Sigh, I really enjoy this anime at times, but thereīs just so much stupidity mixed into, itīs aggravating. Positives first: I love how theyīre putting a lot of effort in showing and explaining the ingame-HUD and its functions. Feels like the producers are very aware of the Oculus Rift-hype, and thatīs a good thing. Also, Kirito not really being a girl, yay.

    On the downside, why does he have this female-ish body to begin with?! And why would anyone pay for such an account? Anybody could just create a hot girlīs body, eh?
    The light sabers being so expensive makes no sense when itīs explained how useless it really is. From the looks, Kirito is now the ONLY person in GGO who uses it.
    So that dodging mini-game starts a 0000. What idiot is going to pay a whopping 1000 credits for ... nothing?
    Shinon helping Kirito only because heīs, apparently, a girl is super sexist. And spending half a day for that is just unrealistic, especially on an important day with that BoB-event.
    If Kiritoīs long-range weapon is supposed to distract the enemy, why not go for a beam gun? Half damage, sure, but super accurate. And it feels silly to have a whole class of weapons thatīs damage can be halved by wearing some inexpensive accessoire that everybody wears. Why not just make it half damage per default, then?

    Anyway, this should have been episode 2. Letīs hope the pacing gets better. And letīs hope Shinon finds out about Kirito being a guy. Sheīll probably gain a rape trauma from that, too, lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    I don't think we got Kirita. More like the kind of feminine male avatar 90% of the Japanese men would choose if they played a male character.
    Wich makes sense, since 90% of the players we saw looked feminine ... oh wait.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  19. #759
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    I still consider it nonplausible that a game about modern guns could be beaten with a sword, but perhaps he doesn't even need to rise quite that high. He just needs to find Death Gun.

    Maybe not the flashiest, and maybe not the best players, but I think it gets the viability potential across the best of what I could find.

    It's certainly possible. Honestly, the whole, "I'm gonna use a laser sword in a gun game!" is actually one of the things I have the least problem with.

    What I do have a problem with are the mechanics of GGO itself. It's a VR FPS, that completely ignores how guns function on the most basic level.

    1. Why can't you use iron sights?! You are forced to use the random circle bullshit. With the way the sights were lines up on that pistol, there was no way Kirito couldn't at least have hit the target. Sure, probably wouldn't have gone perfectly center, but it should have at least been in a 15cm circle.

    2. If Sinon recommends 5.7mm over something like .45ACP, so apparently stopping power (damage) means nothing. From what we can see, you get shot three times and you're Out. You can lose a leg, you can get shot in the chest, but as long as it isn't three times of penetrating ammo, you're safe?!

    3. No one else in the entire game figured out that you can (and probably should) ignore the predictive paths? That game seems like less of a gambling minigame and more like a trainer.

    I get that there are abilities that make a difference. Strength means you can carry heavier weapons without too much difficultly. Agility means you can dodge bullets better. Fine.

    The predictive paths have their place, but it was made clear that you can't rely on them to compete at the best level. Watch your opponent closely, look at where they're aiming. Looking at the thing's eyes was a bit over the top, but you can certainly watch the barrel of their weapon in a more open battlefield.

    But why is everyone forced to ignore how guns work and rely on the stupid pulsing circle reticle? The game has realistic depictions of weapons. They should actually function. The pulsing circle should be an Assist, not a requirement. Sword Art itself worked better if you knew how to play along with the skills. Push harder, does more damage. ALO, same deal. The player's own ability to use a sword helped. That's why Suguha was good at the game, why Kirito was better than he should have been, etc. According to Sinon, no matter what the player does, it will hit randomly in that circle.

    No wonder she's a sniper. Quick-scoping is the only way to not be screwed over by the game itself.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    On the downside, why does he have this female-ish body to begin with?! And why would anyone pay for such an account? Anybody could just create a hot girlīs body, eh?
    He imported from a Japanese MMO fairy game. It's only natural that he has a character straight out of a recent Final Fantasy game...or most other Japanese RPGs or action games.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sat, 07-26-2014 at 03:39 PM.

  20. #760
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Wich makes sense, since 90% of the players we saw looked feminine ... oh wait.
    And when exactly did you see Kirito create a new avatar? He was as surprised by it as everybody else. The ugly dude tried to pay a huge amount of money for it (millions, which makes Kirito's prize from the game look like pocket money). Why would he pay if he could just create one for himself? Obviously the avatars are randomized on account creation and most people get ugly ones. I'm sure the rare female players all get cute ones, though, since Sinon is cute.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    And it feels silly to have a whole class of weapons thatīs damage can be halved by wearing some inexpensive accessoire that everybody wears. Why not just make it half damage per default, then?
    Because monsters don't visit shops to buy shielding devices. Monster hunting seems profitable with the droppings from bosses being rare guns and possibly other nice equipment.

    Like I said, the light sabers might be just curiosities. They would go well along with beam weapons in style. If you have got money, you can buy a sports car or a Rolex, even though a normal car would get you to places just fine and a normal watch shows time no problem. You know, if I was playing that game, I'd also buy a light saber. Just because I like Star Wars a lot. Sure, it wouldn't be my primary weapon, that would be stupid, but it would be cool to carry around.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    It's certainly possible. Honestly, the whole, "I'm gonna use a laser sword in a gun game!" is actually one of the things I have the least problem with.
    Umm... Yeah, if some sucker runs right next to you, a light saber would be much, much better than any guns since you wouldn't need to aim anywhere, just swinging it around would be enough. But just how hard would it be to defeat all the opponents with a melee weapon when they start to fire at you from hundreds of meters away? The most appropriate weapon is the best weapon.
    Last edited by Kraco; Sat, 07-26-2014 at 03:46 PM.

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