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Thread: Sword Art Online

  1. #641
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    The whole AI thing is just a bit too unbelievable for me. That, and the fact that she was downloaded into the nerv gear headgear.
    I know she is AI and that cannot allow for much development, but weren't they selling her character as something more, almost human perhaps? Her role in the fairy arc was even more of a stretch. All of a sudden, she is recognized by the system as tinkerbell, and can get all sorts of information despite being a foreign object. All we get are one liner explanations, and really, she does nothing for the plot.

    If a Tachikoma can develop a ghost, a system like the basis of SAO/Alfhiem can too. I'll believe Kayaba was smart enough to develop a psychological analysis subroutine that developed a consciousness as it progressed, since it's purpose was to mimic and understand human psyche.

    As for her fairy arc, RECT copied the SAO data directly from an older build, and reskinned it. Both because they were too lazy to code their own game, and the douchebag wanted to capture test subject and Asuna (being the company head's coincidentally trapped daughter). We find out later SAO fans ported the skill system into Alfhiem (and all of SAO anyway), so we know they're compatible.

    Yui was afforded all the same access levels her program used to have, and the game just changed her accordingly, the same way Kirito's stats were corrupted during the import (same Username in the database) and interpreted. All the console command IDs were identical on his stats and gold because the game was the same engine. Only the items were a problem.

    That part made perfect logical sense to me, and it was properly set up to do so. The only miracle was her item wasn't corrupted. Eventually, Kirito probably would have modded her in.

    As for her being stored locally in Kirito's nervgear, that's a conceit I'll just have to let them have. Just assume their hard drives and processors are a lot better than our own.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sun, 01-05-2014 at 10:17 AM. Reason: quote added for context due to page jump

  2. #642
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    They had to make up such explanations that stretch reality a little bit too much. Even in today's games, you can't log into a different game using the same account just because they use the same engine.

    Moreover, even if it makes logical sense, it is far too convenient and unbelievable. It is like having coincidence after coincidence just to excuse Yui's presence in the plot.

    Destroying suspension of disbelief does not require a completely illogical or impossible (story world wise) thing from happening. Just small parts here and there of hard to believe or way too convenient explanations will stack and are more than enough to cause it. The reason why I hate Yui so much is because she is a convenient tool to advance the story and make excuses for random events. She can do this or that, and it will "make sense" because her existence itself is already such a large leap of faith from the viewers.
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  3. #643
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    They had to make up such explanations that stretch reality a little bit too much. Even in today's games, you can't log into a different game using the same account just because they use the same engine.
    You're missing what I mean, and the details of what happened. I know you've read the novels, but that part actually makes sense.

    Hex codes for games built on the same engine are often the same. Fallout 3, Fallout NV, and Skyrim all have the same hex code for caps/gold, and bobbypins/lockpicks, or other analogous items. However, Skyrim is allegedly a different engine, yet the items codes are mostly the same.

    - Alfheim was created as a reskinned SAO with slightly modified skill system (but one we've later seen is very compatible, to the point that SAO can be in the game as an expansion). This was done to recoup costs of the SAO Debacle, when RECT bought the SAO Company assets and liabilities.
    [This older build of SAO has all the Yui code and subroutines, but isn't activated.]

    - To get Asuna and the test subjects, the douchebag copied SAO's current data into Alfhiem. He imported the entire player database. He did all the work necessary to make the two games compatible and "capture" the players being logged out. That means that Asuna, the test subjects, and all the other data for every SAO player, including the ones who got logged out. Including Kirito. This may even have occurred after Yui was turned into an item.
    [This is how Kirito's data got in there.]

    Combine Kirito bullshit Gary Stu hack during the SAO arc to forge Yui's stored data (personality and memories) into a unique item using the GM console (also copied to his NervGear as a backup) with douchebag stealing and importing all the data, and the set up is all there.

    Kirito logged in using is old username and ALO bounced him off the same lines of the database, importing all his stats (which must use the same hex code ID between SAO and ALO ) and his GM-console created item Yui with its unique hex code ID. SAO didn't have races, so that was corrected in character creation. The rest of his items and skills (except for his gold) don't have a compatible hex code and are corrupted.

    Import and activate Yui's stored data. Doing so accesses and starts her processes on the server, and she's revived.

  4. #644
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Yui would be fine if she wasn't treated as a daughter by both of them instantly. That whole arc in Aincrad is retarded. There's no lead-up, no development, nothing. It's just, "Nice to meet you. We'll treat you as a daughter, done." It wouldn't be as bad if they built up to it across 3-5 episodes, instead of 1.5 episodes.
    Why not? They were all fluffy and high after their virtual marriage and devirginization. Throw in a kid they can adopt and their virtual family will be more complete than they dreamed of.

    I think Yui was necessary to even the odds against a developer/admin. Beating such people is unlikely, so an exploit accidentally left in is sorely needed.

  5. #645
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I know the explanations because I read the novels. What I am saying is that I don't like them. They are all too convenient. Did you even see how long your explanation was? And how many assumptions there are? All that to include a fairy who did even more random stuff in the succeeding events. I am not saying it is impossible (because if it was we wouldn't be arguing). I might even be fine with it if Yui actually had some value to add to the plot.

    Instead of thinking about the reasons why the events that led to Yui's revival are possible, I would rather ask about why things that would have made it impossible did not happen, even if logically it should have.

    Why was Yui suddenly converted to a fairy character (and thus avoiding detection) but still retains all her memories?
    Why did Kirito's account even properly work? There should have been tons of errors there. But all he lost was gold and items, but conveniently, not the Yui item.

    I know the excuses, but in reality, it isn't so convenient. Code integration is not such an easy process. When things error out, they don't conveniently have errors on just specific parts and retain the ones the character needs for his new adventure.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Sun, 01-05-2014 at 11:37 AM.
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  6. #646
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I give up.

    One of the very few plot points in the entire series that was actually well composed, properly set up by a cascade of events (most of which didn't involve Kirito's Protagonist Power), correspondingly progressed in a logical way, and it is "ridiculous."

    The only truly ridiculous thing is SAO's fans.

  7. #647
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I am actually surprised you think that part was well composed. The very fact that Kirito making Yui into an item is an integral part of this cascade of events already makes it hard to believe.

    Also, I never said it was ridiculous. I just said it was too convenient. Please do not put words in my mouth. I am sure you understood from my posts that I might have been fine with it if Yui actually benefited the plot more.

    I would also appreciate if you would avoid the ad hominem. I would say I am a fan of SAO, but not a big one. I try to look at it as objectively as I can, so I can see the bad and the good. A difference in opinion does not necessitate personal attacks.
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  8. #648
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Kirito doing amazing, gamebreaking things through "willpower" and "a love for MMOs" and "inheriting Kayaba's will" are fine, but Kirito doing something with a GM Console (where such things would actually be possible) is hard to believe?

    The only hard to believe part was that he did it so fast, through "willpower."

    If you think that one line is an ad hominem attack, you should have seen what I deleted. That was an ad hominem attack!

  9. #649
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    When did I ever say that Kirito wasn't doing unbelievable things all the time? I mean, that is the whole point of SAO.

    I dislike Yui and I think she is unnecessary to the entire story, which is why doing unbelievable things to keep her in it irks me. That's about it. This does not mean that the rest of SAO makes sense, or is more believable (parts differ).

    I have no idea why you are so proud of attacking me but okay lol. No harm done.
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  10. #650
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    When I read SAO-hentai doujins, itīs Kirito Iīm fapping at. Thatīs how amazing he is.

    Wait, what ...


    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  11. #651
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    How did this turn into a re-discussion of why SOA sucked?

    You guys must have done that earlier in the thread already.

  12. #652
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    but Kirito doing something with a GM Console
    ya... thats the problem, not just with kirito - but I don't see why Yui could access that one either

    well, whatever
    I'll watch the new show anyway because it'll might feature spoilers from what I've read about GGO - so some splinter cell assassin action is nice to look at
    oh and it has guns
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 01-05-2014 at 01:46 PM. Reason: Spoilers removed.

  13. #653
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    How did this turn into a re-discussion of why SOA sucked?

    You guys must have done that earlier in the thread already.
    some people actually started praising SAO, so something had to be done :>

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  14. #654
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    ya... thats the problem, not just with kirito - but I don't see why Yui could access that one either
    For the same reason R2-D2 can hack any computer system in Star Wars.

    Things made out of code can automatically hack anything else made of code. That's the rule.

  15. #655
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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  16. #656
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    That's because that's a power socket, not a system access port.

  17. #657
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    Assuming SAO is like any other MMO out there. There are certain things saved on your hard drive (Nerve gear in this case) and other things saved server side. So Yui being an immortal object (Admin access priviledges and what not), would stand to reason that Yui can infact be saved inside Kirito's nerv gear and be imported in to ALO.

    Being that ALO is the same as SAO, no changes to the game code (I think ALO was an inferior version mention on an earlier build), stand to reason it would be easily hackable or that Yui can exist in ALO. Being the power hungry pervert he was when he copied SAO, everything was copied and thus saved and made compatible with Kirito and Yui. They pretty much went through a skin update. I wouldn't call it convenient, just lazy on his part for not making his own game.

    That what I think anyway. Can't wait for Gun Gale.

  18. #658
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Pushing this thread to the front page. Only hours remain. :>

    Why is this called "Sword Art Online 2" btw? Itīs just season 3, isnt it.

    And oh god, Iīve some short summary about the beginning of this new season, about WHY Kirito gets involved again. Itīs already stupid, lol.

    Anyway, looking forward to a lot of great animation as well as lots of complaining and hating

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  19. #659
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    It's SAO2 because the first 2-cour series was SAO(1).

    There's been a long enough hiatus that it's a new series now.

    This is in contrast to shows that already had 26 episodes planned for production, but decided to split it into 2x13 episode blocks for the sake of not burning out the staff.

    SAO2 would be a separate, serial project that was green-lighted after SAO1.

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  20. #660
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Hmm, i still haven't seen this... should i? :P

    How good/bad is it?

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