Next stop on her breakdown...she goes full on Gasai Yuno.
End of Evangelion Renewal V3 40minutes in = SAO Ep 22 12minutes in
One does not ripoff Gendo material in such fashion without repercussions .
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
MC thinks a new move, and it overpowers a system barrier...
Then, all of that protects a door that's not supposed to be used by anyone except admins. Why put it there in the first place...
But for some reason that IRL looking access card might work with a proper console... no wait, use that pixie as a console, much better and... it works except it's not your average door it's a teleportation device... why open the damn stones just to active a teleportation device?
Oh, and MC is telling her sister he might just get her depending on what happens next. He wants ass, regardless...
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.
If I absolutely had to come up with some explanations, it's possible it really was a door covering a teleportation device, placed there for a quest that was never activated. But there might still have been an admin console there ready and waiting, should some admin want to tinker with it in-game. Yui could have simply bypassed displaying the visible console (she's an AI, after all, not a human needing a visual UI) and activated the door using the card and the console.
But then again, this is SAO where nothing needs to make sense. Just like suddenly combining two swords to produce an uber move out of the blue...
It's okay, just say the show is shit. Which it is. This episode was ridiculously bad.
The budget sucked for this episode apparently. Way too many stills and reused footage.
All I could think about during this episode´s first half: How can Leafa/Sugu fly with these huge tits.
Lots of nonsensical deus-ex-machina, as all of you´ve already covered above. Still bummed out by the fact how much potential this story had at the beginning. sigh
I nearly expected Kirito to shout " Bankai " when he combined the two swords.
I think cause it is a game environment and gravity and air are not a possibility, she can fly despite her massive tit size. :P
I agree, Kirito only wants ass. Why else would he tell his sister "Depends what happens next" knowing she wants to be with him so badly. Almost like he's expecting Asuna to die, Lol.
3 Episodes left. I hope they go better than this episode.
Asuna will become mind controlled and becomes the Ultimate Boss that Kirito needs to cut down in order to free her from her terrible fate which would in turn kill her. Would that make the show a bit better?
Would be better if he kills the guy trying to mind control Asuna and when he dies, he dies IRL like SAO players. That would be better.![]()
That would probably work for most the fans of this show, Lol.
No, I'd rather Asune stay how she is now and able to return to the real world. That's just my wishful thinking for a decent ending.
Sugou attempted to rape Asuna and is punished with real death.
Kabaya is at fault for the death of hundreds of innocent players. And Kirito respects him.
Nice morals going on here <3
As for the rest ... most boring, anti-climatic "finale" ever. It wasn´t even an awsome deus ex machina. It was just bullshit. No logic, no sense, no struggle. Kirito is given a cheat command and that´s it. Wow.
It's pretty spectacular that fans of the novels deluded themselves into thinking this series was good.
Laughable villains that barely even reach carbon paper copy of a photocopy of a cardboard cutout of an actual villain.
What a joke. I don't know wtf makes them think this series is good. There is barely even a glimmer of a quality series here. They can't even say that, "the series is just rushed, trust me, it is better." The writing is puerile. No, it never got better. It only got worse and worse.
That said, what bothered me the most: Your girlfriend/internet wife just got released from a mental prison. You head to the hospital...on a bicycle. Pay for a cab you retard! Kind of a big deal, might want to get there a little faster.
I guess Asuna was moved out of that hospital to another place... feels like it.
Vilains are resilient, it's not uncommon for them to be alive just the time necessary for plot devices...
Oh by the way, what happens if someone tries to tickle your real body from liled to hard while you're in game?
Tries to inject something with a needle?
Does other feasts not killing you? like playing, or even torture?
t'is the only thing interresting (to me) I came up with.
I really don't care for zasheaddo and the yet another VR they hinted.
But I'm M enough to follow that shit if it goes on...
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.
Depending on the distance, it might take longer to get there if you had to call and wait for the cab to show up.
Rather than using a bike to get there, my problem with that scene was the obviously sub-zero temperature since it was snowing, yet Kirito was biking with an open collar and no scarf. Unless it's truly so that the Japanese only catch a cold when a rain surprises them, the first thing Asuna needs to do upon waking up is to nurse feverish Kirito...