If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
/thumbs-up @ Sugu.
I'm laughing whenever the Fairy King talks about his atrocious plans (in all meanings of the word). The more he makes himself out to be an asshole, the more I smile at the ease with which I can hate him.. as well as his inevitable downfall.
I'm wondering which of the following bug undid the masking:
1) masking does not work via reflections
2) masking does not work if another play is not looking (an extension of 1)
3) masking does not work if seen through transparent textures such as wings
4) a combination of the above 3.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Really? I was sure itīs his real name. If so, do we know his real one?
Also, the unmasking of the code-UI was super stupid. Why canīt we have believable ways of defeating the big bad villain? Itīs mindbaffeling that the programming-mastermind would overlook such thing.
What have you been watching all this time?
Kirito told Asuna his real name, Kirigaya Kazuto, when she asked for it.
So much Sugu and Yui fanservice.
Kirigaya Kazuto is the main character's name. He probably never told Sugu about what happened in SAO because A) she probably didn't want to ask, and B) he probably doesn't want to go over it. "Yea, I had to kill this guy because he was about to kill me. This one time I got 5 other people killed."
I've never gotten the impression that Sugou Nobuyuki is any kind of programmer. If anything he seems more like a corporate businessman/manager type. He probably couldn't code his way out of a paper bag.
Last edited by MasterOfMoogles; Sun, 11-04-2012 at 03:10 PM.
I'm wondering if that code is some kind of trap...
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.
Yeah, it certainly didn't surprise me the masking was absent in the reflection. Maybe such censoring wasn't even present in the original code since it's a medieval setting, both SAO and Alfheim, so there's hardly any need to blur any keypads. Sugou probably asked some coder to implement such a thing just to piss off Asuna, and the coder did it in five minutes because that's really all anybody would want to spend on anything such a douche asks, and consequently never even considered special conditions like reflections. Sugou himself is clearly too stupid to think of things as complicated as that. Still, it won't do Asuna much good right now. With admin powers Sugou could likely track her down any time.
I liked you SAO - now you are just another title that makes cyberspace boring.
With the crescendo of increasingly dangerous monsters/levels/floors/traps gone, it feels like the whole second season got it's pacing from Oberinspektor Derrick. It's painful. And now the plot holes are so gaping, looking at them shuts down my liver functions.
I apologize to the Gotwoot community - ten pages back in this thread I was still pushing you guys to give this show a chance, now I just want to drink myself to sleep with lead based paint.
Just started watching this a couple days ago and caught up today.I agree it's kind of unfortunate, the show was really great with all the original tension caused by the whole SAO "die in game, die in real life" thing. Now this whole fairy land thing just seems boring in comparison. I suppose Asuna's life is still technically in danger, but it's not really the same. Also this whole "love square" thing they've got going on isn't interesting so much as it's weird (not that that isn't typical) and annoying. Hopefully it can get back to the greatness of the SAO arc, but i don't see how.
HS - Episode 19
I think the fact that Alf is just a normal online game works better than the death-game SAO that was attempted earlier. The idea was good for the death-game, but they didn't end up putting enough weight/reality behind it (except for the first episode). With this game, they can leave it all behind and just do whatever.
Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 11-10-2012 at 07:44 PM.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
I guess I underestimated the importance of magic in comparison to physical prowess in Alfheim. Even Kirito's haxor stats are useless against certain types of magic. I suppose it makes perfect sense, with the game so magic heavy. But then again, the monster form seemed to be able to put to use his uber stats, so he didn't lose anything.
But good job, dude, making your sister fall in love with you all over again even online. They are both hopeless.
What seemed weird was that the monster was more of a transformation than an illusion. The damage and reach of the arms/jaws matched that of the image. It wasn't as if Kirito was projecting a hologram around his humanoid body, which is what an illusion would suggest.Originally Posted by Kraco
That's my only real problem with this episode.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Had to post this here cause it made me cackle:
[ 01:33:47 ] <Y> since the leader of the guild inside SAO world was just giving himself powers, Kirito might literally be the only person who ever developed such a unique ability
[ 01:33:57 ] <Y> so basically he is so powerful he can fuck with the rules of video games and destroy them
[ 01:34:06 ] <Y> like a kid being so good at mario 64 he can punch bowser in half
Man, all these MMORPG-player are such full-on super nerds. How serious all of them are over this GAME. Oh no, a player chose a different in-game race ... HE CANNOT BE A FRIEND!
Guess taking acting classes is a requirement before playing these games, lol.
And I just cant stop thinking about how this anime completely ignores the real world-consequences that these Matrix-like "games" should create. When youīre free to jump into such adventurous, exotic, fun worlds, your sense for the real world HAS to change. For the worse.
Oh, and Harem. Sigh. Had Ichika-flashbacks during this episode :/
HS - Episode 20
If it requires 2-handed skill to equip a 2-handed sword, dual wielding should logically have the same requirement. We haven't learned that it's a skill in this game, and if it was it'd make sense for Kirito to have taken advantage of it. It's highly unlikely that it was a skill in in the backward Alfeim Cardinal since it was only added as a special gift in SAO.
Kirito randomly raising money was also weird since he was dissatisfied with the cash he had when he tried to buy a sword before the trip. Raising that amount from doing a little walking is also BS.
But whatever. I wonder how much time is left until Asuna gets married off.
(edit: just to add some more to that "???" list, Yui has used the term "Papa" a lot already. It makes no sense that Leafa wouldn't have enquired about who "Mama" is)
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Someone just explain to me why this Salamander guy exploded in a huge fireball when he died, as opposed to how everyone else Kirito has killed so far just turns into a flickering flame normally.
Gundams clearly explode when they get cut in half.