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Thread: Movie: Man of Steel

  1. #121
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Skill View Post
    I am not saying let them destroy the entire surface the Earth as they fight, but come on, when Superman fights another being with equal powers, it's like a 2 second fight, he gets hits, wobbles around for a second, gathers up all his thoughts, then lays waste to the bad guy. Seriously, 2 beings with equal powers, with the ability to not feel pain or be hurt aside from kryptonite. Why add the human touch to it? Take 2 normal men, we fight, we take many punches to the face. Take 2 Kryptonians, their strength, muscle and healing/regenerative abilities are equal. So it would be like a man vs man fight. Infact, the way I see it, Superman if he got punched by Zod, with his stronger muscle and no force can move him like he is cemented in the ground, should end up as a fight like 2 normal people fighting. 2 equal forces... We will never see a proper action fight scene of Superman vs a bad guy.

    It's never an actual real fight of action...

    They want to humanize Superman and just make him an an evolved human with emo persona instead, then so be it.
    They may both be Kryptonian but that doesn't make them equal in strength and muscle. Cavill/Superman is bigger and more muscular guy than Shannon/Zod and that has to count for something.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapphire View Post
    For the record, grown-up superman doesn't look emo in the trailer at all, he looks really rather zen. I don't know anything, though.
    That's what I see too. Nothing in the trailers suggests that he's emo as a man, just unrooted and looking for purpose. Even as a loner vagrant, he looks stalwart and self-assured. When he is younger, sure he seems a bit emotional.

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

  2. #122
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    You missed the point I was making of every action having an equal opposite reaction. His body being super should actually allow him to absorb the kinetic energy from attacks and not send him flying like a lil girl.

    The emo comment was too far I admit, since I haven't seen the movie yet. With it having a darker feel and atmosphere, I am kind of thinking it will have that emotional touch as he is Superman. The point of this reboot movie is to make Superman more human and less of an alien. So I am inclined to believe he will be Emoman.

  3. #123
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Well you're assuming Earth physics applies to alien life forms, which apparently it doesn't because he can fly, shoot lasers from his eyes, breath in outer space, etc. And even if his body can handle powerful strikes, it doesn't mean that it won't move him or send him flying. Think in terms of a medicine ball. It's heavy, dense, and seemingly impervious to damage, but a big enough racket or bat swing could move it as easily as a tennis ball without damaging it.

    I don't know that they are trying to make him less alien. The trailer shows that mankind fears and questions his motives, hence his seclusion and taking odd jobs. Even as Superman the military has him in handcuffs and are interrogating him. I see them treating him more like Batman and Spider-man are treated... hope and praise from some, but anger and fear from others. I think it's a refreshing change from the usual way people accept and celebrate him, which is completely unrealistic. I don't think he'll handle it any worse than Spider-man or Batman and he won't cry himself to sleep at night. He'll just keep doing what he does, not to be accepted or to change minds, but because it is what he is.

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

  4. #124
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Ah finally. I agree with your second paragraph completely. Both Superman's behavior and society's ready acceptance of him have been completely unrealistic. As for your first paragraph, the problem with the physics is consistency. I don't remember it being a major problem in Superman Returns but the earlier movies were so terrible I don't even want to mention it. Like I'll tear through steel like its tissue paper but when I hit you with a steel pole you get hurt, I punch you and you don't go flying but hit you with a pole and you go flying through a building.

    The other really inconsistent thing has been his powers. They tend to nerf his powers alot generally speaking which is fine, we don't need to see silver age superman but I don't want to see him struggle to stop a plane, then lift a continent. I don't want to see him get shot by a tank and get hurt. If Iron man can take some damage he can certainly take more. But let me stop before I mention all the things the movies did wrong.

    I think this movie should be good, it should easily be the best Superman movie, all is has to do is outdo Returns.
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  5. #125
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    Hope it does well.

    Be like watching Batman begins :P

  6. #126
    What da fuck? It's only 11 AM and there's already people waiting in line for tonight's midnight showing of Man of Steel.
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  7. #127
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    It always amazes me how much people in this country seem to enjoy waiting in lines unnecessarily. It must be that burning need to be among the first to do everything. I probably won't go see this till next week.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  8. #128
    Lol people are all out CAMPED OUT here right now.

    The smart ones (like me) are hanging out in a different auditorium watching other movies instead of the long ass line rofl

    Reminds me of the epic Doctor Who premier in Manhattan that people camped out for THREE DAYS for. But I managed to forge a pass and get in (got cocky, got caught, had to change my disguise and forge another pass, punched someone (accidentally), etc rofl)
    Last edited by Sapphire; Sun, 06-16-2013 at 09:12 PM.
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  9. #129
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    Lol I live in a small town, we wont get it until next week.

    Nice to see it did 44.1 Million Friday Night.

  10. #130
    Was alright. I give it a 7. Some character development was a bit weak.

  11. #131
    Watched it on Sunday, was a bit disappointed... enjoyable enough. Loved the action and how they completely fucked up Metropolis, etc. but quite lamented how little character interaction there was. Did Superman have more than 3 lines in the whole movie? The flow of the movie was off for me too.

    That said, I liked the atmosphere and I think some cool stuff will happen as this movie series continues.

  12. #132
    I think the movie would have been a lot better if they got rid of ALL the flashbacks, or at least wove them in as well as they were woven in in Watchmen. The flashbacks were just exhausting.

    I think the main problem was none of this movie was thrilling. It was as if it was just recounting a story we all know already without refashioning it the way Nolan usually refashions stuff. Of course, Cavill himself was orgasms on a plate, though.

    How the hell does this movie have an 8.2 on IMDB right now?


    That said, lots of people complaining about the lame romance plot. I quite like how the romance was tacked on and not the focus of the movie. To me, it was quite enough that Lane is a bright, brave and moral woman who wasn't afraid to get into deep shit, and Superman is super... man. Considering the scale of the catastrophe and the amount of hormones that much have been unleashed after all that madness, prematurely acting on partially developed feelings at the end and kissing seems perfectly reasonable to me. Guys, we all know that the first thing we would do after literally flying saving around humanity is jump the bones of the person we saved humanity with if they were Superman/Lane tier awesome.
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  13. #133
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Saw this Teusday and loved it. I think even more of it now that it has had some time to sink in. Not in the mood to write a page long review though. So I'll just mention a few things. Spoilers!

    Munsu mentioned the atmosphere and I loved it. They opted out of the typical superhero presentation and went with a more sci-fi alien among us feeling which was fantastic because it fits perfectly with my idea of Superman. Returns had more of what I would describe as a high fantasy setting.

    The lack of character interaction and character development was fitting. Its Superman not Batman or Ironman or Spiderman. He is very much a man apart. Whether it was during his childhood or as an adult he did not interact much with the people he was around which would be natural considering the secrets he was keeping and his desire to avoid attention and exposure. It fits, it works, it is fine. It is not as if he lacked charisma or personality. Another point Brandon Routh was too damn pretty to play Superman but he fit Returns' theme.. Cavill is far more rugged.

    Uh, the flashbacks. There were too many of them and they made the first half of the movie very disjointed but not much could really be done about that since they didn't seem to want to go the natural progression route. Show his childhood, teens and him as a young adult yet wanted to cover most of that and have it out of the way so that it didn't interrupt the action heavy latter half of the movie.

    My favorite parts of this movie.
    The suit. The suit did not make an appearance until it was given to him. He did not reveal himself until he was forced to and that line about not trusting Zod but not trusting humanity either was beautiful. His abilities were handled well. I absolutely loved the sensory overload. I hated that Zod and company were perfectly able to use and control all of their abilities immediately after they were freed from the phantom zone in Superman 2. Including the ability to breathe in space.

    Zod. Zod was fantastic, great actor, great character, great writing. His reasoning and motivation were clearly defined and easy to understand as opposed to the generic I want to rule the world character he was previously portrayed as. Kal El's natural birth and the codex were a nice angle and a much better explanation of what makes him so different from other Kryptonians.

    Both Johnathan Kent and Jor El were really well done. I particularly like that they stuck to just Martha as his sole surviving parent and that Johnathan's death was as a result of a conscious decision by Clark not to save him as opposed to something stupid like a disease or the stereotypical heart attack.

    There were so many good things about this movie that a sequel could build on but there are only two more that I really want to mention. Lois's character and her relationship was handled really well. It was not a major focus of the movie, thank god for that, but their interaction was nice. He saved her when they first met, she naturally tracked him down and when she finally found him opted to keep his secret and not out him despite her initial intention. She kept his secret even after she was detained and he in turn tried to protect her and they did away with that entire dynamic of Clark keeping his identity a secret from her and dating her as Superman which was always pretty stupid.

    The other thing I really liked is that this Kal El is not so mild mannered and they established right away that not only is he not overly concerned with collateral damage but he is willing and able to kill if it is necessary. Which is just fantastic. He is also much more mature than previous Supermen and displayed a much better understanding of human nature. He also regularly identified himself as separate from both the Kryptonians and humans. In Returns that Superman not only wanted to fit in and have a normal life with humanity but he also abandoned earth altogether to go look for Kryptonians based on less than trustworthy information that turned out to be completely falsified.

    I also love that he became a reporter and took up the whole Clark Kent identity as a way to gather information and that it would give Clark legitimate reasons for inserting himself into some of the dangerous situations he gets into. They usually have it the other way around and have Clark become Superman instead of Kal El become Clark. Hell I love that he is Kal El and not Clark Kent or Superman. I also like that unlike Reeves's and Routh's iterations of Superman, Cavill's is not stupid. Reeve's Superman was stupid by design as those movies were very campy. Routh's though, I mentioned leaving the earth based on falsified information but there is plenty more. Like not understanding that a plane's wing cannot support all of its weight. Not to mention that he did not seem to understand that a giant commercial airliner is not all of one piece and if you pull on the wing it would just come off. I mean even kids who rip the wings off of butterflies understand that much. There is also completely ignoring the maniacal villain until he attempts to destroy the world. Stupidest of all, Lex Luthor stole my kryptonian crystals and is going to use them to try to rebuild krypton on earth but I am going to fly over to that continent sized island he made from my kryptonian crystals without ever pausing to think that the kryptonian island might contain kryptonite. Enough about that movie

    Again so many good things about this movie. I was hoping to see a movie for Superman fans and that is exactly what Man of Steel was. You guys don't seem to be fans though so I will wait to see what Y or Shadow Skill has to say.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapphire View Post
    I think the main problem was none of this movie was thrilling. It was as if it was just recounting a story we all know already without refashioning it the way Nolan usually refashions stuff. Of course, Cavill himself was orgasms on a plate, though.

    How the hell does this movie have an 8.2 on IMDB right now?


    That said, lots of people complaining about the lame romance plot. I quite like how the romance was tacked on and not the focus of the movie. To me, it was quite enough that Lane is a bright, brave and moral woman who wasn't afraid to get into deep shit, and Superman is super... man. Considering the scale of the catastrophe and the amount of hormones that must have been unleashed after all that madness, prematurely acting on partially developed feelings at the end and kissing seems perfectly reasonable to me.

    Guys, we all know that the first thing we would do after literally flying around saving humanity is jump the bones of the person we saved humanity with if they were Superman/Lane tier awesome.
    Yes the movie assumed you had prior knowledge of the Superman mythos and did not get too much into it. It is a good thing though, all the previous Superman movies were similar as Superman's story is terribly convoluted. Also there was quite a bit of refashioning. They did not reinvent the character it was more of giving us their take on what he should be besides Superman has been around for so long that he really does not need reinventing. There is more than enough out there and enough people have tried that Snyder really just needed to take what he thought works well and put it in the movie.

    Do you think and 8.2 is too low or too high, I can't tell? Personally I think and 8.2 is pretty good. As a fan I would give it about a 9 but if one were expecting a typical superhero movie I could see it getting about a 7.

    Yes the love interest was handled well. It was introduced and highlighted but not really focused on and the scene at the end of Clark and Lois being officially introduced at the Daily Planet was a nice touch. It would take a bit more than that for me to jump someones bones though. I tend to not make decisions when I am on emotional highs. Damn the trouble I would have gotten into if I had made decisions about very attractive women while on an emotional high.

    Just wanted to mention that I thought your previous post read a lot better when it implied that you got cocky, got caught and ended up having to punch someone. It is just funnier that way.
    Last edited by Abdula; Thu, 06-20-2013 at 12:23 AM.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  14. #134
    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula View Post
    Yes the movie assumed you had prior knowledge of the Superman mythos and did not get too much into it. It is a good thing though, all the previous Superman movies were similar as Superman's story is terribly convoluted. Also there was quite a bit of refashioning. They did not reinvent the character it was more of giving us their take on what he should be besides Superman has been around for so long that he really does not need reinventing.
    And that was this movie's downfall. For example, let's say something amazingly epic happened to a friend, and they go through every effort to make the story thrilling and interesting, and pull you into what happened when they tell you about it later. Then let's say they're telling the same story to you to remind you about it, and they just hit the major plot points with no effort whatsoever to jog your memory. That's what the entire first 15 minutes (or whatever) of the movie were like. I am not even familiar with the story, but it felt like the scenes were there because they were obligatory (they weren't obligatory) and that they were a rehash. Who spends millions on a movie to rehash something on an origin movie?!

    The other problems I had were that in Nolan's other movies (Say Inception and Dark Knight as the most obvious examples) something other than the physical world was at stake. They were all about mind games, the interesting pressures of guilt vs. responsibility, and the interesting dark parts of humanity and existence that we avoid thinking about. That's why they were so much like anime. This movie was... shallow. :/

    Yeah, they kind of glossed over the fact that superman was treated like shit by some people and with kindness by some others. But the obvious choice would still be to save humanity, his bullying wasn't that bad at all compared to the average kid (as seen by the movie). They really could have done a lot more to drive the stakes. I mean is it really that hard to choose 8 billion sentient people over the crazed lunatic who murdered your father and was basically a douche upon meeting you? lol no (But the Joker + 2 face stakes were way more thrilling, as well as the stakes of being thrown into limbo+Mal the subconsious for Inception)

    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula View Post
    Do you think and 8.2 is too low or too high, I can't tell?
    I would give this movie a thumbs down. If I were to assign it an ANN rating it'd be 'weak, I wish I'd done something better with my time'.

    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula View Post
    Just wanted to mention that I thought your previous post read a lot better when it implied that you got cocky, got caught and ended up having to punch someone. It is just funnier that way.
    Yeah, actually I elbowed someone in the nose, but I made a few tweaks for impact reasons.
    Last edited by Sapphire; Thu, 06-20-2013 at 12:38 PM.
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  15. #135
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Why did Zodd use a steel beam to try and hit Kal? Their flesh is obviously harder than steel. Using a blunt bashing weapon that is softer than the thing you are hitting does not make sense. It's like trying to smack a human with a baguette. Born to be a warrior, LOL.

    I liked the final battle aside from that. The fact that a headlock killed Zod was logical because there simply seemed no other way for them to hurt each other, but it was also kind of weird how Kal can break his neck, but not simply twist it away from facing the humans (who were amazingly stupid for just watching a laser beam crawling towards them instead of walking away. Yeah, it was that slow and there were no obstacles.) if he really did not want to kill Zod.

    The best part of this movie was the Asian looking alien girl. She actually looked cool while using her powers.

    The rest of the movie, let's just say, did not disappoint me... because I lowered my expectations to the floor.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Thu, 06-20-2013 at 10:22 AM.
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  16. #136
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Like Shinta, i went into this movie with the lowest expectation possible.

    It's a Superman movie that wasn't completely terrible and that's enough for me to like it. Overall, it did most of the things that i expect/wants from a Superman movie.

  17. #137
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    Tears...this movie was mind blowing.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Why did Zodd use a steel beam to try and hit Kal? Their flesh is obviously harder than steel. Using a blunt bashing weapon that is softer than the thing you are hitting does not make sense. It's like trying to smack a human with a baguette. Born to be a warrior, LOL.
    It makes perfect sense because of physics LOL, the steel beam still weighs a fuck ton, having that weight amplified by the force that Zod puts behind it is going to be much more than just his fist.

  18. #138
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    Problem is, it's not going to hurt Kal at all. If Kal is stuck in place, the steel beam will just bend out of shape. If he isn't, he will simply get thrown away like with the punches, but with less damage because the object hitting him is softer than him. Just look at them crashing into buildings that also have steel beams in them (unless they miraculously avoided anything made of steel as they crash through walls at incredible speed). They get up like it was nothing. No blood or injuries, not even dirt! (LOL)

    However, since the aliens aren't affected by Newton's third law of motion the entire time (that and they can fly), I will admit that I am being a bit too strict.

    Zod (the warrior!) should have figured out that Jiujitsu was the true way of fighting for Kryptonians on Earth.

    The speed of the battles (or rather the aliens) were also inconsistent. Sometimes they moved at almost invisible speed, but then you see them waving steel beams slowly enough for Kal to laser it. I understand that however, because a true high speed battle would look like Dragon Ball and that would just suck.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Thu, 06-20-2013 at 07:43 PM.
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  19. #139
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    Cept force doesn't care about an objects hardness, hardness only measures how much the object will change shape if said force is applied to it; the force will still permeate and fully act on the object it's interacting with and thus getting hit with the steel beam still does more damage than getting hit with a fist.

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow View Post
    hardness only measures how much the object will change shape if said force is applied to it; the force will still permeate and fully act on the object it's interacting with
    That means Kal's body will not change shape (that means not getting hurt right? Because I believe if I get hit by something that cannot even change the shape of my skin, it won't really hurt?). Like I said, the force will act on him, and he will fly off, but he won't get hurt. Their fists on the other hand, should be the same hardness as the rest of their body. Even with "less" force, it should damage them much more.

    In addition, the amount of force exerted by their fists already far exceed what little extra weight the steel beam can provide. Think of it in relative terms. The weight of the steel beam to the aliens is like the weight of a (heavy) pillow to humans.
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