Wow, just when I thought we'd have a decent discussion, you lose the argument and go catty on me.
Did you edit that wiki entry yourself or are you really relying on a wiki entry as fact? Like I said, I searched and found no references to a military background for Janek. If the actor claims it, then it is the only such mention and is unsupported by anything the director says. If being a ship captain means you're military, then welcome aboard the nuclear powered destroyer class Love Boat, Capt Stubing. Just so you know, plenty of idiots like to fancy themselves "military experts" when they're just cowboys with no skill and no training. Groups like Blackwater are full of these dumbies. Janek may fancy himself a military man, but he's a ship captain on a science vessel.
And to add to the dumbness that is Prometheus, recall that Fifield, a geologist, gets lost in the dome. The biologist he is with approaches the alien lifeform that emerges from the black goo and tries to pet it. How poor is the writing in this movie.
edit: following the reference on which the wiki "factoid" is based, lo and behold, the factoid is wrong.
Here's the article it references (and one I read during my previous research):
Janek, the captain of the Prometheus, is described by Scott as an “old sea dog” – an officer in the classic tradition, and an alpha male whose primary mission is to protect the ship and its crew. His ambitions and vocation provide a sharp contrast to the heady goals of Shaw and Holloway and the venal corporate interests of Vickers. Elba describes Janek as “a longshoreman and a sailor. It’s his life and the crew is his responsibility. Ultimately, he makes a huge decision that sums him up as a man.”
Surprise, surprise, no mention of military in the article. Thank you, wiki, for ruining the world.