I see, Kaoru´s cold is the big topic this week :P Had to lol at him almost tripping when he walked towards Ri-chan. "ugh ... i´m ... dying ..." lol

Another topic: I didn´t like that it seemed that a lengthy amount of time passed between Kaoru´s second confession and the next meeting at Ri-chan´s place. All we get is Kaoru saying "I made no progression with her, damn", but ... WHY? I´d figure that once the confession went over successfully, the hardest part would be done. You love her, she loves you, now you just kiss and cuddle and have a good time - what´s the problem? It felt like a cop out to just say "no progression". made no sense.

And it sucks, because now we´re about to enter the final phase of the anime with Sentaro´s drama. I feel like it would have been perfect if we had seen Kaoru and Ri-chan as a proper couple prior to Sentaro´s secret leave. Ya know, the classic "they´re so happy, they don´t need me anymore. Wish you both the best. Bye."
Now we´ll have his drama and the couple-plot is on hold again. siiigh