"Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)
Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
Current Games: League of Legends(Fuck, its got me hooked again -_-)
Quite similar to Black Lagoon in many ways, especially the good ways. Though I'd expect the main character, the kid, to have reverse development compared to Rock's.
But really, you don't waste words, do you, TheBladeChild?
Morishima-senpaiKoko threw me off a bit there. I totally expected her to be a an Integra, Alphard or Gin character from the promotional pictures.
Not entirely sure why upgrading a country's air-force would trigger war and such. Seems better than letting someone else have it.
Last edited by Buffalobiian; Wed, 04-18-2012 at 02:25 AM. Reason: naming mistake
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Crazy, but entertaining.
I feel like this show hasn't yet started seriously enough to judge it one way or another. We have only got some character development but that's it.
I'm going to be watching this to see how it compares to the manga. The music is kind of ridiculous... (at first I thought gg was trolling but whaaat?! Really? Don't really like that opening; I've Sound is hit and miss for me.) I didn't think Itou Shizuka would fit Koko but it's working. Also concerned about whether the more serious parts later on will be handled well.
From the above it sounds like I'm not liking this very much but I'm actually enjoying it so far. I just like to complain a lot.
Last edited by Buffalobiian; Thu, 04-26-2012 at 07:07 PM.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Buff seems to be posting from the future, so I'll discuss episode 3.
They mentioned that everyone of the team has a screw loose somewhere, and Koko certainly does. It's kind of hard to differentiate her from the insane no-pan assassin during this episode. Koko starts smiling insanely when the possibility for her to die goes up. No-pan Chinatsu seems the most happy when she's not only killing things, but also under fire. Plus they both find Jonah adorable.
It's interesting that Koko's peculiar preference for peril disturbs Jonah. It contrasted nicely with the fact that Jonah rushes into danger "child-soldier" style to protect her. Lehm's speech denouncing that was a good one too. Koko doesn't rush into danger, but she loves being in it. Jonah hates arms dealers, but will gladly die to protect one.
It's awe-inspiring that Koko builds such loyalty from her crew despite being so childish and naive. She so smart, but at the same time, somewhat of an airhead.
The bad news for me this episode is that if Valmet is shot in the leg, we might not be seeing her in action for a while until she recovers enough.
I will drop this show, if the action continues this badly directed. They shoot as much as in A-Team, but only some idiot cops get hit (I thought this city was supposed to have great law enforcement - that's what Koko said, but if what we saw is great, I won't even dare to imagine what a bad one would look like), plus Valmet, of course. Now, why did she get hit when nobody else (that matters) did, it's a question of a thousand dollars. Both Jonah and the shark teeth assassin should be full of bullets after Jonah's rush, but mysteriously neither hit anything. Lehm should have been able to kill both the assassins, since Chinatsu was very late to react with the shield, but for all his preaching about skills and wits, Lehm apparently shoots with his eyes closed or something.
I don't remember when I last time saw a firefight this bad in anime. It ruined the whole ep.
Somehow this was worse than Black Lagoon. It's true Black Lagoon also saw as much shooting as A-Team, but somehow the people still behaved in a more sensible manner in it, and it was oft much more about superhumans. They didn't stand in the middle of the street for a long time without getting hit, at least, like Shark teeth and No underwear in this episode. The police sniper team was also bloody ridiculously written: What kind of a sniper just waits there in plain view?
I can't ignore stuff like this. That's my weakness.
While I still enjoy this show, I'm with Kraco on this one. The shoot-out was pretty crappy if they wanted to make it believable at all. Shark Teeth could hit the police snipers but not Jonah...
I could deal with No-Pan blocking the bullets despite the lag because it was actually animation lag vs reaction lag.. but everything else.. :S
They made a point about Koko having a crazy smile this episode.. but I've always found that everybody has a crazy, creepy smile. Some just more than others.
Valmet surprised me by still managing to be hot despite all the musculature.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
The action was crap, but I really like this show. I watch it more for the characters than the action.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Ridiculous car crash to keep them from getting turned into swiss cheese aside (as clever as it was), I was appeased by the fact that the guy was sniped very casually just by walking out into the open. Jonah still should have gotten hit last episode, but they qualified the big difference between spray-n-pray and a well-aimed single shot.
I'm still amused that Koko was not surprised at the crazy kung-fu matrix bullet dodge flip-turn, or even concerned that Chinatsu is hunting her, but focused on the fact that she wasn't wearing any panties. Who was the insane one again?
Cute that Koko has more influence than the CIA. She's got her own contacts, and not solely thanks to her last name. Her political/business savvy has me in awe.
I'm really disappointed they censored out Koko's answer about why she sells weapons. I'm getting tired of that cliché narrative "technique."
We will find out about that answer in the last episode, probably.
Lehm.Originally Posted by Ryll
He was sniping. In an upright position. While smoking. Without a bi-pod. At night. With heavy winds. Further than 900m away.
And hit.
He's insane.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~