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Thread: This is how Naruto will END! [Spoilers!]

  1. #1

    This is how Naruto will END! [Spoilers!]

    Before reading the Spoilers keep in mind that Izanagi and likely Izanami were both based off of the Sage of the Six paths ability that split the 10 tailed beast into the other tailed beasts. Thus there exists a perfect form that is likely a combination of both Izanami and Izanagi known as the "Creation of all things" or something like that according to what I have read. So the sage of the six paths Creation of all things is either related to both Izanami/izanagi or a combination of the two.

    The creation of all things can likely create something out of thin air or change existing to a degree itself... not just alter a single event or attack etc.

    Now you can read how Naruto WILL END!

    [Spoilers] This is how naruto will end!!

    Naruto confronts Sasuke and or Tobi! The whole world has been badly damaged from the MOON Eye plan! The world can no longer sustain any life at all! In a last bit of effort naruto awakes from previously being knocked unconscious and beats sasuke/tobi and then naruto hijacks the moon and casts the perfect form of Izanami/izanagi on the planet itself and changes all existence so Ninjustu, the tailed beasts, the sage of six paths... so that none of it ever existed! Thus restoring the world but in return completely changing how society functions!

    Since this would technically mean naruto was never even born in the first place he slowly starts to fade away into nothingness however if you look carefully you notice that there is the original moon eye plan genjutsu casted on narutos eyes... You see a magical blast of colors shootout and change existence... as naruto finishes fading away...

    Credit ROLL!

    After the credits you can see naruto laying under a pile of crushed rocks and boulders as he takes one breath and then cut to black...

    The END!

  2. #2
    That's pretty interesting, but I don't get why Naruto would be laying under a pile of crushed rocks and boulders.

    Also, I think it's important that we know who he fights... Tobi OR Sasuke. Both have very different outcomes with the story at the time being.

    Additionally, to actually use the Infinite Tsukuyomi plan, all the tailed-beasts have to be fused first and then a jinchuuriki has to be selected. That would mean that Naruto would have to die first as his body would be sacrificed into the fused structure by the logic set so far. I don't understand how he would be able to come back to life again unless someone learned the Impure World Resurrection jutsu to revive him for that to happen (maybe in your theory, Kabuto changes sides?).

    Also even if Naruto was revived, he would have no nine-tails, so how would he still be able to stop Tobi or Sasuke to be selected as the jinchuuriki of the ten-tails?

  3. #3
    ANBU Captain
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    its a secret
    I hope this never happens. If it does I will have wasted more than just a minute by reading this.

  4. #4
    Sorry guys I don't know if either of you understood my joke... But I imagine some of the readers who did not comment did. While everything I said in my post is not completely trolling/joking... I do believe that the thing I said about a perfect version of Izanami/izanagi exists but beyond that I was joking about the rest it's a pun on the Mass Effect 3 ending. So I take it the two of you have not played Mass Effect 3... or at least you haven't enkoujin.

    If naruto ends the way I said in this post or even remotely close to that I WILL probably kill myself.

    If you have beaten mass effect 3 or seen the ending then.... you feel my pain!

  5. #5
    ANBU Captain
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    its a secret
    I havent played mass effect but I surely do NOT want you to kill yourself. Manga these days is seeming pretty sketchy. I hope I didn't come off sounding like a jerk but.....look at bleach. I just don't want to see anymore manga get that ridiculous

  6. #6
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by viperwasp View Post
    Before reading the Spoilers keep in mind that Izanagi and likely Izanami were both based off of the Sage of the Six paths ability that split the 10 tailed beast into the other tailed beasts. Thus there exists a perfect form that is likely a combination of both Izanami and Izanagi known as the "Creation of all things" or something like that according to what I have read. So the sage of the six paths Creation of all things is either related to both Izanami/izanagi or a combination of the two.

    The creation of all things can likely create something out of thin air or change existing to a degree itself... not just alter a single event or attack etc.

    Now you can read how Naruto WILL END!

    [Spoilers] This is how naruto will end!!

    Naruto confronts Sasuke and or Tobi! The whole world has been badly damaged from the MOON Eye plan! The world can no longer sustain any life at all! In a last bit of effort naruto awakes from previously being knocked unconscious and beats sasuke/tobi and then naruto hijacks the moon and casts the perfect form of Izanami/izanagi on the planet itself and changes all existence so Ninjustu, the tailed beasts, the sage of six paths... so that none of it ever existed! Thus restoring the world but in return completely changing how society functions!

    Since this would technically mean naruto was never even born in the first place he slowly starts to fade away into nothingness however if you look carefully you notice that there is the original moon eye plan genjutsu casted on narutos eyes... You see a magical blast of colors shootout and change existence... as naruto finishes fading away...

    Credit ROLL!

    After the credits you can see naruto laying under a pile of crushed rocks and boulders as he takes one breath and then cut to black...

    The END!
    I read this waiting for the part where I needed to sign up for a special offer and refer 5 of my friends.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  7. #7
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    - Itachi and Sasuke stop Kabuto´s Edo Tensei, Sasuke is forced to sacrifice one Sharingan during the fight
    - The five Kages are saved just in time, as Madara returns to being dead
    - Fake-Madara realizes that his original plan has failed, thus proceeds to awaken the Juubi without the help of the Kyuubi
    - Fake-Madara reveals himself as Obito
    - Sasuke hunts down Obito to steal his Sharingan, since he´s in need for a new one
    - Epic battle between Obito and Sasuke, major revelations about the Uchiha-clan
    - Just when Sasuke is about to finish off Obito, Kabuto steps in
    - Cries and shouts in pain, as his body transforms under spasms. Suddenly starts giggling like a madman.
    - His hair turned black: It´s Orochimaru.
    - It´s revealed that ever since the Sandaime Hokage sealed away Orochimaru´s arms, Orochimaru found out a link between body and soul
    - By having his living cells as part of Kabuto, even though his "main" body was sealed away by Itachi, his existence still remained, as Kabuto carried his cells and thus part of his spirit. Yeah, Voldemort all over again.
    - What happens next, is just gruesome: Instead of Sasuke taking Obito´s Sharingan, Orochimaru takes Sasuke´s.
    - Orochimaru finally obtained his goal of getting Sasuke´s Sharingan, leaving Sasuke behind completely blind.
    - He also takes Obito´s Sharingan for the complete set of Sharingan eyes.
    - As the Uchihas lie on the ground next to each other, exhausted, in pain and scared, Kakashi and Naruto arrive at the scene.
    - Kakashi, under shock, notices that it´s Obito, his believed dead friend. Obito reveals that it was Orochimaru who took him in after he was found by the crazy scientist.
    - Ever since then, Obito followed Orochimaru´s advice in a plan to right the wrong that the real Madara has done to the world and Konoha in the past.
    - Ironically much, Obito took Madara´s identity to do so. The ultimate plan was the moon eye genjutsu, as we all know.
    - Orochimaru meanwhile continues with the plan and awakens the Juubi. However, he has no interest in world peace, but wants the power of the Juubi itself, to attain the power of all the jutsus in the world.
    - Naruto, who still carries the Kyuubi, and after seeing his blinded friend, confronts Orochimaru.
    - A battle between dragon sage-Juubi-Orochimaru and frog sage-Kyuubi-Naruto begins, and it´s clear that Orochimaru has the upper hand.
    - In a last, selfless action, Sasuke uses the Rinnegan that Obito gave to him, as Obito realized that his plan failed, and uses the Rinnegan to create a whole new chakra element.
    - Orochimaru, who thought himself to be invincible thanks to the six-path´s power, is taken by surprise by Sasuke essentially being the seven-path master.
    - Sasuke uses a jutsu that is unstoppable for anyone who doesn´t know about the newly created seventh element, and thus kills Orochimaru.
    - However, creating a new element in his weakened state and with only one Rinnegan is too much for Sasuke. He dies from exhaustion.
    - The world is saved from the last evil and Naruto becomes the new Hokage. However, he is being called Kyudaime, as Sasuke, who sacrificed himself for everyone, is declared Hachidaime post-mortem. His face is added to the Hokage-stone wall next to Naruto´s.
    - In a short epilogue, we find out that Orochimaru´s parents died during a former great ninja war.
    - We see a flashback of Orochimaru´s feelings when he heard about Jiraiya´s death.
    - We see a flashback to Kabuto´s battle against Itachi and Sasuke. During the final blow, which lead to Edo Tensei being stopped, something happened to Kabuto, that nobody noticed at that time. But it helped Itachi to achieve success.
    - During a flashback to final battle, in which Sasuke delivers the final blow to Orochimaru, we get to read his final thoughts: "And so, world peace has become a reality ... and I even got to witness the ultimate jutsu in the end, kukuku" as he watched Sasuke creating the seventh element.
    - Conclusion: Orochimaru planned from the very beginning to become the hated evil, so that this shattered world would unite and become peaceful.
    - We see Tsunade, who´s smiling, as she is the only person in the world that realizes what´s going on.
    - Last page: We see a new kid that´s ruining Naruto´s stone face with paint. As Konohamaru, now and educator, sees it, he hunts the kid to give a little punishment.
    - From far above, Naruto, the Hokage, is watching the scene and smiles, as he sees his stone face covered with paint. Next to his Sasuke´s face, the friend that repayed all his sins by sacrificing himself to save everyone.


  8. #8
    If I see another Tobi = Obito hypothesis, I'm going to kill myself.

  9. #9
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Fake-Madara = Obito is basically confirmed at this point imo. At least I hope so. Would suck so much if Fake-Madara was some random dude.

  10. #10
    Probably. It feels a lot like when people were suspecting Yondaime was related to Naruto and then he turned out to be his dad.

  11. #11
    im still going with fake-madara = spiritual form of madara

  12. #12
    Barack Obama shows up and offers everyone Change. They vote him Hokage of the world.

    The End.

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