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Thread: Uchuu Kyoudai: Space Brothers

  1. #21
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    Did the bus really have no toilet? Seems strange, when they´re on such a long trip, even being served a meal.

    My, very obvious, guess about Mutta´s ranking would be: 1. Mutta, 2. Serika, 3. Son-Gohan. I hope we find out about the other applicants´ rankings.
    It did have a toilet. One of the guys came out of it from the back of the bus not too long before the icebreaker started. Pretty sure it was the annoying, complaining guy.

    I reckon Serika will get a higher rating than Mutta. She's female and most of the applicants are males - and at least 3 people already don't like Mutta.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #22
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #23
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Waaaah, what a cliffhanger ending! Watching this exam is so much fun.

    Next episode should be fun. Mutta gets to shine both in the exam and in his quest for love, haha. Though I wonder how he arrives at such a way earlier time. Maybe he figured that the 10 minutes-per-candidate in the bus were fake? Like, it was only really 5 minutes-per-candidate? Hm.

  4. #24
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Waaaah, what a cliffhanger ending! Watching this exam is so much fun.
    Totally. I wanted to yell when they started zooming out and I realised it was time for a cliff-hanger again.

    This long exam reminds me of when I watched HxH years back. Good stuff.

    Next episode should be fun. Mutta gets to shine both in the exam and in his quest for love, haha. Though I wonder how he arrives at such a way earlier time. Maybe he figured that the 10 minutes-per-candidate in the bus were fake? Like, it was only really 5 minutes-per-candidate? Hm.
    I don't think it would have been for a reason like that, because that would still involve calculations. Mutta sounded like there should be just a few triggers that should have given away the time.

    I had my suspicions since they went on the bus that this place is simply at the same facility they departures from.

    edit:hmm... did he perhaps notice the time on the dashboard when he gave that bald driver one last look before stepping off the bus? If he didn't notice the time, then at the very least I think he would say that he noticed the driver was asleep. As for how that equates to 3AM and not 1 or 4AM.. we'll need a bit of Mutta-magic I reckon.

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  5. #25
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    This long exam reminds me of when I watched HxH years back. Good stuff.
    I was about to mention HXH. Yes, it´s like a more realistic, "mature" version of HXH at this point.

    As for the time puzzle... assuming there´s no calculation going on, and there wasn´t a hint during the trip/arrival (which, tbh, some of the others should have been able to notice as well), I´d also guess that we´ll see a flashback which explains how Mutta has a very precise inner clock. Maybe he and his brother used to train their inner clock, because they knew astronauts needed that skill or whatever.

    Oh, wait, one other guess: There´s another "skill" that likely only Mutta possesses. He was working for a car manufacturer, inventing new cars and stuff, so he knows this area well, right? Maybe he simply noticed "ok, I know these kind of bus-models. With a full tank, they can go for this long, and the bus driver never stopped for a refill." Something like that.

  6. #26
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Oh, wait, one other guess: There´s another "skill" that likely only Mutta possesses. He was working for a car manufacturer, inventing new cars and stuff, so he knows this area well, right? Maybe he simply noticed "ok, I know these kind of bus-models. With a full tank, they can go for this long, and the bus driver never stopped for a refill." Something like that.
    I like that one. Sounds reasonable too, unlike my clock one where you'd have to wonder if JAXA really couldn't be bothered to conceal the clock on the dashboard.

    Regarding the internal clock one, I wouldn't buy it so much. In the US Mutta was pretty close to getting the time right for Hibito's laptime on the track, but that was:

    1) over a short interval, and
    2) Mutta mentally said he "guessed".

    Add that to how Mutta slept during the ride, I don't think much of it.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    As for the time puzzle... assuming there´s no calculation going on, and there wasn´t a hint during the trip/arrival (which, tbh, some of the others should have been able to notice as well), I´d also guess that we´ll see a flashback which explains how Mutta has a very precise inner clock. Maybe he and his brother used to train their inner clock, because they knew astronauts needed that skill or whatever.

    Oh, wait, one other guess: There´s another "skill" that likely only Mutta possesses. He was working for a car manufacturer, inventing new cars and stuff, so he knows this area well, right? Maybe he simply noticed "ok, I know these kind of bus-models. With a full tank, they can go for this long, and the bus driver never stopped for a refill." Something like that.
    I'd say the inner clock is the most reasonable explanation.

    We're all familiar with Newton's second law and its kinematics derivatives. It was hinted in this video they watched where one of the astronauts were calculating the time of impact with the ground. Mutta is a mechanical engineer who designed cars. Therefore, a calculation of that calibre is very easy to do for him if he had rough estimates of the bus' initial velocity and [constant] acceleration. The bus seems to have gone somewhere out of the city for the amount of time they've traveled, so the possibility of the bus fluctuating greatly in acceleration could be negligible. Designing cars' accelerations and movements is the prime work of an engineer, so he should have had lots of experience of being exposed to different times of acceleration.

    That's the reason I want to rationalize about to make Mutta a better suited astronaut, but it's like Bill said:

    2:01 AM.

  8. #28
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Okay, guess all the other candidates suck, then. rofl, so obvious

  9. #29
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Can't wait to see the annoying guy's face when Mutta just shits all over him.

    Oh, and Mutta's stupid face when Serika inevitably praises him. xD

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  10. #30
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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  11. #31
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Hm, I´m still not sure what to think of Mutta´s lies. "Make yourself luck", alright. But a person that keeps lying isn´t really all that great a person. Basically, I don´t like people who do anything, no matter how dirty, to achieve success. Kinda douchy.

    Also, what´s going on with Mutta´s sudden gain of confidence when it comes to Serika?! After accidentally using her first name, he then whispers to her "I like your name". Then approaches her to help cooking. I mean ... that´s rather obvious imo, if I were Serika.

    But damn, the pacing of this anime is rather slow. Not that I think that anything is filler-ish, but it just takes forever to get forward in the plot.

    Guess it´s too early to start speculation who will be chosen, eh? The only save choice imo is Serika. Everybody knows she´s skilled AND she´s the "hot girl", so the guys probably feel less competitive about her.

  12. #32
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I don't really mind what Mutta's doing in this show, but in real practice I don't think it could work well. A normal human would get used to showing off and pretending to be things that they aren't.. and when they want to show off but can't, they may be tempted to "force" that act at someone's expense. In Mutta's case there are no victims so it's easier for me to let him get away with it.. even encouraging it.

    I just recently heard a speech about democracy, and it makes sense that it shouldn't work when you're thinking about what's the best choice for the population - unless you say the best choice is the choice they're happy with at the time of choosing.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  13. #33
    I'm sure that his constant lying will eventually bite him in the ass in the future whether the final day comes to discuss who they choose to be the best candidates or at a later point in time. In the end, I still think JAXA will still probably accept his position as an astronaut. This might be the case because of the foreshadowing where the psychologist asked, "Did you find anything new about yourself recently?" again and the candidates will have to answer the question.

    Still, it gives great insight into the mindset of adult psychology and how most adults may lie and are unwilling to apologize for their mistakes or admit to their wrongdoings. This factor will definitely separate Mutta away from the other astronaut candidates (if they're shown to be malicious and stealthily deviant).

  14. #34
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I think the hardest part in looking at Mutta's deeds here (at least for me) is that he's still taking credit for his own work (well, except some help from Apo), but is just blowing it out of proportions..

    (lol at saying there needn't be calculations... followed by air-abacus)

    .. his actions also have no difference on the end outcome (the result of what he did), and only impact on how great people think he is. Given the lack of victims in the entire calculation.. I find that the "luck is what you make of it" saying is pretty viable.

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  15. #35
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    People do this all the time, be it consciously or unconsciously. Beautifying one's deeds is normal, though the extent can vary greatly.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  16. #36
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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  17. #37
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Still going strong. I like how Mutta´s flashback didn´t automatically lead to a solution for his task. Instead, it further pushed him into thinking about it. And it was nice too see him being openly proud about his little brother. That might have been the case all along, but up till now we always saw his "I´m the older brother, I have to be better"-side of him, so it was a nice change.

    Personally, I believe space exploration is necessary because it is in our human DNA. Our whole existence strives for exploration, expansion. Just look back in time. First human beings wandering from Africa to Europe, spreading from there. Then later, during more civilized times, you have Chris Columbus and other discoverer that expanded our reality. It´s easy to put blame on space exploration´s costs, but tbh, using "we still have problems on earth" is the same as killing any space programme forever. There´ll always be problems on earth "more worthy" of being tackled than space exploration, which is seemingly done out of curiosity alone.

  18. #38
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    Personally, I believe space exploration is necessary because it is in our human DNA.
    I like that they compared us to germs, because we're not any different.

    Humans explored because they sought more resources. We're greedy, we consume stuff and we breed like any other animal. Without a new host as a resource (be it material or inspirational) we'd die out unless we somehow mutate into elves (conserving the environment, take what we need, breed very occasionally to maintain a stable population, stay forever young so we don't need a pyramid society of taxpayers to support our increasing health costs etc).

    I was afraid of Mutta recycling someone else's speech too, so I'm glad that it turned out otherwise.

    It's annoying that every team has one asshole. It's funny at the same time because it's true.

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  19. #39
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    Mutta is definitely one of my favorite characters. I see him as a very realistic character and someone that you can relate to yourself. I admire his determination and his feeling of responsibility to his younger brother. It is so funny how wierd he can be in front of Serika.

    Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.

  20. #40
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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