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Thread: Upotte!! (ONA)

  1. #21
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    @Kraco - I think that you have a bias towards her. I dislike Sako because of really obvious and simple reasons that most people would understand.

    The tacked on redemption scene is also glaring. She suddenly accepted her defeat and moved on? How is that consistent with her insane personality?
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  2. #22
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Kraco: I agree that a kiss is not a usual way of thanking someone (though it's a welcome form of reward for males.. usually...). know, Sako and normal don't belong in the same sentence. I have no idea how much she wanted to make FNC feel better with that kiss, and how much of it was just for her to get off with.

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  3. #23
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    @Kraco - I think that you have a bias towards her. I dislike Sako because of really obvious and simple reasons that most people would understand.
    I most certainly do have. Actually I also think she's a horrible person (though a good gun like these eps showed), but I didn't dislike her. I might have disliked if they weren't guns, though. But since they are guns, things are different. In the end she only left behind good things: She gave Sig a batter hair style. Just from the whole tournament's point of view, she and Galil undoubtly raised the bar. Most importantly: Ichiroku was a real bitch herself who wouldn't have given Eru the time of day as soon as she learned they were in the same team, thinking Eru worthless. She gleefully left her behind to fight alone. Only after facing the superior force of Sako and Galil she realised the error of her ways and made up with Eru.

    But do I see you complain about M16? No. That makes you as biased as I am.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    The tacked on redemption scene is also glaring. She suddenly accepted her defeat and moved on? How is that consistent with her insane personality?
    Uh... Yes, it is? The very first time we saw her, she withdrew as soon as she realised Sig had the upper hand. When the last match ended, Sig was again aiming at her, as well as a few other guns. It was much worse than before. In your bias against her you are also accusing her of things we have no idea of. The fact she waited until this war to beat Ichiroku and didn't attack her in a dark alley means she's more like a proper dojo challenger; she's going from school to school beating the current leaders. Nothing's saying she wouldn't accept defeat when it's hammered down enough.

  4. #24
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kraco
    She gave Sig a batter hair style.
    Indirectly, yes. I gather Sig had to see a hairstylist or a used a hair straightener to fix it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Just from the whole tournament's point of view, she and Galil undoubtly raised the bar.
    Perhaps. Sig was obviously the top of the school performance-wise, so the duo were only targeting the most popular idol of the school rather than the top sharpshooter, so beating M16 in the manner that she did doesn't really mean much.

    The shooting is also very inconsistent in this show to the point where I can't say who is better than another other than Sig > all. The graph from a few episodes back talking about their respective ranges might give an indication of skill. Sako could snipe the hair off Sig all that distance away but couldn't hit M16 or Eru all the other times.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Most importantly: Ichiroku was a real bitch herself who wouldn't have given Eru the time of day as soon as she learned they were in the same team, thinking Eru worthless.
    I wonder. She praised Eru when she brought the flag, but I would say the most critical moment was when M16 versed Aug and Taiwan. It was during that fight that she realised her reliability and performance wasn't always great. If Eru had been there to bring the flag that match, things probably would have turned out the same.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I might have disliked if they weren't guns, though. But since they are guns, things are different.
    Why do you view them differently based on that? I see them as personalities and sentient beings all the same. The fact that they're guns to me just means they can't die (but I wonder if they can be destroyed), so it means you can deal a lot of damage (along with the pain that comes with it) with a lower risk of permanent damage.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Tue, 05-15-2012 at 07:44 AM.

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  5. #25
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    You wonder too much.

    Sniping also isn't a skill of crucial usefulness in the arena they were using. There was plenty of cover plus they needed to be mindful of their own flag all the time. Sig was an outsider all the time, thus able to pick her place and time completely freely, not to mention nobody expected her to do anything. You give her too much credit anyway. For all we know M16 could be better than her in a fight like that where sheer shooting skill doesn't mean everything. Ichiroku and Eru even won by quite unconventional means that had absolutely nothing to do with shooting skills. Besides, Sig might be good but she doesn't have the kind of active and brash charisma Sako was looking for in her opponent.

    I don't consider them humans. They don't even consider themselves such, and think their teacher is somewhat troublesome for forgetting they are guns. They only got the bulletproof vests so that it wouldn't hurt so much. So Funco, for example, was never in any real danger. It looked really bad but was more akin to some vigorous harisen beating in a more traditional comedy.

  6. #26
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I find it funny how you argued against my dislike for Sako by saying that I don't complain about Ichiroku.

    Also, didn't the kiss fix something for Funko? I remember her saying that something got fixed right after it.

    BTW, I hate bullies, and I hate horrible people.
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  7. #27
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I find it funny how you argued against my dislike for Sako by saying that I don't complain about Ichiroku.
    I don't think there's anything funny about it. I used it to point out that while I'm positively biased in favour of Sako, you are negatively biased against her because you only concentrated on blaming her despite Ichiroku doing her own fell deeds in the background. You even hoped Ichiroku breaks Sako into pieces right after Ichiroku bullied Eru out of the classroom in tears. That's highly two-faced treatment, which speaks of a bias. However, I'm not going to blame you for having a bias, but you ought to realise it yourself, just like I admitted being biased.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Also, didn't the kiss fix something for Funko? I remember her saying that something got fixed right after it.
    That doesn't necessarily mean anything. If a kid hits their toe against a table leg, they may cry and complain like it's the end of the world, but give them an ice cream and they will forget the pain as if it never happened. For all we know, it was an equivalent effect for Funco.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    BTW, I hate bullies, and I hate horrible people.
    I would have never guessed!

  8. #28
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The funny thing is, I never claimed I wasn't biased. The last part of my previous post was a clear admission of bias. The very fact that I hate something is biased. I am honestly surprised at how far you are taking a simple clash in opinion as if there is something right or wrong about it.
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  9. #29
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oh, well, in my opinion hating something for a good reason isn't a bias. Hating or liking something for extraneous reasons is. I mean, it'd be useless to watch anime, or any fictional live action, if they didn't generate any feelings, that is, serve as entertainment. You can't call all those feelings biased. Hating a bully like Sako wouldn't be biased. However, only hating her and forgiving or even rooting for Ichiroku would be biased, because Ichiroku was behaving only marginally better.

    And sure I'm taking it far, because I enjoyed this conversation. With our dwindling user base, good anime discussions are getting few and far between.

  10. #30
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I guess if it is just for the sake of discussion I can tag along.

    I think I see where you mistook my comments as bias of the type you are referring to. Just to be clear, I don't like Ichiroku. I cringed each time she called her partner junk. The only reason why I wanted her to trash Sako was because at that point she was the only one who can. I would much rather have Sig do the honors.
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  11. #31
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I would much rather have Sig do the honors.
    Sig.. Mmmmm.

    I don't really see the practical point of removing your socks so you can steady the recoil with your bare legs.

    But I like it.

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  12. #32
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I would much rather have Sig do the honors.
    It would have been nice to see Sig's performance in such a fight, not only at sniping. Sako+Galil vs Ichiroku+Sig could have been the ultimate conventional fight (meaning not needing to resort to carrying the opponent's flag around to win).

    But then again, I probably took the fights in this show far too seriously after the horrendous disappointment that Jormungand turned out to be.

  13. #33
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    It would have been nice to see Sig's performance in such a fight, not only at sniping. Sako+Galil vs Ichiroku+Sig could have been the ultimate conventional fight (meaning not needing to resort to carrying the opponent's flag around to win).
    Apparently they rolled the last tournament, and M16's been blowing the earlier rounds on her own. That should have been the queen-team that Sako+Galil needed to beat, yes.

    I did like that they were strong enough to each take one side of the lake when they played against FNC. It really does show their (apparently) superior skill over teams that perhaps don't just prefer teamwork but rely on teamwork.

    It'll always be Sig>FNC>Eru>all for me.

    Eru scored some major points for me this episode. Her determined face spelled "I'm a shitty gun, but I'll still own you!"

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  14. #34
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Funko is surpisingly skilled. I did not expect that bounce shot that she did. If she partnered up with Ichiroku or Sig, they might have won without the technicalities.
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  15. #35
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Funko is surpisingly skilled. I did not expect that bounce shot that she did. If she partnered up with Ichiroku or Sig, they might have won without the technicalities.
    Impossible to say. Funco doesn't seem to possess the kind of battle savviness that Ichiroku clearly showed. I'd call that water surface reflect shot momentary brightness and luck more than anything, considering how she lost to Sako so pitifully right after it. But clearly she's no failure, though, she just happened to face an opponent too ruthless and capable.

    Galil was so much a dog of war that she likely needs an unhesitating leader to perform well, but when she has one, I reckon she pulls through with courage.

  16. #36
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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  17. #37
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Somewhat less exciting after the jungle fight. I'd prefer the show to return to fighting action soon, but the preview didn't give much hope in that respect. But then again, this wasn't all about fighting from the beginning, so I guess it makes sense.

  18. #38
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Sig's hairclips look like neko-mimis. That's more than enough, with FNC topping everything off.

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  19. #39
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  20. #40
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