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Thread: Merging GW forums with another forum site

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  1. #12
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    Jan 2006
    if you find out tell me.....
    @Buff, a word censored by the Office of Propaganda, you should at least have an original response and read the whole thing to formulate a response instead of paraphrasing like you normally do.

    When I said link with a popular anime and manga distro. I meant one that didn't have or have a forum that is not as well put together as this one. There are tons of anime subbers that just have direct downloads or irc bots. You can have the bots idle in gotwoot.irc and gotwoot rizon. If you team up with however many subbers of different anime, the fans will have a place to get anime and manga and gotwoot provides a place for them to discuss it. They sub and Gotwoot traffic discussions. If one goes away you can get another one. Gotwoot takes on the burden of handling the discussions.

    The mangatrader idea is a stretch i'll give you that. The forums are powered by two different software and since I am not a coder I don't know how it will work if it is even possible. But if it is possible I was saying that Gotwoot takes over the forums since it is in my opinion a better integrated forum and they continue to do there thing. All it means in adding a few more main manga sub forums. Since most of us were the original testers for the site I was thinking instead of splitting our time between two sites you just have one as well as more members to the mix. Again I am not a coder so I don't know how that will work if even.

    Using the front page as a feed for manga and anime that are released will bring people to the site, if you give people ONE place where they can get the lates links to download anime or manga like what is generally done here will give people a one stop source type of thing and if they get it here even if it is just a link chances are they will discuss it here.

    These could be all invalids point but just a thought.
    Last edited by Kraco; Thu, 03-29-2012 at 03:56 PM. Reason: Naughty.
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