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Thread: TV: The Last Airbender: The Legend of Korra

  1. #221
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vejita613 View Post
    Episode 6: The fight between Lin and Suyin was decent, but Lin wasn't in any shape to battle. I would've preferred to see them fight when both are at full strength. I guess that won't be happening any time soon though. Did anyone else find it strange how Korra picked up metal bending so easily. I get that she's the Avatar and I get she was using meteorites, but to do it on the first try?

    Episode 7: Not going to lie, I was kind of bored this episode. More Tenzin throwing around the iron fist a bit too much. Although, this time we have Bumi to thank for that. I find it hard to believe that Aang was like that while training Tenzin.

    Also, I still don't care much for Kai.
    I liked the fight between the Bei Fong sisters; it was interesting to see how, even though they had presumably identical training, they fought so differently. Like, how Suyin (a dancer), had a much more solid and grounded style and Lin (who is all straitlaced) was more acrobatic.

    Hmm, I don't think Tenzin has any kids out of wedlock but I did find it to be a bold choice for Lin and Suyin to be explicitly stated to have different fathers in a Nick show. That sort of thing happens in real life all the time, but I don't ever remember hearing something like that in a kid's show.

    I agree re: Kai.

  2. #222
    Book 3 moving to digital release

    TL: DR Tomorrow there will only be one episode at 8 and then one new episode each week after which will be posted online.

    Kind of sad really. First Nick drops four episodes online, then rushes to get the other episodes out without any sort of advertising before or during airing, and now they've practically given up and thrown everything online. I didn't think anyone could be even worse than CN.

  3. #223
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    Episode 8:

    No comment, other than great episode. This is turning out to be an excellent season.

  4. #224
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lelouch View Post
    Episode 8:

    No comment, other than great episode. This is turning out to be an excellent season.
    Yeah, it seems like the action is getting better by the episode.

  5. #225
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    great action episode, no doubts.
    more than how awesome the outlaws were, I was impressed by the 'lowly joe' soldiers, they were actually effective. and how each bender style was unique: Mako and Boling were fighting like boxers, but when bolin was earthbending to move dirt around, he had different posture.
    lava bending is awesome, and so are curved laser beams.

    amazing season, I really want the plot to hold up.

    P.S: just figured that 'criminal turned over who is also a master of a magic style who built a perfect nation and city with totally awesome crew of ex-cons and has loving family and is also an artist' is a markpoint of a Mary Sue character, and she just 'happens' to be called Sue.

    edit: episode nine. it seems like they are a libertarian bunch. interesting.
    Last edited by Death BOO Z; Fri, 08-01-2014 at 04:46 PM.

  6. #226
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    Episode 9:


    Oh Korra... why are you such a fucking shitty avatar...

    I hope they do a Gaiden series back to Roku, and do to that series what Fate/Zero was to FSN. More intense serious version.

  7. #227
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    I didn't get the 'shittyavatar' vibe from this episode.
    a bit naive, yes. rush and immature, still yes. but it wasn't the colossal fuck-up of season 2.

    again, it's aangs' fault: before him, the avatar wasn't considered to be representative of the people for the people by the people . when the air avatar killed the land lord and created Kyoshi island, it was a personal act for the good of the land, not for the good of the people.
    ever since aang started building up cities and nations, people got the strange idea that the avatar is one of them, and that he should consider their benefit when he acts.
    so Unaloq wanted to use the avatar to open up the spirit world, and she was cool with it. and Republic city wants the avater to be accountable for her actions, and she's cool with it. and Tenzin wants the avatar to help him build a dead nation, and she's cool with it. so what's the surprise that other groups think the avatar should help push through their ideology?

  8. #228
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    Chasing a group of the strongest bending villains with no help other than 2 decent benders is just a Shitty idea and asking to get captured.

  9. #229
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Interesting take on Nick's move to take Korra exclusively online:

  10. #230
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    that article had nothing of interest other than a whole info-dump about shows that I don't watch and don't care about.
    sure, it's nice to know that dan schnider had made lots of money by becoming the pillar of the network for several years, but that doesn't explain the decision to go 'online only' with Korras' episodes.

  11. #231
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    episode ten..

    I'm really waiting on Bolin to lava-bend or sand bend, more than just metal bend. maybe give him echolection (ability to sense stuff through vibrations).
    either that, or that he's movie career, natural charisma when meeting his family, quick pai-sho skills and the prisoner talk to earth&water pair is going to pay off with some masterful manipulation of people.

    Zaheer was so messed up with his vision of the 'free men' that he forgot that most people aren't perfect like he believes himself to be.

  12. #232
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    Wow, definitely the best season of Avatar yet. Yeah I think Bolin won't be able to metal bend but will learn to Lavabend and the moral will be like everyone has different talents, you just have to find your own, or smth.

  13. #233
    Now that I'm back from my two week hiatus....

    episode 11vcs=social_20140815_29831156&xid=LOKFB
    Probably the best episode yet. That airbender battle. So crazy.

  14. #234
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    really was a great episode..
    the scene with Tenzin was what I wanted to see all along, him taking on the three of them but losing when a fourth is added to the mix makes him actually seem powerful, which is something that we didn't see in the series yet. water spider attack was also amazing, and it's even better against water benders because it's monopolizing the water in the area. Wished to see a bit more of serious Bumi.

    laser beams is actually the easiest enemy to deal with (for an air bender). just bend some dust in their general direction and let them explode it. it's speedgrapher 101.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  15. #235
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    Did Tenzin gain a massive powerup since the previous seasons? He definitely did not seem to be this good of a fighter in previous season fights.

  16. #236
    Tenzin was always good. He was the first one to land a good hit on Amon back in season one. It's just he was never really given an opportunity to shine like he did this episode. Plus, it makes sense he would have the upper hand on Zaheer. Tenzin has had a lifetime of practical experience.

    There's a lot of speculation that Tenzins going to die next week, based on some of the stuff some of the staff has said. I don't have any sources so take this with a grain of salt, but episode 11 certainly doesn't make things look good for him.

  17. #237
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    That was some BOSS fighting from Tenzin...too bad it looks like he might have bitten it. You know, it would actually make more sense for Bolin to use lavabending since one of his parents is a firebender.

  18. #238
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    12 & 13.

    so, Kai served his purpose, don't know what good it was, but that's all there is to it.
    a new character got named (metal girl captain), maybe there's a behind the scene reason for that.

    it looked alot like the final battle in ATLA, only this time it was reversed.
    Bolin got his groove on, although, seeing how much transportation is done by earth bending, he should't have even reached that state.
    nitpick: avatar state draws on the knowledge of past avatars, there has been no metalbending avatar. how did half dead korra know to metal bend?
    nitpick2: red lotus, they actually had someone who could metal-bend? that's pretty rare! and was this their plan all along? that means they had a metal bender even 15 years ago? impressive!

  19. #239
    Best season by far. Korra really showed her stuff, especially these last coupe of episodes. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out next chapter.

    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z View Post
    a new character got named (metal girl captain), maybe there's a behind the scene reason for that.
    The biggest reason (so far) is that she was voiced by Zelda Williams, daughter of Robin Williams.

    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z View Post
    nitpick: avatar state draws on the knowledge of past avatars, there has been no metalbending avatar. how did half dead korra know to metal bend?
    nitpick2: red lotus, they actually had someone who could metal-bend? that's pretty rare! and was this their plan all along? that means they had a metal bender even 15 years ago? impressive!
    Korras been metal bending for the last few episodes now. No reason why she wouldn't be able to when she goes to avatar state.

    Red Lotus had Suyins assistant. No telling who else in her faction work for the Red Lotus. For a while, I had suspected her of working for them.

  20. #240
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    ok, that might be the reason for naming her. I'm cool with that.

    my problem with the red lotus is their plan. when they first wanted to abduct Korra (pre-story time), they wanted to raise her themselves, with them as her masters. that's a decent plan, I can see why some people would go for that. but then that got fucked up, and everybody went to prison. and now he's out for about a month (more, less?) and he managed to find people who are willing to kill the avater and one of them is a metal bender (who are quite rare!). all while running?

    (of course, maybe they are all spiritually gifted folks, and he recruited them over the spirit world.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

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