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Thread: TV: The Last Airbender: The Legend of Korra

  1. #141
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    The fact that his tattoos glow has been previously mentioned, yes.

    This form of bending, unlike other, is internal; a bending of your inner energy and not of the visible elements.
    Yeah, if you simply say the visible elements aren't real.

  2. #142
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    so, episode ten.

    Return of admiral Zuko? taking back bah-sing-sei? it's going to be alot harder to convince the city to follow through another war than it was to defend the city.
    I liked Tenzin battles this episode, he was kinda awesome, blowing that mecha to the air. wasn't too fond of his children winning fights or with Asami kicking so much ass (but both mostly because I don't like 'spirit' winning against 'experience' in general). Lin taking down an airship was probably a call back to Suki ("Did boomerang come back?" "No, Suki did!"). I felt that the son should somehow be named after her, but oh well.

    I have a suspicion that the city clerk is working with the bad guys. maybe he's coloring his mustache black whenever he puts on his uniforms and goes moonlighting as an equalist.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  3. #143
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    It wasn't really a matter of spirit, Asami has been training in self defense since childhood while these equalists are probably just john does picked off the streets trained in a hurry in the chi blocking techniques, and the kids are airbenders. The equalists have no idea how to deal with airbenders, that much is obvious.

  4. #144
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Found this today. Kind of interesting. I haven't seen every single episode of the original so this is new to me. But what I can gather from this image is that you can't actually take away someone's bending. Merely having them believe it is gone by suppressing it for some time. Kinda like hypnosis perhaps?

  5. #145
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    that's interesting...
    It's one of the last episodes of season 2, I think.
    If true, it's really good writing.

  6. #146
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    It would be phenomenal storytelling and it would make a lot of sense.

    The moment Lin "lost" her bending i was convinced they would find a way to return it to everyone eventually. Makes sense that this particular blocking of the chi is one that can be surpassed through sheer willpower, she has plenty of that.

  7. #147
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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  8. #148
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    there's no conservation of land mass in that clip.

    other than that, it's awesome.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  9. #149
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    I hope no one will disagree with me when I say the writing in this series is much weaker than any season of Avatar: The Last Airbender now.

  10. #150

    I kinda felt like the final stanoff was rushed. there was alot of build up for a somewhat lackluster battle, and then amon gets blown up. end of story. It also seemed weird how everyone got their bending back all too easy....i knew at some point we'd get an aang reversal with regards to the bending, but they could've made it more then 4 seconds.

    I was actually thinking that Korra would only be able to air bend, and the next 3 books would be about her relearning all the other bending styles all over again.

    Also, some explanation of how she could air bend right after the other bending abilities were taken away would've been nice. infact, the general process of how amon was using bloodbending to take peoples bending would've been nice to have.

  11. #151
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Man, pretty great season. The next season is going to have to come up with entirely new plot threads though, because they really didn't leave any hanging from this season.

    Quote Originally Posted by Y View Post
    I hope no one will disagree with me when I say the writing in this series is much weaker than any season of Avatar: The Last Airbender now.
    I think it's too early to tell. Some of the stuff in the last two episodes seem like ass-pulls now, but it might make perfect sense if they explain it later. Just because it doesn't make sense to you yet, doesn't automatically make the writing bad.

    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin View Post
    I was actually thinking that Korra would only be able to air bend, and the next 3 books would be about her relearning all the other bending styles all over again.
    I was kind of disappointed they undid it at the very end as well as, like you, I thought it would be the core conflict of the next season.

    I'm not even sure why Aang's method worked. Assuming Aang's method isn't the same thing as Aman's, I'm not sure why it would be able to fix what Aman did. Unless Aang was Bloodbending all along instead of using Spiritbending.

    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin View Post
    Also, some explanation of how she could air bend right after the other bending abilities were taken away would've been nice. infact, the general process of how mon was using bloodbending to take peoples bending would've been nice to have.
    Here's my theory:

    Since we know from the previous series that it's possible to physically block the chakras that control bending, that Aman's power was using his Bloodbending to manually block those chakras.

    It would also fit in with the original description of the chakras, how the first four each correspond to Earth, Water, Fire, then Air. I believe Aman probably blocked them at the point between Fire and Air, which would explain why Korra could still Airbend. And the reason he didn't block Korra properly was because he'd never actually blocked an Airbender before.
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Sun, 06-24-2012 at 12:51 AM.

  12. #152
    I personally really enjoyed this season, but have to say the last episode left me quite underwhelmed. The way Korra came about her spiritual awakening was quite lame in my opinion. I also have to say that Mako sucks as a character, really hope they find some other jackass for a love interest.

    As for the second season, I hope we get to see more of Tenzin's brother.

  13. #153
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    This season was shit, everything good it had was canceled but this completely and utterly crap ending.

  14. #154
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    "you're a wise and noble hobo..."

    yeah, Not exactly what I hoped for. many wasted characters (forget Bumi, was there really a point to bring Iroh?), the only character that gained my respect this episode was Tarlok. it really seems like he didn't want to bloodbend his way to ruling the city. also, I loved what he did in the end.

    at first, I thought Amon really scarred himself to make the story seem right, but it turns out it was make-up. does he apply it every morning when he wakes up? it doesn't seem very water resistant, does he carry a make-up purse to strengthen it when he goes to the bathroom?
    I agree that he probably doesn't know how to block air-bending because he never had the chance to practice.
    "I ain't late, AMON time exactly. amirite?"

    I understand that they can't finish the season on a bad note that everyone can't bend anymore, but I think a reasonable middle-way would be to say that Katara can only break the blood-bending block under full moon, and even then, only one person each month.

    still kind of bugs me that brothers can have different bending styles, first Bolin and Mako (whom I thought weren't blood-brothers) and now Tenzin and Bumi. I think it opens up the possibility of non-avatars having multiple bending styles.
    really didn't connect to Mako, he tried to be Zuko, without having gone through Zuko's bad life. compared to his good natured brother Bolin, he comes across as kind of a jerk. what kind of women would want that? (oh, wait. EVERY WOMAN). also, his fire-bending skills seemed to depend more on the plot than on anything else. it's like he's a 7th level character that uses 20th level abilities. far too powerful compared to what we've seen of him.

    of course, my main problem with the season is that the bad guys are right.

    republic city (and the world it governs with the UN ARMY) is an oligarchy controlled by benders, and mostly by descendants of Aang and his friends. the council (Tenzin, and before that - Sokka), the Police, the army (general Iroh and Commander Bumi) and even the order of white lotus is the personal bending guard. you can't join the police without being a bender, the most popular sport is a benders only event. The economy seemed kind of rough for everyone, so it was probably worse for non-benders.
    the average man probably wouldn't feel the difference between living under Amon's rule and the current situation. at least Amon directed the technology change, which would probably facilitate economy growth.

    still, a bad Avatar episode is much better than most.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  15. #155
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z View Post
    republic city (and the world it governs with the UN ARMY) is an oligarchy controlled by benders, and mostly by descendants of Aang and his friends. the council (Tenzin, and before that - Sokka), the Police, the army (general Iroh and Commander Bumi) and even the order of white lotus is the personal bending guard. you can't join the police without being a bender, the most popular sport is a benders only event. The economy seemed kind of rough for everyone, so it was probably worse for non-benders.
    I'm hoping that Lin (if she takes her job back) pulls in Amon's former lieutenant as the first non-bender on her police force as a part of his sentence, a kind of community service. He'd be able happy to keep misbehaving benders in line, which was really his whole purpose in life. The Equalists certainly showed that non-benders with the right training and tools are more than enough to stop a hostile bender, even though we knew that from the numerous examples in TLA (Jet, Suki, Mai, Ty-Lee and even Sokka).

    Despite the rushed, bad, deus ex machina ending, there is still a ton of resentment in the city between benders and Equalist sympathizers, like you said. They're going to have to resolve that.

  16. #156
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z View Post
    still kind of bugs me that brothers can have different bending styles, first Bolin and Mako (whom I thought weren't blood-brothers) and now Tenzin and Bumi. I think it opens up the possibility of non-avatars having multiple bending styles.
    Why do you think Bumi is a different kind of bender? Just because the character looks and acts like the original Bumi doesn't mean he's an Earthbender. They've already specifically stated that Bumi isn't a bender at all.

    Bolin and Mako makes perfect sense as long as one of their parents is an Earthbender and the other is a Firebender.

    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z View Post
    of course, my main problem with the season is that the bad guys are right.

    republic city (and the world it governs with the UN ARMY) is an oligarchy controlled by benders, and mostly by descendants of Aang and his friends. the council (Tenzin, and before that - Sokka), the Police, the army (general Iroh and Commander Bumi) and even the order of white lotus is the personal bending guard. you can't join the police without being a bender, the most popular sport is a benders only event. The economy seemed kind of rough for everyone, so it was probably worse for non-benders.
    the average man probably wouldn't feel the difference between living under Amon's rule and the current situation. at least Amon directed the technology change, which would probably facilitate economy growth.
    While the council and the police all being benders are valid points, if regular folks don't like being excluded from Professional Bending, then they should just watch a different sport. It's not like Republic City forces Pro Bending to be popular. As for the technology thing, again, the benders weren't doing anything to slow the progress of technology in the first place. Republic City was already, like, the most advanced city in the world. Benders being in charge wasn't preventing Sato or anyone else from inventing mechs and airplanes. In fact, even the council being Benders isn't neccesarily and issue, because it just happens to be that way now. As Sokka is a former council member, you obviously don't HAVE to be a bender to have a seat on the council.

    My primary problem with the Equalist ethos is that bending was somehow unnatural, and that benders should be stripped of their powers. Benders aren't unnatural. They're born that way. Yeah, it sucks you can't do it too, but stripping someone of their bending just because you can't is like a blind person taking away everyone else's sight so that they'll all be equal to him.
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Sun, 06-24-2012 at 10:24 AM.

  17. #157

  18. #158
    The finale of the last book was so god awful Im actually not even excited about this. Lets see how next season goes.

  19. #159
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Sounds great, can't wait; now they can actually make a show without having to write around and ending that's based on: "to be renewed or not?".

  20. #160
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    The beauty of Avatar: TLA is that the whole series really told one big long story - there's obviously going to be no such arc continuing from S1 of Korra into S2. Now they know they WON'T be renewed (AFAIK the plan was for, at most, two seasons) so this season will be another standalone arc. The writing in Korra was troubled long before the goofy as fuck final episode.

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