Fairy Tail
Episode 123
480p | 720p | 1080p
Okay. Fairy Sphere.. that's cool, I can deal with that. What was the big fuss with Arcnologia though? It's supposed to spell world destruction right? Zeref gave up on treasuring life and decided to wipe the whole world clean right? How does sealing one island reverse everything and let the world continue spinning?
Watching Fairy Tail get trampled on was painful. If this was some other old-age Japanese dojo, the men would have gotten beat or killed while they watched the women get raped.
By the end of the episode, I was wondering to myself: "What was the point of all this?"
Did the author feel that FT needed a drop in status/power level so they're more eager to go on all these exotic and dangerous jobs again instead of drinking at their bar? And Natsu still isn't S-class yet. xD