[MangaZone] Bleach c.485: Online Viewing
Ugh. Knew Haibel was alive. Stark and Grimmjow better be alive too.
These new enemies seem like copy and paste team Aizen.
Didn't Aizen chop halibel in half?....whatever.
No Aizen just slashed her. So I take it most(all) surviving Espada are still out there forming a rebellion which Ichigo must lead and join forced with SS to take down these...guys. Time for the Rescue Harribel Arc!
It's good to see Nel again though. As well as Harribel. But I think that's just because of tits.
I want them to bring back Ganjyu and his hot sister.
It's funny that in the guidebook, Halibel was one of the Arrancars that Kubo was NOT bringing back. I guess "chained up nearly naked woman" is as good a plan as any to increase readership.
LOL what a way to keep the story going. They made Ichigo lost his power after using his new move on aizen...all of that to make him training again from the start to keep the story going lol.
If Ichigo is still strong the way he was, he would have owned everyone in Bleach cartoonish world, including that empire king guy.
ah Bleach... you're like a fking circle. Everything goes round and round........yeap....