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Thread: Eureka Seven AO: Astral Ocean

  1. #21
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah, I also don't really know what's going on. If memory serves, the original show ended in revealing the old world below a new crust formed by the scub coral. This, however, shows scub corals as a disastrous and rare happening. A mystery...

    I like the characters, though. They make this look very promising. The potential for a similar young romance is also heavy.

  2. #22
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Episode 02


    Yeah, let the sickly girl run around the island for miles by hersef. wat

    Whatever. My impression is the same as of the first episode. Production value is top notch, but I donīt like the realistic setting. However, Iīm sure theyīll keep introducing new, fantastic elements to the show, like the IFO in this episode. I just hope they donīt spend the whole story on uncovering Aoīs past.

    Btw. do we know who the old doctor from the island is? He seems to have seen Rentonīs Nirvash in the past.

  3. #23
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    So watched the Recap episode and the original series (again). Still completely lost in how they tie in, at the end of the original..Renton and Eureka "become one". So Renton's grandfather was taking care of the three kids waiting for Renton and Eureka to return.
    -The planet went back to being earth I guess?
    -What happened to all the cities that were built on the scab "core" (stuff around the planet), they still kinda of exist?
    -The nirvash became it's own being and disappeared at the end but now is molded back into an IFO? WTF!

    I really hope they clear some of this up soon. Show looks awesome but I'm just so lost.
    Last edited by LordGardenGnome; Thu, 04-26-2012 at 11:40 PM. Reason: Grammar

  4. #24
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    gg - Episode 03


    Ugh, I hope they donīt spend all 24 episodes on uncovering past events. All the talk about what happened in the past is getting on my nerves. I want a story that plays in the present, that drives things further!

    Also, Iīm totally lost as to what the timeline is supposed to look like. Aoīs mother is Eureka, right? And Renton and Eureka kind of broke the shell of the earth/the outer layer at the end of the first anime. So, how comes that Japan, China, America and so on exist? Does this mean our normal earth was always there, right to the feet of Rentonīs and Eurekaīs world, or did something magical change reality?

    So far, the plot is really disappointing, which sucks even more since everything other than the plot is top notch, highest quality. Good animation, great sound, well-written characters. Now give me something interesting to look forward to, please
    Last edited by MFauli; Sat, 04-28-2012 at 01:58 PM.

  5. #25
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 4 - gg

    - - - - - - -- - --

    The giant g-monster seemed to die pretty easily, but otherwise this was a fine ep for me. I especially liked how in the occupied city the woman was instantly ready to sell out for a bit of money, even in front of her brother.

    I hope the girl pilots will tease Ao a lot (but not bully). He has suffered alienation all his life, so it'd be good if he found a place to belong in that organization.

  6. #26
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I have a feeling that Ao will build a pseudo, if not true harem, by the middle of this series.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  7. #27
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Well, letīs hope that not :/

    Btw. was it explained already why only kids can pilot these robots now? The original anime didnīt have such restrictions.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by LordGardenGnome View Post
    So watched the Recap episode and the original series (again). Still completely lost in how they tie in, at the end of the original..Renton and Eureka "become one". So Renton's grandfather was taking care of the three kids waiting for Renton and Eureka to return.
    -The planet went back to being earth I guess?
    -What happened to all the cities that were built on the scab "core" (stuff around the planet), they still kinda of exist?
    -The nirvash became it's own being and disappeared at the end but now is molded back into an IFO? WTF!

    I really hope they clear some of this up soon. Show looks awesome but I'm just so lost.
    Well they sure left quite a bit of confusion with respect to tying together the first series and this one. First off, we aren't sure just how much/many of the Scub Corals left when Type Zero Nirvash finally was able to complete it's collection and evolve. I guess it's possible that part of the Scub Coral on the planet left at that time. We've seen remnants of past destruction already in the series, so at least part of the outer Scub Coral Crust still exists, or the destruction that they showed was that of the buildings and outer crust after crashing down to Earth's surface.

    As for Nirvash though, there were multiple Nirvashs that existed in the first series. Type Zero and The End were both Nirvashs so I'm assuming Nirvash is just the name used for the organism under the armor. I would say they have kids piloting the LFOs simply to hit demographic purposes or for the better of the story. I doubt that adults are incapable of piloting them, but I can see far better interaction between Ao and the young girls than Ao and some old farts piloting.

    As for Renton and Eureka, they didn't need to 'become one' in the sense that they were planning. They were both talking about giving up what they were(race and life) in order to save the Planet and everyone else they care about from Limit of Questions which was threatening to tear open the universe. Due to their selflessness and love causeing the Nirvash's evolution and completion... Renton and Eureka were able to stay themselves and be together. From the point where they fell from the sky though, there was over a year that went by at the end of the first series. The dates written into their Family Registry Book was a year after the Second Summer of Love event, and everyone's ages show it as well. Therefore, the kids, Eureka, and Renton all went back home and saw Grandpa, and registered the family before Renton and Eureka apparently went off again for a year. I have not found any information depicting why they left for a year or what they were doing.

    From what we've seen in this series though, obviously something happened which caused Renton and Eureka to be split apart and not too long before Eureka gave birth to Ao. I'm enjoying the characters quite a bit so far, however I have such an attachment to Renton and Eureka from the first series that I will be upset if they don't make Ao finding out what happened to them a big part of this series. Another thing I'm really hoping for is that they make this series as long as the first. The more story the better I say! =)

  9. #29
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 5 - gg

    - - - - - - - - --

    They weren't exactly welcoming, that's for sure. I wonder if Pied Piper lost its original third member and that's why Elena and Fleur aren't too thrilled about Ao joining the team. They are also somewhat arrogant in a childish way in asking him if he has any reason to be there; they are all kids, after all. I suppose they could be envious, as well, after Ao's performance back in Okinawa, and perhaps feeling protective of their protocols and methods they have grown accustomed to. Somebody thinking out of the box (having only lived outside of it), is sure to receive derision.

    I wish that all will be behind in few eps. Ao doesn't deserve another place where he isn't welcome.

  10. #30
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    This episode was terrible.

    I understand that we might have to wait for longer until certain foggy stuff is revealed, but that doesnīt excuse that they turned Eureka Seven into an embarrassing copy of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Only children can pilot those smaller vehicel. The Generation Blue-hq looks like NERVīs hq. The skin tight suits. Heck, even that red haired woman reminds me of Misato. Then the sloth in the shower tub, together with the girl. Itīs not like we didnīt have a scene with Penpen and Misato. The low point of the episode probably was the introduction of an 11-year old girl as a pilot. Yeah, effing bullshit.

    Production value of this anime is very high, itīs a pleasure for the eyes. But as someone who LOVED the first "season" of Eureka Seven, the story so far is one huge letdown. Why did they feel the need to rip off NGE? Why have the story take place on a realistic earth, why not keep the interesting fantasy world? Thereīve been made a lot of strange, seemingly disadvantageous decisions and Iīm kinda sad that it makes me not enjoy this anime as much as I hoped it would.

    Of course, Iīll keep watching. If only for the animation and music. And who knows, maybe the plot picks up.

  11. #31
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 6 - gg

    - -- - - -- - -

    This got considerably stranger with that metamorphic... thing. Or is it even a single thing or some sort of an organization of similar things. Who knows. I hope there's a bloody good explanation for it, in any case, with all those super powers and whatnot.

    I'm a little sad Ao so single-handedly solved this Secret case, even though the way he did it had plenty of style.

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    This episode was terrible.

    I understand that we might have to wait for longer until certain foggy stuff is revealed, but that doesnīt excuse that they turned Eureka Seven into an embarrassing copy of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Only children can pilot those smaller vehicel. The Generation Blue-hq looks like NERVīs hq. The skin tight suits. Heck, even that red haired woman reminds me of Misato. Then the sloth in the shower tub, together with the girl. Itīs not like we didnīt have a scene with Penpen and Misato. The low point of the episode probably was the introduction of an 11-year old girl as a pilot. Yeah, effing bullshit.

    Production value of this anime is very high, itīs a pleasure for the eyes. But as someone who LOVED the first "season" of Eureka Seven, the story so far is one huge letdown. Why did they feel the need to rip off NGE? Why have the story take place on a realistic earth, why not keep the interesting fantasy world? Thereīve been made a lot of strange, seemingly disadvantageous decisions and Iīm kinda sad that it makes me not enjoy this anime as much as I hoped it would.

    Of course, Iīll keep watching. If only for the animation and music. And who knows, maybe the plot picks up.
    I'm getting the same feeling about this series, it just seem so copy cat and not sticking to it's roots. There are still SO MANY gaps in the story, so much that doesn't make sense. It really feel's like I watching NGE with a less depressing attitude.

  13. #33
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 7 - gg

    - - - - - - -- -

    What on Earth is going on in this show? It seems like the Truth dude is obeying totally different physical laws than the rest of them. Kind of like somebody who hacks into a game trying to simulate reality but activates the god mode for himself. Or judging by his word's, he is running the normal mode and the rest are running a handicapped mode. Are all these people actually sleeping inside scub coral, or something, and this Truth guy is awake but managed to invade their sleep Matrix like? I don't really know what to think of this anymore. But it would certainly explain why they are now living in a world so much resembling ours whereas in the past they lived in the weird world (in the original show). But to be honest I just don't know what to think of it all.

  14. #34
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    Re-boot bump, so decided to keep up with this show. Seems some things are starting to make sense-ish, the last two episodes make mentions of leaving "this world" and that it's not the "real world". Also with the intro of Eureka in the last one hopefully there are answers in the next episode.

  15. #35
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    So I forgot this show was airing, and decided I wanted to catch up, but apparently there's a problem with the first and third episode's torrents from GG. I've checked on it over the past couple hours and I just keep getting an "invalid" error. Anyone have an idea what's up?

    Of course, judging from the discussion, it looks like this one was underwhelming, so maybe I'm better off waiting to marathon it.

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  16. #36
    That one lazy guy. LaZie's Avatar
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    I just finished watching the series and while I did enjoy seeing adult Eureka and Renton, the ending left me with a big WTF. The show didn't have one ounce of charm the original did and it went all Gundam/Evangelion as it kept going. Where was the romance that made the original so memorable? I was disappointed with how they went about with Naru and Fleur at the end.

    Just my little rant, but I did enjoy it even if it was disappointing.

  17. #37
    Well, just began watching this series and am 8 episodes in.

    Overall it's enough to be entertaining, but not much beyond that... so far it's been a disappointment overall. Thankfully I don't recall much of the details from the first series, which I loved watching, so at least I can take what they give me at face value without over-thinking the potential inconsistencies (if any).

    Anyways, hoping this becomes better. It's only 24 episodes, so not much of an investment to make. But considering that I loved the first series, I wanted more out of this. Biggest problem really is the cast, the first one had a lot of charm and overall great. This one I'm not caring for much of anyone, and AO is dull.

    Other than LaZie, anyone else managed to finish this one?

  18. #38
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    I still havent watched this completely. Somewhere around 6-7-8 episodes in or so. As you said, itīs just somewhat dull. Not captivating. Hoping for a major twist soon.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    I still havent watched this completely. Somewhere around 6-7-8 episodes in or so. As you said, itīs just somewhat dull. Not captivating. Hoping for a major twist soon.
    Right now I'll settle for entertaining and a somewhat coherent plot.

  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    I still havent watched this completely. Somewhere around 6-7-8 episodes in or so. As you said, itīs just somewhat dull. Not captivating. Hoping for a major twist soon.
    I'm on episode 13 now, and things are starting to make a bit more sense now... recent reveals are making it easier to connect the dots, in particular with the connection this series has with the original series.

    So, if you're still interested, I'd say keep on watching until episode 13-14 since story-wise it might clear some things up for you.

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