[MangaZone] Bleach c.481: Online Viewing
god dammit. Kubo.
if you introduce us to a casual life scenrio, let it play out. stop messing up your shit two chapters into the arc.
Wow. That was a random mess of a chapter. It didn't even feel like it had a flow.
So i'm guessing that's an arrancar?
it was a avg. bleach chapter. you know how it goes: unnecessary flashback, few pgs. of info/ plot development.
really don't care about the casual life scenarios (bleach has too many). Supenseful ending, hopefully things will pick up.
Liked the casual shits, and ofcourse aawwwwww shhiieet~ lisa is back.
What the hell happened? Or didn't happen? What a mess...
*Scouter sounds*
His power level is ... three Aizens?! GDI, well you know the drill everyone. Training mode time for ridiculous power ups that will carry you to about the third strongest enemy.
"She always looks so happy when she's eating it."
That made me laugh on two levels.
The whole chapter was kinda random, as most people have already said, but I quite liked it. You can see that Ichigo's really a bit wtf about the whole situation so that kinda helps with the randomness.
Plus I'm not going to lie, Ivan and Aizen might sound a little to similar name-wise for my taste