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Thread: Naruto Chapter 574

  1. #1
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Naruto Chapter 574

    [MangaZone] Naruto c.574: Online Viewing

  2. #2
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    I liked the beginning, with the hebi group just acting among themselves.

    Sasuke, on the other hand, is kinda dicky, I think he's going crazy.

  3. #3
    Is it just me or does anybody else find that "I found this super secret document thing." way too convenient. I liked everything else though.

  4. #4
    no, sasuke has been off-kilter for a while now. He's probably on the verge of a full blown mental snap.

    The only thing that puzzles me about this chapter is Oro and his research in this "hidden room". There are only a few things that i could think of that could have such an impact on the war right now, and all them would recon the manga as it is now. Then again, this info of Oro's could explain some of his past actions/obsessions a little better.

    hebi/taka could get back together, and sasuke meeting his brother would be nice, but only if they start interfering with fights/ the war.

  5. #5
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    I`m getting the idea that Sasuke is going to seal Itachi off...
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  6. #6
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I'm guessing that scroll has some way to dispel the resurrection jutsu.

  7. #7
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FelixZeroAlastor View Post
    Is it just me or does anybody else find that "I found this super secret document thing." way too convenient. I liked everything else though.
    You mean, like, Kishimoto didnīt plan out the plot of this manga properly? Oh the surpsise!

    Also, screw chakra, eh? I stopped caring about Sasuke obtaining all those crazy eye jutsus, whatever. But WHERE is he getting all this chakra from?! He doesnīt have a Bijuu inside him (fuck you, Kishimoto, if somehow it turns out the Juubi is inside him...). And then he uses these power-draining eyes on fodder enemies. Uses Susanoo in combination with a newly developed long-range attack. Sigh.

    Best scene in this chapter: "Orochimaru even considered something like this?!"
    God, please let him return in some way. I donīt care if itīs not totally logical or a retcon. But having Orochimaru having had some kind of master plan that re-instates him as the main villain of the manga would make me love this series again.

  8. #8
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Sasuke always had a lot of charka...not jinchuuriki level, but a lot. It did start off good, but the Sasuke part was really weird. I hope he does not kill Itachi (again).

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by rockmanj View Post
    Sasuke always had a lot of charka...not jinchuuriki level, but a lot. It did start off good, but the Sasuke part was really weird. I hope he does not kill Itachi (again).
    he went wacko, but with his reasoning why would he want to kill itachi now.

    unless he wants to get "ultra forever eternal mangekyou sharingan" with a second pair of his bro's eyes and reach yet another lvl of "pitiful" and "ridiculous"...

    if they meet it's probable that itachi would give him yet another mind-fucking info sasuke didn't know about before.

  10. #10
    I'm almost certain whatever that water guy's name is who we havent seen in decades, so dont expect me to remember all their dumb names, whatver he found is going to seriously turn our opinion of orochimaru around on its ass. It turns out he joined akatsuki to get closer to this Tobi fella who he found out was planning to fuck up the world.... idk maybe not cause he did do all that shit with attacking the 3rd. But if it turns out that was all a cover up to get close to tobi and the 3rd was actually working with him or some other lunacy... pissed will I be. But the more I go on the more stupid and unlikely it sounds.

    So yeah, I really have no idea what this new info suigetsu? has. But this is by far the most anticipation I've ever had to see an upcoming manga chapter.

    Really glad I stuck with it all these years and kept coming here. I feel like this site and to a lesser extent you guys are a part of my life in some strange way. Unfortunately I don't get much attention round these parts from the inner circle cause I'm not in IRC with yall like I used to be when Mut and Assertn and GodsSun's crazy black ass were around. Who else? So many people who's names escape me.... Anime50 was a badass.... umm I'm pretty sure Arcness trolls I think I see him post from time to time usually in the IRC thread. Kitkat was always awesome to talk with.... The asian chick.. URASIAN! Yeah her she was nice too. Umm NarutoMaster and his epic 'stache ;D endless more just added a few that just hit me. But there used to be 20 or so regulars on the forum and chatroom that I could mess around with when I was online. Nowadays my internet family revolves around Starcraft and the IGN Pro League that I moderate the chat for. But I wouldn't mind jumping in IRC now that I work from home all day on the computer 5days a week.

    But only if you'd have me.

    anyway yeah... naruto. Glad I kept reading it all these years. The series is definitely a part of my life, and I think its been in a very positive, inspiring way. It has decent writing, great art, and is just something fun to read/watch.

    And I guess I just wanted to say something like.. thankyou. Thanks for all you guys being here and enjoying it right along with me all these years.

    Thankyou very much to the admins Cyber, complich8, and sorry if I'm forgetting someone please tell me what his name is if I am... cant blame me, its been forever and even back then you weren't around much. But even tho you were too busy to join our discussions but you did from time to time. So merci beacoup! Thanks for keeping this place up and running for us long after the vast majority of people have long since stopped flooding in. I know we used to hate the mass of narutards that would show up in proverbial clown cars on the daily, but for every 50 or so there was at least 1 new person that was a nice, semi interesting guy/gal, who contributed to make this a place to be when you started up your computer.

    And thanks to Kishimoto who if he never started up this little comic strip about some ninjas some cooler than others (forreal how completely badass was Kakashi back then?) that has made him a millionaire, I hope he gets most of the money and not any bloodsucking company he works for, and deserves it cause he has given me countless hours of entertainment and gave me a home on the internet when I had none and was still but just a wee lad, but with still a wee that was not very wee.


    Oh wow look at that! As I'm typing this I see LaZie in here lurking down at the bottom. LaZie I hope you take this as your cue to start posting here a lot more again! Just type some shit it doesn't have to be literary genius! Thats what stopped my lurking I just wanted to be a part of the conversation and not worried that I didn't always have much to say. Once your fingers start moving a lot of it just starts to flow right there onto the screen. I wanna see you start posting here again like you used to!! Okay!?!? K.

    Stay classy, Gotwoot.

    Think I'm gonna make a new thread for this blog of a post. That way its actually a part of the forum and not just lost in Naruto chapter X thread hell. :]
    Last edited by Kagemane_no_Jutsu; Wed, 02-15-2012 at 04:58 PM.

  11. #11
    That one lazy guy. LaZie's Avatar
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    Kage you are one hilarious dude. Saw a long ass post and was about to tl;dr but then I saw my name and i'm just laughing my ass off. Nice blog post btw.

    And I wish this was still on mangastream

  12. #12
    ANBU Captain Prof. Chaos's Avatar
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    Really Sasuke had to go all out on the clones? I know testing his powers, but its like dynamite fishing in a barrel.

  13. #13
    Chuunin Barumonk's Avatar
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    I felt like the series was suddenly getting better, we were getting actual progression out of Naruto and the arc was beginning to climax.. then Sasuke shows up, learns about Naruto's location and my expectations return to the floor.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Prof. Chaos View Post
    Really Sasuke had to go all out on the clones? I know testing his powers, but its like dynamite fishing in a barrel.
    They weren't just clones. They're carbon copies of the original. And now he's dead? Or something? Idk that guy and everything surrounding him still makes no sense to me. Like is he a conscious being or does Tobi just have complete control over the cunt? They were fighting Neji and them pritty damn well tho theyr not the weakest things ever to have as an army of a million or whatever the crazy number was.

  15. #15
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prof. Chaos View Post
    Really Sasuke had to go all out on the clones? I know testing his powers, but its like dynamite fishing in a barrel.
    Yea, that seemed like a huge waste of energy. Does he even still know Itachi is alive? Maybe his use is something lame, how staying SSJ in DBZ made it easier to cope with. Still kind of goes against the "laws" of the Narutoverse though.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Barumonk View Post
    I felt like the series was suddenly getting better, we were getting actual progression out of Naruto and the arc was beginning to climax.. then Sasuke shows up, learns about Naruto's location and my expectations return to the floor.
    Yeah, that's how I feel also. This manga is so much better when Sasuke isn't in it.

  17. #17
    Yeah he's not my favorite either I'll put it that way.

    I'm wondering if Sasuke is too far gone or if Itachi can reach him and in the end it will be Sasuke and Naruto teaming up to destroy Tobi's bitch ass. I know for a fact Naruto and Itachi will fight and seriously fuck eachother up but they'll afterward find a common enemy and sandwich that fucker inside the black sphere singularity from when the rasengan and chidori are clashing into each other.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Kagemane_no_Jutsu View Post
    Yeah he's not my favorite either I'll put it that way.

    I'm wondering if Sasuke is too far gone or if Itachi can reach him and in the end it will be Sasuke and Naruto teaming up to destroy Tobi's bitch ass. I know for a fact Naruto and Itachi will fight and seriously fuck eachother up but they'll afterward find a common enemy and sandwich that fucker inside the black sphere singularity from when the rasengan and chidori are clashing into each other.
    I can see this happening, but I really hope that Naruto goes one on one with Sauske again and he literally just overpowers him. I mean just slaps Sasuke around like a little ninja teddy bear and constantly just makes Sauske just go WTF? and go berserk.

    This isn't going to happen but how I would enjoy that chapter or two. One can dream, one can dream. Come on Kishimoto, make it happen!

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Kagemane_no_Jutsu View Post
    Yeah he's not my favorite either I'll put it that way.

    I'm wondering if Sasuke is too far gone or if Itachi can reach him and in the end it will be Sasuke and Naruto teaming up to destroy Tobi's bitch ass. I know for a fact Naruto and Itachi will fight and seriously fuck eachother up but they'll afterward find a common enemy and sandwich that fucker inside the black sphere singularity from when the rasengan and chidori are clashing into each other.
    what makes you think that? they talked before Itachi died and have no reason to fight now afaik.

    also nice post u got there, I'm an old timer but not very active but still I remember old and nice times and this forum and manga both have been a part of my life for quite a bit now too

  20. #20
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Thereīs no chance that Naruto and Itachi will fight each other - AGAIN. Thatīs the point, they already had their clash. Anymore would be boring and pointless.Even another Sasuke vs Itachi-situation is doubtful for the same reasons. I guess Kishimoto could abuse Itachi to show off Sasukeīs new powers, having him defeat his older brother in like 5 seconds, to show the difference from before.

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