"Set in a small town in Nagano prefecture with very scenic and peaceful summers, a teenage boy named Kirishima Kaito is stirred by his desire to do something in his small town and discusses with his friends about making a movie. Shortly after, a “special” girl with glasses named Takatsuki Ichika moves to his town, marking the start of an eventful summer." -RandomC
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Episodes: 12
Links: AniDB, ANN, Official
Download: Episode 1 - CoalGuys | DDL
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This show is from the makers of Onegai Teacher/Twins, and it shows. Perhaps even to the extent that if you liked or disliked those shows, it automatically tells whether you like/dislike this one as well. The atmosphere and setting are altogether similar, the characters share some similarities as well. The plot will also, no doubt. The voice actor cast sounded fitting, with Haruka Tomatsu (Nagi of Kannagi, Hiteihime of Katanagatari) voicing the main girl. Interestingly enough, the main dude is voiced by Nobunaga Shimazaki who mainly has side roles on his resume, from varying shows. He didn't fail the role, though, based on the first episode. Then we have the likes of Yukari Tamura (Nanoha, Tenten) and Kaori Ishihara (Suzuna of Kaichou, Madoka of Rinne) in supporting roles.
I was happy with this first episode. It showed the kind of relaxed and warm story telling the Onegai series did back in the day, and the scifi elements seemed quite similarly mixed in. I'll keep watching this one, for sure, unless something negatively surprising happens.