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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden 243

  1. #1
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Naruto Shippuuden 243

    Thank fucking god!

    Quote Originally Posted by Marik View Post
    [AnimeUltima] Naruto Shippuuden 243 - 720p mkv: Torrent | DDL
    [AnimeUltima] Naruto Shippuuden 243 - 480p mkv: Torrent | DDL
    [Narutoverse] Naruto Shippuuden 243 - 480p avi: Torrent | DDL

    That new intro is...ridiculous.

    Although, Naruto, Sakura and Sai doing an attack together looks badass. What that an intro spoiler, or did that happen during the filler arc?

  2. #2
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    The OP isn't new. It's the same OP they've been using since episode 231. Only the ED is new.

  3. #3
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marik View Post
    The OP isn't new. It's the same OP they've been using since episode 231. Only the ED is new.
    Well, it's new to me since I haven't watched an episode since then.

    So I assume that attack was from the filler arc then.

  4. #4
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Hold the phones... we're back to the real shit?

    About. Fucking. Time.

    Edit(s): His reaction when he saw the island was pretty funny.

    That triple combo attack in the OP was pretty nice, reminds me of the triple-techs from Chrono Trigger ^^
    Last edited by Penner; Thu, 01-05-2012 at 03:13 PM.

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  5. #5
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It's nice to have a look at this show again after such a long pause, but I can't say I'd be over excited over the dark inner self manifestation fight. It has been an element in so many stories. Perhaps if it had been executed differently it would have felt worth it, but this episode didn't look promising.

  6. #6
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    but I can't say I'd be over excited over the dark inner self manifestation fight
    Yeah that part doesn't look overly thrilling, getting some "Hollow-Ichigo" vibes from it -.-

    (Whereas Hollow-Ichigo was pretty entertaining, this looks like a somewhat lamer version of it)

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  7. #7
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah. It also feels unnecessary right now, because Naruto has a real darkness inside him, Kyuubi, so it seems redundant to create another dark entity for him to face and conquer. I have no idea how this is going to develop and I'm much too careful to underestimate Naruto as readily as Bleach, but I pray he won't solve everything with Nine Tails simply by solving things with his own ego (or rather id). Well, time will tell. Perhaps it'll be all good and I'm just being pessimistic.

    What was revealed in this episode regarding Bee, though, doesn't much strenghten my hopes for seeing Naruto make compromises with Kyuubi, like I fancied seeing in the future a long time ago. It would be incredibly boring for Kyuubi to turn all peaceful. Naruto already has the potential to become chaotic good, so that would be a way for him to strike a deal with a chaotic demon. But I suppose all the kids would cry if he had to drop the goal of becoming the next Hokage.

  8. #8
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Penner View Post
    That triple combo attack in the OP was pretty nice, reminds me of the triple-techs from Chrono Trigger ^^
    Hell yeah! I've been watching GiantBombs endurance run of chonotrigger the past couple weeks.

    Triple Raid motherfuckah!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Yeah. It also feels unnecessary right now, because Naruto has a real darkness inside him, Kyuubi, so it seems redundant to create another dark entity for him to face and conquer.
    It's not a real entity, it's just his own inner darkness. It's just like Final Fantasy IV!

    If Naruto can't overcome his own darkness, he damn sure can't overcome the Kyuubi's.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    But I suppose all the kids would cry if he had to drop the goal of becoming the next Hokage.
    Yes...yes I supposed I would cry if the entire goal of the series was just dropped.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder View Post
    Well, it's new to me since I haven't watched an episode since then.

    So I assume that attack was from the filler arc then.
    You lost some good filler episodes like the young kakashi vs young Guy.

    And don't you watch the bleach fillers? Those are way worse than Naruto's.

  10. #10
    ANBU Captain Killa-Eyez's Avatar
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    Fighting his inner, REAL self is just the first step in to controlling a Bijū. I wouldn't fixate too much about this solving everything with the Kyuubi. Darth points this out well.

    The ending, is that showing Naruto getting engulfed by Amaterasu?

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  11. #11
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by antiravage View Post
    And don't you watch the bleach fillers? Those are way worse than Naruto's.
    Uh, no, you are out of your mind.

    Bleach fillers are full-on story arcs that introduce fully fleshed out characters with villains that would be credible threats if it wasn't a filler arc and actually revolve around some interesting side pieces of the Bleach world that are, half the time, more interesting that whats going on in the canon Bleach arc.

    The Naruto fillers have been a bunch of one-shots about the stupidest shit, ranging from mushroom poisoning, to Naruto's clones getting personalities only that was just a dream.

    And that's just the most recent filler arc, that doesn't even take into account Filler Hell with such awesome shit as Naruto peeing on Ino, Shino having a laughing disease, and of course, Rasengan Noodles.

    If you really believe the Bleach fillers are worse than that, I kindly invite you to fuck off.

    Quote Originally Posted by Killa-Eyez View Post
    The ending, is that showing Naruto getting engulfed by Amaterasu?
    It looked like lightning. Not fire. Chidori maybe? Wouldn't be the first time he's used one.

  12. #12
    ANBU Captain Killa-Eyez's Avatar
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    Ahh yes, forgot about Chidori. But a black one? That only happened in his released cursed seal form, didn't it?? Or are these crap fillers making me forget the cool stuff?

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  13. #13
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder View Post
    It's not a real entity, it's just his own inner darkness. It's just like Final Fantasy IV!

    If Naruto can't overcome his own darkness, he damn sure can't overcome the Kyuubi's.
    My main problem is that this element came out of nowhere. If it was Sasuke, it would be easy to understand since his inner darkness is the size of Mount Fuji and is actually much stronger than his inner lightness, explaining all his later actions and also many of his earlier ones. But when did anything resembling an inner darkness affect in any way Naruto's deeds? The only shadow that has ever truly lingered on him is Sasuke. Even his isolation in Konoha as a jinchuuriki didn't create a believable darker side in him, only a mischievous side that did stupid shit to gain attention. I still maintain Kyuubi is the only darkness within Naruto, anything else is bullshit that he actually succesfully avoided creating ages ago, due to being such a chivalrous, compassionate, simple-minded, and positive personality. So, even if the first step was to conquer his own inner darkness, forced by this mysterious waterfall - I'm not claiming it would be impossible since it's enforced by an external entity - it should be a really short and easy fight for Naruto particularly.

  14. #14
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Killa-Eyez View Post
    Ahh yes, forgot about Chidori. But a black one? That only happened in his released cursed seal form, didn't it?? Or are these crap fillers making me forget the cool stuff?
    No, that's right. But that doesn't mean he won't find some other way of having a black chidori.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    I still maintain Kyuubi is the only darkness within Naruto, anything else is bullshit that he actually succesfully avoided creating ages ago, due to being such a chivalrous, compassionate, simple-minded, and positive personality.
    If Naruto had NO dark side of his own, than the Kyuubi would never have been able to come out on it's own. When shit happens that causes Naruto to be overwhelmed with hate, that's when the Kyuubi takes over. If he didn't have SOME hate, then we would have all those scenes of Naruto growing tails and wrecking shit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    I'm not claiming it would be impossible since it's enforced by an external entity - it should be a really short and easy fight for Naruto particularly.
    Unless, as they implied in this episode, Dark Naruto has Kyuubi's power while Naruto doesn't.

    It wouldn't surprise me if this battle turned into a "Demon Fox Cloak vs. Sage Mode"

  15. #15
    didn't read this thread cause i didn't want spoilers but, is this canon now?

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  16. #16
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Yes, it's canon.

  17. #17
    Yeah of course he has a darkside if he had no darkside he would be a 1 dimensional hollow character. Just cause he's been happy and getting respect as of late doesnt mean he's forgotten his entire life up until recently.... Where the whole village treated him worse than most dogs and chinese babys.

  18. #18
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Next week, Naruto summons his persona.

    That opening was acid on acid while high on cocaine.

  19. #19
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagemane_no_Jutsu View Post
    Yeah of course he has a darkside if he had no darkside he would be a 1 dimensional hollow character. Just cause he's been happy and getting respect as of late doesnt mean he's forgotten his entire life up until recently.... Where the whole village treated him worse than most dogs and chinese babys.
    And that dark side created by the dark past made him a young man who immediately sympathises with all mistreated or unlucky kids and goes all out to help them? Instead of becoming a gloomy douche harbouring vengeance and treating others like he was treated in the past (*cough* Sasuke *cough*). I'm not saying he doesn't have a dark side, especially when summoned by a magical waterfall specifically meant to materialize a person's dark side - I'm just saying Naruto's dark side's influence is so weak it's not a real plot element. Kyuubi having taken over a couple of times is a temporal thing and as much due to lack of willpower and wits on Naruto's part.

  20. #20
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Naruto has a dark-side like everyone else. I'm cool with that. What I'm not cool with is that he isn't "over" it, and that this darker self is on equal standing with his good side.

    Part of why I feel this way is how Naruto trained in meditation and stuff with the frogs to be one with nature. Being non-moving on top of an ice-cream-cone mountain means combining yourself with nature such that your solid sense of self is no more (in real meditation terms anyway).

    Now they're saying that after all that, Naruto can't deal with the fact that he has ever hated (or still hates) someone. Top that off with the target not being Orochimaru, Itachi or Sasuke.. but hating some parent at a ramen shop for asking for an autograph?

    It's a bit hard to dig.

    While I did like that the 8-tails wasn't as "messed up" as he used to be, I'm not entertained by the idea of the 9-tails being turned into a little puppy neither..

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