Quote Originally Posted by NaRuTo001 View Post
ok its morning now still haven't fixed it and I can't and don't think that I even had local ethernet connection to the internet last night so I may have been doing everything wirelessly this is what I am getting with my local connection cannot even connect
local internet status.jpg
ok that and I got up to the cmd test bit last night I recieved the 0% thing this time so I thought why is it not connecting when i the test results are showing that the two routers were communicating so I don't know what to do you see I keep getting stuck at ground zero having to go back to master router secure it then start all again.*sigh*networking seems hard for me*sigh*
packet loss 0%.jpg
I needed to see the page after you click "details" in the first screen.. but ...

Host unreachable.. hmm... I don't think I can troubleshoot this from across the Tasman Sea. Might have to find a friend or a friend of a friend or something to give it a look. Alternatively, you can also just trial-and-error your way through.

Feel free to feed info here though, if you haven't given up yet. I'm still hanging around.