[MangaStream & Binktopia] Naruto c.566: MediaFire | MultiUpload | Online Viewing
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Why does everyone get a chakra cloak now? Gaara didn't have one, it was made of sand.
Shit just got real.
Fucking lame. Why just not let them all turn to their full released state instead of one step below it? Fucking lame.
Its funny that everyone now just keeps complaining about how lame naruto is getting and how much you all don't like the direction its taking but keep reading it seemingly just to bitch about it. Kinda sad
It's called having hope. You should try it. Might brighten up your day.
I love how the eight tails is equally disappointed as all of us when he has to tell naruto that all of the jinchuriki just powered up lol. Yeah this chapter might have been a cop out but think of it this way, with kakashi there genjutsu could play a factor in this shared vision shenanegans.
Well, I actually still enjoy it, even if I do not like some of the chapters. And I have no expectations about the ending...it will end how it ends.
Man so much bitching. I honestly enjoyed this chapter. Love how wonderfully overpowered tobi is with his jinurinki 6 paths of pain and I love that they can access their full tailed beasts. I think it's a suitably badass final villain. Only thing to make it better would be if gai sensai heroically sacrifices himself by using all 8 gates to take out one of the bodies and dies.
Need some main character death in this war.
so, they removed the 7swordsmen out of the story? fuck, kishimonto.
Naruto really needs to start holding his weight in this battle, he's acting like a spectator. besides, getting saved by Kakashi and Gai? didn't those two die already? (well, obviously not, but they should've).
Wow, really? People are bitching about how bad Naruto is now? Guys, that went out of vogue years ago. The new hotness is to notice that Naruto has been well plotted and fun (and even more shocking, funny) pretty consistently for years. That's years, plural. Your great plan for the series is to reintroduce Orochimaru again? Good God get the hell away from me.
I didn't think about this when I first posted here, but, well, here it is, folks: Tobi is Obito. Kakashi and Gai arrived here for no reason other than to know who he is when his mask comes off. You know it's true!