Just downloaded Genius Party and Genius Party Beyond, a series of short animated films directed by some big names: Atsuko Fukushima, Shoji Kawamori, Shinji Kimura, Yoji Fukuyama, Hideki Futamura, Masaaki Yuasa (one of my favourites), Shinichiro Watanabe, Koji Morimoto, Tatsuyuki Tanaka, Shinya Ohira, Kazuto Nakazawa, and Mahiro Maeda.

I loved the diversity in the rendering, it ranged from simplistic graphics styles to understated realism, not to mention the surreal stories, such as Kimura's 'Deathtic 4' I loved the concept of evoking the darker parts of a child's imagination.

Anyone else seen this series, or have a favourite short film?