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Buff's quest story
So this guy comes up to me and asks me to hand over to him a red guard girl. I end up finding her in one of the shops working as a maid/attendant in Whiterun and tell her there are people after her. She tells me that she's a noble run because she spoke out against the ruling party or something. She asks me to help her, and that she's willing to pay me for it.
I was given two choices:
1) Go to the city where the assassins were and report that I've found the girl, or
2) visit the Dragonreach dungeons to talk to the recently arrested novice assassin from their squad and pump some info from him before raiding the assassin's base.
I figured that helping out a noble will get me some money and treasure, perhaps more so than what some assassin squad could offer. So I proceeded to the dungeon, but the guy refused to talk unless I bailed him out with 100 gold. It must have been a game-locked feature because the cell won't open without a key (can't be picked), yet none of the guards had the key to the cell (only to the dungeon itself).
Why don't I just pay up then? Well... I kinda killed all the guards stationed at the dungeons while I was exacting my revenge..(^see previous post). No one seems to wander in there neither.
Poor girl lucked out. So I went to the city and reported to the Assassin leader. He asked me to lead the girl outside to the stables so he doesn't have to deal with infiltrating the city and dealing with guards.
And so with the promise of gold in my mind, I went back to the shop. To the anxious girl who was waiting for my good news, I lied. I liked thrice. I told her that the assassins were coming right now, and that she needs to hop on to the horse I've prepared so she can get away. She puts all her trust in me and we leave for the stables.
We hurried down to the stables in the middle of the night. She was obviously hurrying.. desperate to slip past the hands of her pursuers. I wasn't quite so in a rush. In fact, if you cared to notice.. you would have noticed me hanging back a little.. eyes narrowed, mouth sneering at the back of the girl who was so naive to believe one as selfish as myself.
When we got to the stables and walked around the main building. She expected her horse. What greeted her from the shadows was a distinctively dressed Dark Elf. An outlandish binding spell stiffled her cry of dismay, and as I looked down at her mummified body, those frozen eyes stared back.
The dark elf assassin told me that she was responsible for the infiltration of the deadric(?) forces in the war down south. Had she not backstabbed them, some city wouldn't have fallen and the war would have been over much sooner. He warned me that I should not have trusted a pretty face (coming from a dark elf, LOL) and paid me handsomely before getting ready to transport the girl back for judgement.
So that was my night of dirty work done. I could have thought about how such a young girl would lead demonic forces into her home country, or whether the assassins were really the ones making things up.
But no. Only one thing crossed my mind.
-It's dark. ....There are no guards. ....And there's a man in front of me with his back turned.
Was.. a man, anyway. But that didn't matter. Turned out he had another 200 gold that I didn't know about.
With his death, the paralysis spell broke, and what emerged was the same woman as before. Same youthful face.. but a very different expression. She too called me a fool for trusting a pretty face before lunging at me.
I ran into the wilderness, hoping to lose her. The plan was to counter-track her after she gives up. I think I heard a jingle in her pocket earlier..
But I guess things don't always go according to plan in life. Who exactly plans for a dragon to pop in from above? It crashed and burned the area behind me. Two wolves seemed to have caught its attention, and perhaps that girl too.
Whatever caught it's eye didn't put up much of a fight. A few moments later, the dragon was once again looking for a source of entertainment. It found me.
It seemed unlikely that I could sneak my dagger into that thing, so I swapped over to an Elven sword I stole from the Jarl, and a Scimitar I stole from the Dark Elf just earlier.
The fools at Whiterun all call me Dragonborn. That I'm the descendant of some ancient race with talents for slaying dragons. Some sort of miracle. As I looked the dragon in the eye, I say to all that: "Bullshit".
I don't know squat about Dragonborns and what not. I don't even know who my parents are. If living on the streets taught you one thing, it's that you can't plan life - but you'd better prepare for it.
And so with a sword in hand, some eighty-nine potions and a will to live, Rachel faced her third dragon.