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Ryll - melee is easy, especially with shield and 1h weapon, wanna few tips?
1) do not keep blocking constantly - block only when there is incoming blow coming and it is not power attack.
2) shield bash is great, use it for a 1s stun on enemy
3) press attack, then before attacks finishes use power attack - you will do normal and power attack without any delay between them, and power attack gives cool short stun too
4)restoration magic, use it.
5) when enemy is blocking with weapon, keep using normal attacks and when he wants to swing bash him with shield - when he's blocking he keeps getting stunlocked, and when he attacks you stun him with shield.
6) slow time shout is your best friend(i can kill dungeons boss before it ends right now, and even before he hits me even once).
7) use heavy armor - just because Deadric Set looks so damn good.