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Thread: C3: Cube x Cursed x Curious

  1. #1
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    C3: Cube x Cursed x Curious

    "* Based on Minase Hazuki's C³ (C Cube/Cube x Cursed x Curious) light novel series.

    The story begins when a high school student named Yachi Haruaki receives a mysterious, super-heavy black cube from his father overseas. That night, Haruaki wakes up to a suspicious noise in the kitchen, and he discovers a fully naked female thief of rice crackers. The girl, Fear, is the first of several surprises that Haruaki receives." -AniDB

    Genres: Action, Contemporary Fantasy, Harem, High School, Magic, Novel, Pantsu, Seinen, Swordplay, Violence

    Links: AniDB, ANN, Official

    Episode 1 - UTW
    Episode 2 - UTW
    Episode 3 - UTW
    Episode 4 - UTW

    - - - - - --

    This both is and isn't quite an average and generic show. Like the genre list suggests, this is also a pantsu show, which goes hand in hand with being quite moe. However, this is also a violent and bloody action show, and the action happens to be good. The story isn't that complicated, for sure, but with the emphasis on graphics, mainly in the form of very bold lighting work, and the basic idea of healing the cursed tools, I wouldn't have expected a complicated story to begin with. This is directed by Ef's director and animated by a studio that assisted on Bakemonogatari, and that shows in the visual style.

    One good thing, contrasting some other random shows this season, is that the main character (voiced by Yuuki Kaji; Reitei Lyon of Fairy Tail, Ko of Hanasaku Iroha) isn't a loser. He's no one man army and is quite a relaxed dude, but when the situation requires, he does what a man should do. The female main character, Fear (voiced by Yukari Tamura; Togame of Katanagatari, Nanoha of Nanoha), is quite a complicated personality. She appears highly annoying in the beginning, but I suggest giving her a chance, because her behavior is indeed a direct result of her background. Other VAs include Minori Chihara (Chiaki of Minami-ke, Yuki of Haruhi) as the friendly neighbour girl (and quite a bit more), Eri Kitamura (Sayaka of Madoka, Kana Alberona of Fairy Tail) as the student body president. No problems with voice actors.

    I wouldn't exactly call this any masterpiece of anime making, but it has been entertaining and pretty enough for me to watch four eps and plan to keep watching.

  2. #2
    Sweet, this should keep my boredom at bay for a while

  3. #3
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    I don´t see how "bloody and violent action" makes this anime any more unique. We already saw stuff like "Kore wa Zombie desuka". And I´d bet there´s a ton of harem-anime that include violence. So, no, from the plot description and the design of the girl in the OP, yeah, this is about as generic as a new show can be.

    Which is sad, because it sounded kinda interesting when I read about the mysterious, black, super-heavy cube. But then it proceeded to "naked girl", sigh. Doesnt help that the girl looks like the one from Denpa Onna to Seishun Gakuen.

  4. #4
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    What makes this different from Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka and the like is that people get their arms chopped off permanently the tone is more serious in this one.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  5. #5
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    I don´t see how "bloody and violent action" makes this anime any more unique. We already saw stuff like "Kore wa Zombie desuka". And I´d bet there´s a ton of harem-anime that include violence.
    You clearly haven't watched enough generic harem yet. Although that's of course a good thing. But at the same thing it means you can't judge things with your lacking information. To put it short, generic moe pantsu harem is the worst anime genre that falls perfectly into the seen one seen all category. They don't include bloody violence that's directed well. They only include typically a loser guy surrounded by a host of girls fighting over him (in a girly, nonviolent manner) for god knows what reason. And that's it.

    There was also another description available for this show from ANN/Manga-Updates, but it revealed too much. So, I decided to use this short one that doesn't really describe the show all that well.

    It's not like I'd particularly try to praise this show. Like I said, this is far from the top shows of this season. However, it could be worth watching if you have got nothing better to do.

  6. #6
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 5 - UTW

    - - - - - - -

    This show it turning out far better than I expected - although to be honest I wasn't expecting anything out of it, so it's no miracle per se. This ep five was quite nice and I'm hoping the trend will continue.

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